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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Truly. I guess he's never been to an Episcopal church.
  2. I dunno'. I like Allen Wilson, I think he does a pretty good job - especially compared to some of the other hacks covering not only the Bills, but the NFL as well.
  3. Reading their board was interesting. I guess I never really thought that anyone cared that much about the Cardinals. It also reminded me how lucky we are to have had the success we've had over the years...
  4. Mary, your mom and you are in my thoughts.
  5. I think it's less a reflection on Bobby Chandler and more an effect of having one of the greatest running backs to ever play the game on the team.
  6. Before I read the caption I thought it was some training net to make the goaltender work harder in practice. I don't mind the lack of scoring, the Arena league for example, just isn't more exciting to me just because they score 180 points a game. I know a lot of people agree with you Pete, but I'm just not convinced that the 2 line pass being legal will do anything to help the game -nor will I ever be unless/until they actually do get rid of it. If anything, I think it would reduce the forecheck as teams sit back in an even more conservative "prevent" defense to eliminate the homerun pass. With the 2 line pass, teams can afford to send at least one forechecker in - even in the trap - which I personally thinks gets too much blame for what's wrong with the game. IMHO, if they'd ever get around to actually enforcing the hooking, holding, and interference penalties already on the books, bring back the touch-up offsides, and eliminate the instigator penalty, hockey would be more fun to watch.
  7. I've been wrong before too. But only once.
  8. Wrong on so many counts my friend. According to the Constitution: Article III - : section 1 - The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. <- This is the part that created the Supreme Court section 2, clause 1 - The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made <- This is the part that means they are the ultimate judges. Like all judges, what they rule on sets legal precedent, but because of section 1, there's no going higher than them. No court, no judge, no congress is above the Supreme Court, nor do they have "congressional power," whatever that means. section3, clause 1 - Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. <- Do you really think they're guilty of treason after reading this country's definition of treason?
  9. His EKG went flat, but there's no word yet from the Vatican (yet). Sounds like he's gone.
  10. I guess the author forgot that the president said he no longer thinks about him?
  11. The short answer is, yup, I have some Irish in me, and it was Green for a time. In any event, I'm much more Scots/Protestant than Irish/Green or Orange. I don't have the patience to research geneology. Luckily for me my grandfather, uncle, and father were all very much in to it, and now that the research has been done, I love reading about it. I'm either an Ulster-Scot or Scots-Irish, depending on who you talk to. A family picked up and moved from Scotland to Ulster when times were peaceful. They were Protestant, but married into, and had children that were Green. After a couple of generations, Cromwell began his genocidal march through Ireland. One of the grandchildren of that first generation to settle in Ulster was killed defending the Green (over in Limerick if I recall). Several other members of the then extended family were put to death for supporting the "insurrection." All of the remaining members of the family joined with other Ulster-Scots and Oranges in fleeing from either Cromwell's tyranny and/or reprisals by Greens by returning to Scotland. Once there they had to, among other things, convert to the Anglican Church in an attempt to regain ancestoral priviledge and title and to reclaim ancestoral land in Argylle. By all acounts they relatively successful given that they had supported the Irish "rebels." I'm a single line direct descendant of that family. I know, I know, more than you ever cared to know, but there be but a wee bit o Green in me bones.
  12. I think the board reflects society as a whole, but before I cause this thread to be moved to PPP, I'll let it go. On a more topical note: Not being Roman Catholic, I'm not as well-versed on JPII as some of you are. I may disagree with RC doctrine more often than not, but there is little doubt that when history looks back upon JPII's tenure as pontiff, he'll be highly regarded - as well he should be. He's in my prayers.
  13. I think it's "patience is no longer considered a virtue."
  14. Dumb and Presumptuous Responses to Ken?
  15. Holy Stevestojan! I agree with JSP on something! This can't be good.
  16. Agreed on all counts todd, but think Mularkey should get some credit as well. It's he, who unlike his predecessor, that gave the green light to the STs coach to use the best athletes on the team to play on ST. Congrats all the way around!
  17. Same thing was said about the Philipines. And that took only 48 years.
  18. Good luck with your appearance. For the sake of us out-of-towners, be sure to let us know how it went and who the mystery guest was!
  19. Either way, I hope this thread follows suit.
  20. Sorry to hear that. Both he and you will be in my thoughts.
  21. She died sometime this morning.
  22. Well said Fezmid. The total contribution from TBD/TSW is.... (drumroll please).... ........ $417.00!!!!! A sincere Thank-you to each and every one of you! I'll let you know final totals after the Walk on the 10th. In the meantime, if you'd still like to get involved, click my sig and sponsor me online via the MS Society's website
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