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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Those CNJBB folks know how to do wings - they're ALWAYS good!
  2. Dump IE and switch to Firefox. I get no pop-ups on espn.com
  3. *sighs* Methinks I have a case of plate-envy
  4. It is... drumroll please... Campy Here's a thought: Maybe on the Consumer board we can start a Gamertag database? If it's been done before, I missed it, but it'd be kinda' cool to play with and against people we "know."
  5. Halo2 is a VERY good game. GTA I'm not as big a fan of because the way they mapped the controller in those series blows IMO. But it's still a pretty fun (if graphically weak) game. I expected more out of Soul Calibur2, I had the original on DreamCast, and it wasn't really improved upon. If you loved Spiderman 1, Spiderman 2 will blow you away. They have rendered Manhatten, and you can go from building to building and sling yourself across town just like in the movie. If it had a knock, I'd say that the side missions get repetitive in a hurry. Still worth picking up, especially if you can find a used copy at Gamestop or EB.
  6. Full Spectrum Warrior, Rainbow 6, and Ghost Recon 2. Halo2 is a great FPS, but I prefer "killing" earthbound combatants more than aliens. Also, take a look at Crusader: Kingdom Under Fire for a mix of tactical and button mashing hack-n-slash. I'm looking forward to Mercenaries in January and Brothers in Arms in March. They both look like they'll be good. Sega's ESPN Series. I have NFL 2k5 and NHL 2k5, they're both awesome. Also, if you like boxing, EA's Fight Night is good. Project Gotham Racing 2 or Need For Speed2: Underground I dunno, but check out this site for game reviews. I buy and trade-in games at GameStop all the time, so my collection is usually rotating. Lately I've been playing Ghost Recon2 and NHL 2k5 a lot. Just a couple of other suggestions, take a look at subscribing to the Official Xbox Magazine. They include a demo disc in each issue, and I've found some real gems in there. Even more importantly, I've played demos of games that I planned on buying only to play it for a few minutes and realized it sucks. That magazine has saved me a lot of money. Lastly, if you have broadband, you MUST get xbox Live (only $50/year). But even if you don't get Live, prepare to have your wife pissed that you're spending too much time playing games! Have fun, and enjoy!
  7. Kinda' makes me appreciate Pat and Sam all the more.
  8. Me too (on both counts). And while it's a long shot, it's a hellyuva lot more fun looking at Wild Card tiebreakers than it is debating who we'll take with the fourth overall pick, isn't it?
  9. I've conceded the first playoff slot to them, but I want them to lose this week. Depending on how things break over the next 3 weeks, having Pitt in Bflo playing to rest their starters a bit could help us, as Pitt hopefully will lock up home-field the prior week.
  10. Good news! Save some dough and a shorter commute. I'm glad it came through.
  11. Moot point as Bledsoe plays offense, not defense. But on offense, Bledsoe had a QB rating of over 130 against the NFL's top rated pass D. And remember, WM picked up 40 yards in what essentially was garbage time. That meant DB carried the team while WM had about 50 yards on the ground. I don't disagree with the overall gist of the post I just quoted though. It's a team game, and when the D and Special Teams play well, when the OL gives you time to make plays, when the RB picks up the blitz, and when the WRs don't drop too many balls, the QB will generally look pretty good. But in that game, it'd be tough to ask more from a QB than what DB did against their pass D.
  12. Inferior? Miami's pass D was ranked #1 in the NFL going in to the game on Sunday.
  13. What you're missing is the whole "lies and cover-up" part.
  14. Please remind us when this "grandstanding" by a republican president leading a republican Senate and House has occurred before. http://www.sun-sentinel.com/business/local...iness-headlines
  15. We interupt these rants to bring you the following bit of reality: McCain said that if pro sports don't do something, the government would have to get involved. I saw him say it, not "from what I've heard," which amounts to Hot Pocket soundbites. He said all pro sports, not just baseball, need to do something to ensure that players are not using performance enhancing - and illegal - substances, but he did not say he was proposing any legislation, provided the pro leagues do what's right. He also said as a sports fan, he'd like to see a testing program along the lines of the Olympics'. You may now return to blasting of John McCain...
  16. Bullworth with Warren Beatty - great film. And I agree with you regarding the comments of a company executive commenting on his charges. Sounds like a bunch of people need to hit Borders and pick up a copy of "Leadership for Dummies." You NEVER blast people in the organization to outsiders. Issues should be handled internally.
  17. If she's being represented by a Public Defender, they won't see much.
  18. Grasping at straws man. A QB rating over 130 is more than just "adequate," is it not? And remember, the Phins have the #1 ranked pass defense.
  19. It's a helluva lot more fun looking at tiebreaker rules than guestimating where in the top 5 we'll draft, isn't it? Things broke our way yesterday, and now it's do-able. We'll need Balt and Den to lose a couple to keep it going! GO BILLS!
  20. How would that be different? JSP: He's regained the form that had you wetting yourself in '02, hasn't he?
  21. Had he picked it up and run in for a TD, would you still think that?
  22. I wanted Mularkey to be named head coach as soon as his name surfaced. I think he'll be a very good coach in Buffalo for a very long time. Marv was a good coach for us, but I sure wouldn't want him back. And BTW, I am a Bills fan.
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