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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Appreciate that. Please remember that those chuckleheads are not indicative of all Bills fans. And we went through a spell in the 70's and 80's where we were pretty bad too. Hey, it happens. Most Bills fans have a healthy respect for the B'gals, and we look forward to a good game this Sunday. But the Bills will win it!
  2. They played "Christmas Cannon." Awesome - too bad you couldn't see it. Man those guys are good, I wish Teresa didn't have "Christmas Eve and Other Stories" in her car.
  3. The body language thing I don't buy. When's the last time JP jumped around and high-fived the O after scoring? A guy sitting on the bench wearing a coat is no big deal to me, and even if he's not happy, that's a far cry from being disruptive. That said, if you believe the source of the inside info enough to post it, I'll believe it too.
  4. An improvement, sure. But given that they essentially "borrowed" the right analog stick control from other sports games, it hardly qualifies as "innovative" IMHO. As I posted earlier, I don't care what they do with the series. Waiting 5 years won't kill me.
  5. Continue? EA hasn't done anything to "push the envelope" with their Madden series since it was the first game to release featuring 11-on-11. 989 was the first to use 3D polygonal characters, EA was still married to 2D sprites. Visual Concepts introduced online play in 1999 and online leagues in 2004. All Madden's done is follow suit and live off the brand. Madden's graphics have been virtually the same (big heads with zombie faces) for 4 years. If they're not innovative with competition, how can one reasonably conclude they'll be innovative without competition?
  6. A few have said TH is a "negative" and a "pouter" this season. Every quote I've heard and read from him since WM started has been positive. Now neither you or I would be too terribly happy with having our playing time cut or eliminated, and I imagine TH feels the same, but I think it's something of a leap to say his attitude is in the toilet. I'm not saying he's a saint - I'm just curious how we're reaching those conclusions about his attitude.
  7. What's the capitalistic way? Establishing a monopoly? Doesn't Microsoft get sued every other time you turn around for that? Or is refusing to pay hourly employees overtime the capitalistic way? Maybe pulling a backdoor deal to eliminate your closest competitor is the capitalistic way? The NFL can sign an exclusive licensing deal with Pepsi or FedEx, but consumers still have a choice. We can buy Coke. We can ship via UPS. THAT'S capitalism - you know, that whole free-market thingy? This deal shuts down one of the most innovative game development teams in the business - and that's a travesty, but more importantly, it reduces choices for football fans. Either buy Madden, or don't buy an NFL football video game. The latter is exactly what I'll be doing. And I'll watch EA interject more cross-promotion and advertising into their games (EA Game Trax is the lamest and cheesiest thing to come around in a long time), I'll watch prices rise, and true innovation drop. In the spirit of capitalism, I will not buy any EA games over the next 5 years, or longer if the NFL allows EA's monopoly to continue by renewing the deal. The NFL and EA have screwed us over.
  8. Not me. I held Kelly accountable. Despite the two down-linemen showed all game by NYG, Kelly kept trying to pass the ball. Wed should have run the ball 30-35 times between Thurm and Kenny Davis. Instead, we threw the ball. Add to that Andre Reed getting drilled (he may have been hurt a bit on that hit) and short-arming every ball thrown his way up to the last drive. That didn't help. But we just kept on throwing the ball. There's no way our I'm letting our offense off the hook for that one. Our D did their job, it should never have been close.
  9. Just keep your grubby EA hands off my NHL2K! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: ign.com
  10. I guess it's good for the soul to blow off some steam every now and then. I hope NFL2K5 releases roster updates for the next 5 years so I won't even be tempted to give EA any of my money. EA single-handedly killed the DreamCast by prominsing Sega they'd make 3rd party software only to give them the bird a few months before the console launched. They treat their employees like stevestojan and are defendants in more than a couple unfair labor practices suits. And because a relative upstart kicks the crap out of them, they shut them down, not by releasing a superior product - 9 out of 10 games they release are pure crap - but by throwing around money and suckering the NFL into an exclusive. I will NEVER buy another EA game. Screw EA.
  11. Thats just super. Now we'll be treated to crappy buggy online play without an alternative. I can't wait. [/sarcasm] :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: EA and that fat fugg poster boy of yours.
  12. Glad to hear about your dad. Be sure to let us know about more good news
  13. Luck = Preperation + Opportunity. We've been very well prepared (kudos to MM and staff), and the players have seized the opportunities.
  14. It'd be great if he can get 1300 this year. I'm excited about watching him throw stiff-arms around for 16 games next year. Man I love those!
  15. They even showed the replay. But I thought it was closer to midfield...
  16. Imagine, a whole new way to rip Bledsoe Cinci doesn't have a chance - we have too many playmakers on both sides of the ball (damn, it feels good to say that - and believe it!). And BTW, I've heard those twinkies were actually a pale magenta.
  17. Their #3 receiver, TE Mark Campbell, and his backup were out. We started the third TE and a guy who's been working the whole season at tackle (Peters) was the second TE. Not the only reason I'm sure, but that couldn't have helped.
  18. I wouldn't say they were "pleased" with each other either. I'd lean more toward "smitten."
  19. Just because they don't know it, it doesn't mean they're not done. Finis, the end, done.
  20. You never take a fair catch at the 10 - and yes, I'm serious. You take the chance that a ball that deep ends up in the endzone for a touchback. Taking the ball at the 10 isn't the brightest thing to do. Occasionally it wortks out, but is generally discouraged.
  21. A RB needs to make sure he has a handle before he gets too far ahead of himself reading blocks or the D. Ideally, as Simon said, the ball should hit the RB in the basket. Practically, this is a professional RB who should be able to adjust and take a clean handoff - even if it's a little high - as long as the QB puts the ball in front of him. WM needs to make the adjustment to take the handoff - it's on Willis.
  22. When did anyone ever condone calling for a fair catch at the 10? If you can pop one, go, otherwise, wave for a fair catch and run upfield to (hopefully) draw the coverage guys with you. You never take a fair catch at the 10.
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