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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Interesting. Where in Batavia was he?
  2. As alluring as Monday Quarterback Club meetings at The Polk-A-Dot sounds, no way in bloody hell will the new stadium be be built in Batavia. As they are playing up the Ontario angle, moving it farther away from the border makes zero sense. Personally, I'd like to see it downtown provided parking and tailgating options were well thought out. The tailgate scene at urban stadiums I've been to is pretty bad.
  3. I've lived in South Eastern Virginia right near the North Carolina line for almost half my life. It's not his accent I am referring to.
  4. Everybody stammers occasionally - especially when speaking off the cuff (like to reporters) - but I haven't noticed anything out of the norm. In fact, I think he's more articulate than his predecessor. To me, Whaley sounds like he has his isht together.
  5. It's always nice to read positives about the guys the Bills selected but call me cynical: I don't buy for one second that those are the words of a retired scout.
  6. He didn't create or write it, he just shared the link. My biggest issue with this is that it's scope is so limited. Broad jump, high jump, 40 time, etc play a role in measuring a player's athleticism but I don't think they are the be-all end-all measurements that the author seems to assume. As mentioned upthread, some of the ratings for backup through pro bowler seem far enough off that I think it pretty much renders this particular set of analytics moot.
  7. I'm thinking so. Earlier in the day Sammy tweeted to Chad something along the lines of "See you tonight."
  8. I'd say that particular narrative has a lot more to do with the player than the team.
  9. Players not good enough to make the team get cut every year, so no.
  10. Yep. It's only 13.5 minutes long and well worth a listen because they covered a lot of ground. I'm not saying he didn't say that - it is possible I missed it - but I only recall him saying he won't discuss negotiations in the media.
  11. Byrd - The team assigns grades and value to all players on the roster. Byrd is a very good player but he thought his value was higher than the team did. In fact, they paid Byrd more last year using the tag than they thought he was worth. Since the valuation and compensation were out of whack and because of the drama it would have brought to their off/pre season programs, they chose not to tag him. Johnson - Before the draft, the Bills reached out to all teams to get a feel for their needs and the positions where they're deep (and vice-versa). After picking Sammy, the Niners were well aware the Bills were (too) deep at WR and asked about Stevie. Stevie's a good WR who did a lot of good on the field and in the community, but when they weighed his production against the offer the Niners made, they made the deal because it was right in line with how the valued him and what they would need to get for him. Thanks to Stevie for everything and what player wouldn't want to go home and play for his hometown team? It was win-win.
  12. He had zero fumbles last season so I think we can consider that resolved.
  13. Is it okay for a straight player to kiss his girlfriend on camera when he's selected? It didn't bother me but if he's not comfortable with it for whatever reason, shouldn't that be okay? In a free country where people are allowed to speak the language they want, to worship (or not) the god they want, and live the lifestyle they feel is best for them, others are allowed to disapprove. IMO, it only crosses a line when people are not tolerant and respectful of those of whom they disapprove. And telling him that people like him are the reason it's a big deal is as disingenuous as it is disrespectful.
  14. Good find, thanks for posting it. I really like the way he runs after the catch at 2:49 and the way he snatches the ball from the DB for a TD at 3:02. This guy is an absolute beast!
  15. Woods had 12 fewer catches, had the same number of TDs, and averaged 3 more yards per reception. He's better than Stevie Johnson, period. I'm not a Stevie hater (although I hated his drops and stupid celebration penalties), but it's time to move on and go with players who are better.
  16. He's seems to make poor choices off the field, of that there is no doubt, and hopefully he'll have a mentor to help him with some of that stuff. But I don't recall him costing his team 15 yards with stupid and selfish look-at-me celebration penalties. That matters.
  17. Stevie Johnson has been a good player. Excellent? Not hardly. And perhaps the mouthbreathers are the people who are unable to assess a nuanced situation and instead go with the a knee jerk reaction. Consider: Stevie Johnson has been hurt every year for what, 2, 3, 4 years? I've lost track. Mike Williams and Stevie have virtually identical numbers, plus Williams is younger and cheaper. Woods has the makings of being a solid WR. Goodwin is a burner who can actually catch the ball. Watkins might end up being one of the best WRs in franchise history before it's all over. Hogan and Easley contribute on special teams, Stevie does not. As of this morning, Stevie was ony the 3rd or 4th best WR on the team and became expendable. It's doubtful Stevie's 2014 production could justify his contract. Stevie's getting older and it was smart to get value for him. Given the Ravens got a 6th for Boldin, a 4th/3rd conditional is a great move.
  18. I'm not surprised it happened, but I am surprised it happened so quickly. Thanks for (most of) the memories Stevie, and best of luck back home in SF!
  19. On GR this morning he said (paraphrasing) that after having some success he got cocky and lazy. He stopped doing the things that got him to where he was. After reflecting on it, he realized a couple of areas where he needed to focus to get back to where he wanted to be and credited that experience for making him the player and man he is today. So he messed up, learned from it, and grew. It's not atypical for 20 year old college kid. See: Alonso, Kiko.
  20. No argument, I loved E Moulds - I still have his jersey hanging in my closet. I didn't mean it as much as a swipe at Moulds and more of a compliment to Watkins. If the "experts" are wrong on half of what they say about him, Watkins could end up being the top WR in franchise history. Even Kiper said he was the best WR he's seen in 36 years of scouting players. Not one of the best, the best. That's a statement almost as bold as Whaley's trade and pick.
  21. I've read a lot baseless and unfounded posts over the years. This is certainly one of them.
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