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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Shelton has been playing great all year, and especially over the last 6 or 7 games. Now that Zach Thomas admits that noone has ever hit him harder, I'm an even bigger fan of Shelton's!
  2. Make sure the "remember me" box to the right on the log in screen is checked.
  3. Happy Birthday Nick! PS: Say "Whatsup" to the Queen for me.
  4. It's not legal, see my above post. And since he's a tackle on the roster (or more accurately, he does play OL on Special Teams), he can't wear a number in the 80s. OL are required to wear 50-79.
  5. The player (and only the player) is required to report to the Referee (the guy in the white hat, not side judges, umpire, back judge, etc.) of his eligibility on the following play. If he wants to be eligible on a consecutive play, he must report to the Referee again. When a player reports as eligible, the Referee notifies the defensive captain of the player's number and eligibility. These days, the Referee generally makes an announcement via his mic to satisfy that requirement.
  6. Campy appreciates thelackbear's opinion on this topic, but Campy would also like to suggest theblackbear checks out BillsAddiction.com. Campy says they stay on topic. But Campy also wonders why theblackbear uses spaces and title-caps in theblackbear's screen name, yet theblackbear always refers to theblackbear in the 3rd person sans spaces and caps. This doesn't make sense to Campy.
  7. History Channel has been showing it at 10PM EST. Unedited, but there are commercials. Last night was Bastogne.
  8. -Band of Brothers (WWII) -The Lost Battalion (WWI) -Glory (US Civil War)
  9. I completely understand what you're going through. My mom had a lengthy battle with cancer too. You, your father, and your family are in my prayers.
  10. No tiki bar. We arrived on a Friday evening, and left Sunday afternoon. We went up the road a spell to look at that really big house (I'm being intentionally vague), and it was all I could do to pull Teresa out of the gardens. We hit a big American-art type place after. On Sunday we spent some time on a morning horse ride and rented a boat for a few hours. We had just started dating, so we spent less time out and about than we probably would these days. That really is a beautiful part of the country.
  11. I'm about 99% sure I know where that is, Teresa and I spent a weekend at a really nice place on Buffalo Creek Rd. But I won't spoil it for the rest... Unless someone offers to buy me a beer, that'd lure it out of me.
  12. Interesting idea. I still think JP needs to see some game time or those FAs will be thinking "OK, the Bills went 10-6 or 9-7 with DB, but there's no telling what the rook will do."
  13. Missed this the first time (thanks for bumping it Fez). Congrats to you, the Mrs, and of course, JP! B)
  14. Methinks you have an overwhelming grasp of the obvious, I'd add that he must be fully recuperated first.
  15. Theisman comes across as condescending from time-to-time, but he does know a thing or two about the game. I like Maguire too (you can call me a Buffalo homer, I probably am). He comes up with stuff out of left field that makes me laugh out loud, and the bonus is that he'll tell Theisman to stick it. Mike Patrick is a very underrated (IMO) play-by-play guy. He knows how to call a game, whether it's a close one ot a blowout. And I love Suzy Kolber, she seems cool. I think I fell for her when I watched her host the Matchup Show. What a cutie, AND she knows football! It seems I'm in the minority, but I like espn's Sunday Night Coverage.
  16. I re-read his post and missed the "giving up" part. What makes you say he did?
  17. KRC are Ken's initials, so that makes three. As for me, my teammates used to call me Campy (last name is Campbell), and it kinda' stuck.
  18. Ditto. Although an honorable mention for the Jags game. It's more fun to go back home and watch them win than it is to go home and watch them blow it. Didn't Buddy the Wonder Dog remind the Bills that the Jags game was the TBD Tailgate?
  19. I'm not quite ready to get the bust started for his induction at Canton just yet, and Willis has a long way to go before he equals this man's greatness, but from a pure stylistic sense, Willis reminds me alot of Sweetness. Quick, fast, powerful, and a stiff-arm from hell. He'll juke once, but if the defender doesn't bite, he'll deliver the hit instead of receiving the hit. I love Travis, but Willis is clearly superior. And if he does get that extra burst of quickness back, Willis could be a real special player for a good number of years.
  20. One of Willis' plays I loved was on one of DB's interceptions, and because of the pick, probably went unnoticed. Willis went to chip their Right DE who was engaged with either Jonas or Marcus. Willis started low and exploded up, putting his shoulder right into the DE's chest. The DE went airborne and landed on his back - a huge block that was overshadowed by the pick. Anyone else notice that?
  21. You and I may disagree on some things at the PPP board, but you seem like like one of the good guys. Maybe you and Mrs stuckincincy should make plans to attend next year's home-opener and TBD Tailgate? It'd be nice to meet you. Shoot, half the fun is putting faces with the avatars and screen names!
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