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Everything posted by Campy

  1. My unsolicited opine: The difficulty with assigning blame on why DeMulling didn't sign with Buffalo is that it may very well have had nothing to do with TD or money. In fact, it's entirely possible that Bflo's offer was for more money. Perhaps DeMulling likes the idea of playing at least 8 games a season in a dome. Or maybe he and his wife agreed that by playing in Detroit he wouldn't have to sell his house and uproot his family since Detroit's much closer to Indy than Bflo is. My point being, unless or until we learn WHY DeMulling didn't sign with Bflo, all arguments one way or the other are moot, aren't they?
  2. Oh, no doubt. I try not to get too wound up over the offseason FA moves, or the lack of them. I trust that the brass at OBD knows a lot more about players' value and projected roles with the team than I do. It's also safe to say they have a better idea how much cap money they have and how much they anticipate spending on draft picks and UDFAs than I do. With all that being said, I find it interesting the way we fans talk-up players while Bflo is courting them, and then dog them when they sign elsewhere. d_wag's right in that if DeMulling was signed by a Bflo, an awful lot of us that are finding things wrong with him would be finding things right with him.
  3. I think you hit the nail on the head there d_wag.
  4. GuitarNoise.com has a lot of great info - including lessons covering everything from holding the guitar to chords to fingerpicking, 12-bar blues runs, and sweeping arpreggios. Lotsa' good stuff. Plus it's FREE! Also, check out Power Tab Editor. It's a simple guitar tab and midi program editor that allows you to import midi files, ASCII tab, or Power Tab format files to practice and jam with. You can browse some of the Power Tab songs at the Power Tab Archive. And before I forget - Like GuitarNoise.com's lessons, Power Tab and the songs are free! Just in case you aren't familiar with guitar tab, GuitarNoise.com has a section that tells you how to read it. If it's new to you, don't worry, reading tab is very easy, much much easier than reading standard musical notation.
  5. Many people seemed to have forgotten about the trade that brought him here. It was the subject of a thread yesterday - one in which R.Rich posted. My post was a tongue-in-cheek reference to R.Rich and that thread.
  6. I won't claim to play as well as Azalin (or most anybody else) but this is what I did: Learn the major open chords, then the minor chords, and lastly, the sevenths. Check out Fretboard Logic. There are three volumes (easy, intermediate, advanced), but the cheapest way to go is to buy an omnibus-type version. From there you can play (or at least fake) just about damn near anything.
  7. OK. RJ was the worst Free Agent ever.
  8. Google's a beautiful thing http://www.recognitionexperts.com/amerksmerchandise.htm
  9. I'm not sure I like that idea, afterall, where would we put the threads about the music IN video games?
  10. FWIW, I replaced my faulty cable modem yesterday, so I shouldn't have any difficulties responding to pledges & donations. *knocks on wood* By all means, feel free to send PayPal to prosetcorp@cox.net or PM me for my mailing address. Checks sent via snail mail can be made out to National MS Society. If you'd prefer to send your pledge directly to Fezmid, that works too. Either way, we'll see to it that you get your DVDs and that your pledge will go to help in the fight against MS! Thanks all!
  11. Good point. If you let it sit, the Bailey's will curdle, and that wouldn't feel good in ye olde belly!
  12. Haven't seen the movie, but believe me, after two or three of those, he won't have to worry too much about the taste of alcohol! Just buy a cheap domestic and nurse it all nite! Irish Car Bombs are awesome - I'd suggest everyone tries one on St Paddy's Day - BUT don't even think about getting behind the wheel after a couple of 'em. Despite the soft taste, they pack a pretty powerful punch.
  13. Irish Car Bomb. Equal parts Bailey's Irish Cream and Irish Whiskey in a shot glass. Drop the shot glass in a half-pint of Guiness. Has the same consistency as chocolate milk and tastes like a chocolate mint. Good stuff. But it's not for nursing, it's for chugging.
  14. I guess I'm not sure how a player choosing to leave and play elsewhere for substantially more money is "bad terms." Outside of Bledsoe, I can't recall hearing that any former Bill is PO'ed at TD or the organization - and even Drew seemed to understand (perhaps not agree, but understand all the same) the decision to release him...
  15. Say it ain't so, TD!! [/sarcasm]
  16. I received a PM asking about the PayPal fees, and they person indicated that they'd prefer the money not go to an eBay spinoff when it's intended to go to the Nat'l MS Society. For the past 5 or 6 years I've participated in the MS Walk For A Cure, the morning of the event I sponsor myself for $150. What I'll do this year is add any PayPal fees that were taken from your total pledge and add that to the $150. By doing so, I'll cover the PayPal fees and all of the money you intended to reach the Nat'l MS Society will reach them and will be used to help find a cure. So far, TSW has raised $187 in pledges! We're still a little short of the goal ($300), but we are closing fast!!!!! At the risk of sounding redundant, I sincerely thank you. -Chris.
  17. Thanks for the question Fezmid. If you or anybody else would like to send a check, it can be made payable to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. PM me and I'll respond with my mailing address. Otherwise, a donation via PayPal can be sent to me at prosetcorp@cox.net, and I'll be sure to add it to my other offline pledges. Again, thanks to all of you for your support. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your generosity. -Chris.
  18. Buffalo - Amherst (Snyder) - Le Roy, NY / 36 / Virgnia Beach, VA for the past 13 years.
  19. I want to thank those of you who've sponsored me in the MS Walk for a Cure. Every week, 200 people are told they have Multiple Sclerosis, and every one of those people wake up hoping today isn't the day they lose their eyesight, or that today isn't the day they won't be able to walk, or that day won't be the day they're unable to hug their wife and kids. For those of you who've sponsored me, thank you for bringing us that much closer to a cure. For those who haven't, please click here to read my story and consider making a pledge right there on the website in an amount with which you're comfortable. As of right now, TBD members have pledged $100 - which is awesome! We're still $200 away from goal, and while we may not make the goal, I know we can get a helluva' lot closer! Be it $25, $10, $5, or $1, any amount you're able to pledge is greatly appreciated, afterall, it all adds up! Thanks again. -Chris.
  20. Am I the only person who doesn't follow?
  21. Interesting to hear Pork Chop and especially Marcelus (the NYG TE). He (Marcelus) said his visit went well enough that if the Bills were to make a decent offer, he'd take it and cancel his visits with other teams. Not used to that type of candor from a FA. Thanks for the link Zakk, er, Daninator.
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