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Everything posted by Campy

  1. I kinda' wish we didn't have to go to New England to get our arses handed to us in Prime Time again this year Hopefully the Bills will finally win up there this season. Lord knows they're due.
  2. I think he's still getting the TBD tix but not the individual game tix later in the year. At least I HOPE he's still getting the TBD tix!
  3. Exactly what polls are those? According to a CNN/USA Today/Gallop poll, 53% said the war wasn't worth it and 54% disapprove of Bush's handling of the war. http://www.pollingreport.com/iraq.htm
  4. You probably know that I'm no fan of Bush, and your point is taken, but 48% of that trade deficit increase can be directly attributed to the increase in the cost of oil (no link, I read it last night somewhere, but I'm sure that it can be googled). There are numbers being released on Friday (by the DoC?) that will shed more light on the trade defiicit as it includes cash flows. I'll be intererested in seeing the foreign money coming in. I think it will probably show some record high levels. I also believe that it will show the begining of a trend whereby foreign loans will tighten and the fuel for the blank check policies of our fearless leader and his cohorts will slow to a relative trickle.
  5. I hope they don't get any. And I hate 4PM games too. Totally screws up my drinking recovery time.
  6. Shroomin' and well-armed Now I know why God put Canada between you and the rest of us!
  7. I understand the concept of ad agencies fairly well from my days at Eagle 97 and espn 1310 AM. It seems that the wife served in an agency type of set up. The difficulty is that she pocketed 30K on a 60k ad buy. Normal agency discount runs +/- 15%, not the 30% she took. That's wrong.
  8. You're right. At least those listeners had an excuse for believing it. There is a reason that DaVinci Code isn't in the Historical or Religious departments at Borders. It's a make believe story with historical and religious overtones.
  9. I don't have the same opinion of Shelton as you do I guess. I think he'd be an upgrade over Gandy from all I've read, but I don't see myself getting too wound up about trading for an average T. Of course, I remember TD saying "We're comfortable starting the season with Alex as our quarterback." A couple of weeks later he landed a QB who was regarded as being infinitely better than any of our available options at the time. As TD says, "stay tuned."
  10. I admire the enthusiasm and resolve you display by defending your position in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
  11. I'm of the opinion that God gave us freewill to make our own choices and that He'll pass judgment on all of us later. I guess we'll all find out then.
  12. No arguments regarding the band - but I was suggesting an amp and a mic to be used to make announcements such as "cable and Mrs Campy will be coming around with tickets" and "time for the raffle" - stuff like that. I'm looking forward to this year's tailgate already!!!
  13. Since we're using our hindsight goggles, I wonder who Sullivan envisions as our starting RB for the first part of last season since Willis wasn't ready to carry the load?
  14. Orson Welles claimed that his breaking news wasn't a hoax and even had "reporters," "law enforcement," and "eye-witnesses" who helped him report the dire situation to the American people. Do you think he really believed that little green men were attacking America?
  15. Good point. In concept the UN is a great idea (IMO), but they have been pretty damned efficient at making themselves irrelevant. If Bolton's too abrasive he'll be stonewalled, but if he can be somewhat conciliatory, then he at least has a chance. I think he'll have an uphill battle for two reasons: one, he'll be looking to implement change, and two, he's an American and from what I've read a good part of the world is concerned we are going to try to manipulate the UN to do our bidding. Only time will tell, but if he's approved, I do hope he can help bring some modicom of relevancy (back?) to the UN.
  16. No argument there, but I'm not convinced that an Ambassador who holds as much disdain for the UN as Bolton appears to is going to be an effective agent for change.
  17. I imagine that if Americans were the victims of atrocities such as the Rape of Nanking (over 396,000 civilians killed, over 80,000 women and girls raped) we'd be protesting quite vocally.
  18. N VA and MD are nice, but I'm afraid I can't really offer advice for lack of knowing much about the places you mentioned. I'm sure there are plenty of people here who will be more than happy to share the pros and cons of their experiences in the towns/areas you mention. Whichever you choose, best of luck to you!
  19. Wellsville - so THAT'S whats wrong with you!! Just kidding- I grew up in LeRoy and we used to play Wellsville in B-ball. Truth be told, the biggest difference my mother noted as a youngster were the blackout curtains and a knock on the door from a CD officer if any light was showing out of your house. They had rations of course, but they still went to the theater to see plays, musicals, movies, and the BPO. Her dad served in WWI, so he wasn't going to fight WWII, and life for them was as normal as it could be given that we were fighting a war there was no gaurantee we'd win. But day-to-day for her wasn't painful in the least.
  20. I didn't ask if the domestic life of WWII was similar to the Roaring 20's. But the economy did get a boost. In fact, our arms sales received a nice bump as we sent copious amounts of munitions and vessels to England under the Lease-Loan program (we couldn't sell them because of the legislated prohibition on arms exports following WWI). Wars do provide a kick to our economy. Bodies are needed to fight, bodies are needed in the factories to replace those that go to fight and unemployment drops. The implements of war are required to be manufactured in greater quantities, and that proves to be a boon for defense suppliers and ancillary manufacturers like rubber for tread and tires, shells for cannon and rifles, steel for armored vehicles, etc... And BTW, the US had been a major supplier of arms and munitions since the turn of the century, not just since WWII. Hell, we sold to both sides for a good part of WWI.
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