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Everything posted by Campy

  1. By all accounts, Krumrie's drill is anything but cute, and it sounds like he's not the typical 45 year old man. There have been numerous stories about his physical conditioning and weight lifting habits. I'd say the problem with the Bills isn't that they're being too cute, it's that no one on the team can get the better of him on a wrestling mat. Krumrie's a bad-a$$.
  2. I changed the thread title so others wouldn't think I was referring to THAT MS!
  3. My wife is much better (and more frequent) blood donor than I am. She goes out of her way to hit the blood drives when she gets that little card in the mail. Me, on the otherhand, will donate if I'm there and they're there, but I don't go out of my way to do it - Which after typing that, I realize just how bad that sounds... Either way, those needles really bother me...
  4. Hi guys Below is an email my wife sent out to all members of our Bills Backers club. I was wondering if any VaBch/Norfolk-area Bills fans would be interested in helping us out with our MS Walk for a Cure this year. If you're unable to join us or if you live out of town but would still like to help, I am looking for sponsors. Please take a look at this web page and consider clicking on the "Sponsor Me" button to make a pledge as one of my sponsors for this year's Walk for a Cure. Thanks for taking the time to consider helping us.
  5. To paraphrase Tony Siragusa's answer of who the toughest OL was (I met him at one of Bruce's celebrity golf tournaments): "Getting knocked on your a$$ is no big deal, it happens to all of us, but so-and-so (I've since forgotten the guy's name) with the Steelers had the sharpest fingernails I've ever seen. My arms would be scratched up and bleeding after every game - I hated lining up over him, he wasn't great, but toward the end of a game, I just didn't want to line up over him, I wanted no part of him - and that's the difference between a good lineman and a punishing one - you just don't want to lineup against him."
  6. You just figuring that out? Believe me, it gets as old for some of us Bills fans as it does for you. BTW- tell Ramius I said "Hi!"
  7. I love the nasty edge that Ross Tucker has, and if I recall, he has experience at Center, so if Trey is moved outside, I'd like to see Tucker get a shot at Center. I think Tucker has the potential to be a very punishing lineman - he's borderline dirty, and IMO a power running team needs a couple of those down-and-dirty types on their OL. Villarial and Tucker fit that bill.
  8. In no particular order: Bobby Chandler Shane Nelson Darryl Talley
  9. I can appreciate what they're trying to do, but can't anybody come up with a catchier slogan than that?
  10. I'm not one to wear jerseys around for no reason, but I couldn't imagine not wearing one while watching the game with our Backers club.
  11. If memory serves, a player alledged that Moulds spat at him. Romo was caught and fined for it, so yeah, I'd say Romo's act is worse than Mould's alledged incident.
  12. Happy B-day to you, LewPort71 (and to my mother-in-law too)!
  13. I saw an AP article a month or so ago that said pretty much the same thing.
  14. Couldn't disagree more. I guess I don't see the value in picking a fight over a shopping cart.
  15. Funny, that was my first job too, which is why I always return them to the corral - I know I appreciated it when people put them in there for me, so I return the favor for some other kid that's starting off like you or I did...
  16. And it seems that there hasn't been an offer from either side as of right now: -From boston.com
  17. He didn't. This was his first visit, and he's not sure where he's off to, he hasn't talked to his agent about that yet.
  18. I'm afraid I don't. Those numbers were in a textbook for a sociology class I'm taking. The chapter is more about comparing and contrasting cultural differences in various regions of the world. Health-related issues and the prevalance of AIDS are covered (as are life expectancy, sanitation, diet, access to health care, etc), they really don't go into historical detail regarding the numbers.
  19. Those were great plays calls. Everyone executed their role and did a great job. I was lucky enough to get open and anytime I can help the... Wait a second. You meant that 'other' Campbell, didn't you?
  20. As an aside, I found our "great" defense's inability to stop their 2nd and 3rd string offense a helluva lot more disheartening than our offense's pitiful performance. The whole team laid an egg in that game.
  21. I think his rep as a fumbler doesn't help (although I think its been greatly exaggerated when looking at his career numbers), and his injuries over the past couple of seasons may have some thinking he's damaged goods. Also, he can't pick up a blitz or pass block, and he's never been a threat to receive out of the backfield...
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