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Everything posted by Campy

  1. I'm not sure I'm following how the amount of spam in your inbox can be used to evaluate an ISP. What would the ISP have to do with it?
  2. Typical Brit. If only we could get you to come out of your shell and tell us how you really feel.
  3. And at the end of the day, that's really all that matters
  4. The guy's dirty. For the life of me, I don't understand how he's lasted this long.
  5. While the RJ-EM workout wasn't true, Flutie & EM did workout together in the offseason and say what you will about Flutie, but that was a break out year of sorts for Moulds. Hopefully JP and Lee will have similar success.
  6. A full page of posts with adults in an uproar because a freakin' puppet advocates a healthy diet? Now that's either very funny or very sad. Or maybe a bit of both.
  7. You did hear him say that. He said that he wanted TH to show his worth to make sure he didn't get short-changed on a new deal (great spin by DG). I guess the braintrust at espn missed that interview...
  8. I was referring to his overall ineptitude, but since you asked: Port security is non-existent. Border security is equally pitiful. Nuclear power plants are virtually unprotected. We are selling military hardware to nations of questionable stability in W Asia & the Mid-East. Tthe White House has failed to notify the House and Senate intelligence committees of all intelligence-gathering activities as they're required by law. Not allowing the UN (or any other human rights organization) to have an unmolested inspection of Gitmo. American citizens being detained without due process and a speedy trial. We went into Iraq and have spent what, 1/2 a trillion dollars there? We've lost over 1200 US soldiers. And this was done under the guise of the GWOT. Of course, I'm just basing that on what the administration told us, which you have already informed us poor huddled masses that we should not consider when evaluating the president and his administration's performance. Try to keep in mind that the GWOT doesn't occur in a vacuum. I suppose selling pseudo-wars and military hardware does have its short-term benefits, but throughout history, these things always come back to bite America in the arse. Always.
  9. Replace "this draft sucks" with "TD sucks" and I think you might be on to something
  10. We did... (Disclaimer: we've since moved and have digital cable at our new place, and for the most part, we're pretty happy. Of course, we'd be a helluva lot happier if NFL Network was added to the lineup, but our phone, internet, and cable all being on one bill is nice and we're saving a lot of money. Their techs and cust service have been not stellar, but adequate all the same.)
  11. Consistently inept perhaps, but that's a topic for a different thread. And as far as focusing on press conferences, your point is taken. I should have known better than to expect this adminstration to communicate their priorities and agenda. My bad.
  12. I dunno 'bout that. Here in Va Bch it's not uncommon for summertime temps to remain in the 80s all night and the AC will run regardless of what time the clock on the wall shows. When it's hot, it's hot.
  13. That's a great idea! I was surprised that the image of the stadium was so relatively old, with the old turf and red endzones and all. I wonder if they'll ever get around to getting a new image of the stadium with the new turf?
  14. Playing around with the google satellite thingy and I stumbled upon this view of the Ralph. It looks cool, but I somehow expected it to look differently. To my eyes, it's easy to see how it's built down into the ground and not up like most other stadiums.
  15. As does trying too hard to be eloquent. Consider working on sentence structure before trying to impress us with your vocabulary.
  16. It's tough to say without knowing what you already have, but a friend of mine decorated and furnished his house using these guys. Decent selection and good prices are tough to beat.
  17. I saw ManMythLegend's thread about Zubaz, and it got me wondering - "How popular are they are now and how popular were they then?" I wasn't a fan of them, but maybe I'm in the minority, I dunno.. Do you like them? Did you ever wear them? Do you wear them now?
  18. Zubaz? Why the hell would you want them? They rank right up there with parachute pants for late 80s/early 90s joke punchlines. Ah well, to each his own I suppose.
  19. OK, lest I put words in your mouth, do you believe bin Laden is a priority of this administration's War on Terror, yes or no? Since I never said nor implied that, I am not sure why you feel it necessary to put words in my mouth. Do you disagree with my suggestion that if bin Laden is killed that another leader will essentially fill the same role, eg, al Zarqawi? (hint: see your own words below) I'm fairly sure that I'm the one who posted that bin-Laden is no longer a priority. Given the context of that post, it should be fairly clear that my belief that this is the most likely reason why he's still alive (assuming he is). NB, I'm not disagreeing with your premise of effective CT strategies. I'm only stating bin Laden's simply no longer a priority of this administration. Sorry if using the presidents own words to make my point tripped you up a bit. I didn't mean to make it so hard for you to jump to his defense.
  20. I agree. I've always liked TH, it's just that WM is better. I hope he ends up in Az and has a monster couple of years.
  21. FWIW- When everyone was gung-ho to see him dead, I was called a "terrorist-loving scumbag" because I said pretty much the same thing as you did above. Would I shed a tear if he was dead? No. But killing him would only create a power vacuum and there's no telling how evil his succesor would be. The bigger issues are to address whatever motivation they have to carry out such an act, and to tighten up security. Killing bin Laden accomplishes neither of these, and in retrospect, our country's actions since 9/11 may very well have fueled the former. In any event, I'll take your above response as a "yes Chris, we agree that bin Laden's no longer a priority."
  22. So you agree that bin Laden's no longer a priority then, correct?
  23. Or maybe it's because bin Laden's no longer a priority of the current administration. "I don't know where he is.You know, I just don't spend that much time on him... I truly am not that concerned about him." Source: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/20...20020313-8.html
  24. Since one's already been built, why don't we just go there instead?
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