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Everything posted by Campy

  1. We're providing a nation that India has been at or near a state of war with for damn near forever with attack fighters. Perception is reality, and India percieves that we're supplying their age-old enemy with the tools with which to threaten them. BTW I only pointed out that it doesn't sit well with India. If you were an Indian, this move wouldn't sit well with you either. You'll note however, that I didn't condemn the choice to sell fighters to Pakistan, but I'm not surprised by the response. That's the problem with viewing the world from an ethnocentric perspective. As far as where I get my news, believe you me, it's more than one source - and they all quote the Indian government as saying that they aren't happy with the sale - but thanks for your "concern."
  2. As someone who never lets fact get in the way of their opinion, I'm not sure you're qualified to make that statement. To wit: Full story
  3. Unfortunately, that message means F-U to the average Indian.
  4. Damnit tater. If you're one to reserve ice time, I wish you'd move down here. I can get a group of 20 guys together who would do it in the drop of a hat. But then again, unlike you up there, I'm in a traditional hockey market. Maybe it's the demographics of internet message board users, but I can't belive you don't have a 3 page thread going here. Granted, it can be a fairly expensive sport to get started in, but still... Has playing hockey decreased in popularity since I moved down here (13 years ago)?
  5. I had a roommate who was an electrician at a packing plant in Smithfield, VA. Truth be told, you're better off not wondering, there are some pretty nasty things that go on in those places. It's the reason I went from ordering steaks and burgers medium-rare to well-done.
  6. Wow...I can honestly say I haven't thought of Cavages in years, but all the same, I'm sorry to hear of his passing. But I do remember a certain K-Tel 8-track called Dynamite that had Roch-n-Roll Hootchie-Coo, Takin' Care of Business, This Flight Tonight, and a bunch of other great tunes on it. It was an X-mas present from... Cavages!
  7. Was it that miss, or was it TH not reaching the endzone in Oakland, or Villarial's holding against Jax, or Clements not knocking the ball down in the same game, or... It's a 16-game season played by a team of 53 men. Assigning all the blame on one play or one player as the reason Bflo missed the playoffs doesn't make much sense to me.
  8. He was 10 of 11 from 30-39 yards last season...
  9. In his rookie year he had 194 rushes and averaged 4.3 yds per carry. His second year he rushed for 1124 yards on 300 caries, a 3.7 average. His third year he averaged 3.7 yds per carry, and 3.5 his last year in Buffalo. Most would agree that those are pretty respectable numbers.
  10. Hold on... There are buttloads of federal buildings in Virginia. There are 10 military installations including all branches of the US Armed Forces, CIA, and NATO within just 25 miles of my house. We Virginians are also deprived of our natural resources, eg deep water ports. Where's our money?
  11. Wow man, that goes back to my lurking days. I believe it was Tidewater - What a piece of work that guy was.
  12. I chose right-wing nut jobs, but only because they're more dangerous right now, they're in charge.
  13. That's a trip. If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna' pour me a tumbler of Glenfiddich and stare at it a while.
  14. I've seen that 1st one before. I thought it was so cool I bookmarked it. It freaks Teresa out to the point that it made her feel nauseous, and nobody, I mean NOBODY I've shown it to believes that it's a static image.
  15. Ah, China, that's who I thought you meant, I just wanted to make sure. If the only way to compete with them is to emulate them, I'd rather not. Check it out - I worked in a union shop while in college in the mid-late 80's. The Japanese were kicking our butts, so the union officers and management officers sat down, took a very genuine, no BS look at the market and our numbers. The union called a meeting, and the membership unanimously agreed to cuts - deeper cuts than management sought. One of the reasons we did that is because senior management agreed to take salary cuts. In addition, they volunteered to cash in their options and along with their bonuses, re-invested it all into the company. The cuts have since been restored (a bunch of friends I see every September still work there), and things are relatively good there nowadays. But it takes both parties to stop their bluffing and BS'ing, knock off the finger-pointing, and take a serious look at making effective concessions for the benefit of those to whom they are responsible, namely the company and its shareholders. Blaming unions for all of the ills is convenient, but fairly myopic IMO.
  16. Mandatory 12-hour workdays, a 6 six day work week, the exploitation of blacks and immigrants (via padrones), and children being plucked from orphanages to be forced into dangerous labor were the norm. The Knights of Labor were the first organized labor group (not including farmer co-ops). They won 8-hour workdays and protection for children via child labor laws, although it took bloodshed and occasional rioting to do so. But I'm not sure I'd call that a "golden age" of anything...
  17. Happy Birthday to our resident Training Camp reporter extraordaniare! btw- You've already submitted your request for days off from work this summer to cover the Bills for us, right?
  18. I thought it was because Donahoe doesn't want the Bills in the playoffs.
  19. I see a lot of people have that opinion. To me, the best part of Jamaica was that our cab driver/tour guide took us off the beaten path after we told him we wanted to get some authentic non-touristy jerk chicken. He took us to his home, a modest little shack in the mountains that overlooked Dunns River Falls and the sea, and fed us some that his wife had been making. For the cynics out there, I offered him money, but he and his wife wouldn't take it. He said too few tourists appreciate "real" Jamaica, and this was his way of exposing us to "Jamaican hospitality mon." He took us through some areas that were pretty rough, but he seemed to know damn near everybody, and we felt quite safe. Getting off the beaten track and away from the tourist traps are something Teresa and I like to do. What's the point of visiting a place if you can't see what it's really like?
  20. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I have to admit that Tuesday's tantrum-like rant kind of peed me off - it was rather unprofessional IMO, but all-in-all, TH gave his all over the past few seasons. Unfortunately for him, that wasn't enough to keep him on the field ahead of WM.
  21. I really didn't use it as part of an argument. All I posted was that I was glad to see most Americans don't approve of the government's intervention into people's private affairs. But I'm sorry if your misunderstanding of my post has caused you to lose some respect for me. Maybe one day I'll regain some of that wobegone respect.
  22. The preceding post has been a service of the South Dakota Visitors and Commerce Board.
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