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Everything posted by Campy

  1. He did registered in October of '04, so it's not like he hasn't been here before. When I first joined under my other username (in '99 or 2000), I lurked for a half a year before I began posting regularly. Maybe the same is the case with BeachBum?
  2. IMO it's time to take a flier on Jerome Collins from ND. He may amount to nada, but he's big, strong, fast, and naturally athletic. The other stuff like route running and blocking technique can be taught. Since he went to ND he's gotta' be somewhat intelligent - or at least intelligent enough to learn the finer details of the TE position.
  3. They've opened at home every year since '99 when they went to Indy. I think they're due for a roadie.
  4. I'm not sure what you mean. Is it because they would be an economic power to challenge the US or is it for some other reason?
  5. Episcopalians have baptisms, and depending on who you talk to it can be for a couple of different reasons. Baptisms may be performed on adults, but generally are performed on young children/infants, so I'll refer to the person being baptised as such- Baptism is often viewed as receiving the infant into the church, with the congregation avowing to help the child learn to live a Christian life. The priest blesses water and uses it to put a mark or seal (a cross on the forehead of the infant) to symbolically show that the infant is a child of Christ. There are probably different takes on baptism, but that's mine.
  6. Each individual church seems to have their own unique rules and norms - regardless of denomination. A donation to the church would certainly be appreciated, but whether it's expected is something to ask your clergyman. As my father was clergy, I can tell you that your average priest/pastor is most probably grossly underpaid. A tip to him (whatever works for you - $50, $100, whatever) would likely never be requested, but would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Yeah, good stuff. I feel smarter just by reading it.
  8. Great news Astro - I trust that both grandson and mom are well? Congrats! Vander Busch signed elsewhere, so get your arse in gear and get that high-energy kid to OBD ASAP!
  9. It's actually spelled "hymen," but I was unaware that these near extinct beings were elevated on the evolutionary chart to being a unique race. But Hymen Race does have a nice, if not familiar, ring to it.
  10. Back to the orignal topic of this thread... Being of Scottish descent, and being the only Waller that I'm aware of to use the Ancient Scots language below his avatar, I feel somewhat obliged to chime in. Like the great majority of Scots, I'm not Roman catholic. But booing during a moment of silence to honor a man of peace, regardless of his (perceived) faults, seems fairly crass to me. As a desendant of their descendants, I'm more than a little embarassed by my brother Scots' 'behaviour.' It's shameful. Based upon my experience, that unfortunate event isn't the least bit indicative of the great majority of Scots.
  11. The phrases "right to privacy" and "right to a fair trial" aren't in the Constitution either, so I'm not sure I follow your point. Are you claiming that those are rights we shouldn't have because that exact verbiage isn't used?
  12. In addition to the Hippocratic Oath that they take, the American Pharmacists Association has the following in their Code of Ethics: "A pharmacist promotes the right of self-determination and recognizes individual self-worth by encouraging patients to participate in decisions about their health. A pharmacist communicates with patients in terms that are understandable. In all cases, a pharmacist respects personal and cultural differences among patients." For a pharmacist to deny the patient/customer with healthcare by failing to fill a properly prescribed perscription is a violation of their own Code of Ethics.
  13. The truth is that there were several instances of voting place irregularities. Regardless of who one votes for, I would think that all voters would have an interest in seeing them resolved. As for his "crying about the election," the article points out that "Kerry has never disputed the outcome of election, saying voting irregularities did not involve enough votes to change the result."
  14. Went through something very similar with my mother. Her passing was expected, but it doesn't mean it sucks any less. There may not be much solace in this, but I undertsand. You and your family are in my thoughts.
  15. I have a friend of mine (and former coworker) named Matt who was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in December of '04. In November he was as healthy and as "normal" as normal could be. By February he could only walk by using a cane. He moved back home to be nearer to his parents in Carlisle, PA, but just today I learned that he's now in a wheelchair and is unable to walk. He was a health-nut, he worked out daily and ran marathons "for fun." I guess it just kind of shows that MS does not discriminate. Please keep Matt in your thoughts and prayers - he truly is a good guy with a good heart, and he really doesn't deserve this fate. On a related note, I'd like to thank all of my friends at TBD/TSW. This morning was the Hampton Roads MS Walk For A Cure at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront. In no small part due to the sponsorship and pledges of all of you folks, we raised over $1400 to help find a cure for MS!!!! A great number of you offered pledges, while others of you offered your thoughts and well-wishes. I'm truly grateful. If you have the resources, please consider sponsoring our own Rockpile in the Rochester MS Walk For A Cure. The average Joe Six Pack (not THAT JoeSixPack) would be surprised to learn how many of us regular and semi-regular TBD/TSWers have MS. Any sponsorship that you can make on Rockpile's behalf will not only help to find a cure and prevent MS, but will do the same for associated conditions like Devics Syndrome. I know, I never heard of it before either, but close one eye, look through an empty cardboard paper towel roll with the other, and you have a pretty good idea of what Devics is like - trust me. Again, thank you for supporting me in today's MS Walk, please consider sponsoring our friend Rockpile, and please keep my friend Matt in your thoughts and prayers. Slainte' -Chris.
  16. If your wife truly agrees with you, she needs to be the person to set her mother straight.
  17. So I'm not kicked off for personal attacks, would you mind doing something about that avatar?
  18. I have a friend who is a supervisor with Geico here in Va Bch who told me a little about how they pay. While obviously you're right that he won't get rich working there (who gets rich working for somebody else - outside of pro athletes?), Geico pays it's employees based on regional factors such as cost of living, tax rates, and property values. Virginia employees are amongst the lowest paid in the company while NYC employees are the highest. Geico is going to pay Bflo employees at the same rate that NYC employees are being paid. Relative to other local company's employees, Geico employees in Bflo will be much better off. His same job in Bflo will give him an automatic 20% pay increase. He's not originally from Bflo but he's seriously considering a move.
  19. Actually, the US and the EU are considering re-imposing quotas on Chinese imports because of concern that the number of imports, particularly textile imports, are harming domestic industry. If that happens, then China would close their doors to us and the EU, and that would eliminate a very profitable market for EU- and US-manufactured goods. Looking at American history, protectionist trade policies haven't been very successful, but it seems almost like a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario.
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