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Everything posted by Campy

  1. I don't think anyone is arguing whether a minor should be exempt from prosecution if charged with a crime. As someone who believes that 98.9% of Psychology is BS, I believe the only objective method to guage a person's maturity is chronologically. IMO, minors should be treated differently than adult criminals. I don't think many here would condone doing away with juvenile centers in favor of putting minors in a general population prison, but it seems that's what some are advocating.
  2. Appian Way... anyone?... Bueller?....
  3. I don't disagree with that. But the law is the law. As Justice Kennedy said, "All juvenile offenders under 18 should be exempt from execution due to 'lack of maturity and an underdeveloped sense of responsibility.' Some under 18 have already attained a level of maturity some adults will never reach, but a line must be drawn... The age of 18 is the point where society draws the line for many purposes between childhood and adulthood. It is, we conclude, the age at which the line for death eligibility ought to rest."
  4. You must be over the age of 18 to vote, join the military, enter into a binding contract, operate heavy machinery, drive at night, buy cigarettes, buy firearms, buy pornography, or have an abortion without parental consent. Rightly-so or otherwise, people under the age of 18 aren't responsible for their actions in the eyes of the law, and you can't have it both ways...
  5. My maternal grandmother was conceived in Germany and born in Bflo in 1897. I'm going to take a wild stab here, but I doubt that neither she nor the people of German descent you know/knew in Bflo had very much to do with the atrocities committed throughout Europe.
  6. And/or or lack of mastery of the English language...
  7. Farm Fresh carries Blue, but I'm not sure if they have stores in Fla.
  8. Pulled hamstring, eh? I just figured you were doing it wrong!
  9. You're talking about Harrison? Strange how the memories of Jack Tatum and a paralyzed Darryl Stingley have faded from memory for Pats fans. Tatum was labelled as a dirty player by New Englanders, but somehow Harrison isn't? Are we just waiting until Harrison paralyzes somebody first?
  10. Yup. They also had a couple of breakdowns on ST, and Martz took most of the coaching duties away from April - and they became much worse. I remember reading about it when his name surfaced for the Bflo job and many of the TBD 'experts' were telling us we were billsfanone on ST because of April. Of all fans, Bills fans should know that you can't always make the coaches scapegoats. Case in point: Our once solid ST units fell apart after Dehaven was let go after the Homerun Throw Up. It's nice to see the respect our opponents give ST in Bflo again.
  11. I like the fact that although MM doesn't talk a lot, when he does, he speaks volumes. A no-BS kinda' guy. That and the fact that he's not afraid to make adjustments and changes where he thinks it will beneifit the team, and even more importantly, he won't make changes to appease anyone else (ie, regarding Bledsoe) if he feels it isn't best for the team. Like I said back when his name first came up, he's the real deal and will be a very good coach for Bflo for a good number of years.
  12. Me too. And it's just more fun to be optimistic about things which I have no control over.
  13. "WE" wanted him? Nuh-uh. Some of YOU did though.
  14. That was one of my favorite things about the NHL, that the players played for the sake of the game. Sure, getting off the farm in Alberta and being paid to play was a huge part of it, but it was to make themselves a living. Nowadays, they make themselves, their kids, their grandchildren, and their great-grandchildren a living. It's killing/killed the game.
  15. Interestingly, I saw him on espnews about an hour ago and he said the Jags (and NOT Bflo) will make the playoffs.
  16. As of 7:56 AM at Great Neck, Virginia Beach, it's 31F, 17MPH Winds, 46% Humidity, WInd Chill of 19F. And the forecast here is, like it is for the whole east coast, it's only going to get colder throughout the week. ..
  17. Although we did own the NFC in regular season play during those years, including 3-1 vs the NFC East in the SBXXV year ('90).
  18. I strongly disagree. Baker, Greer. McGee, McGahee, Kelsay, Evans, Clements, Williams, etc, etc...
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