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Everything posted by Campy

  1. I don't almost feel bad for him, I do feel bad for him. I can only hope that it was from a college station and that nobody saw it. Man, that was bad.
  2. I think you're going a little too deep into it. Disney is the master of self-promotion and cross-promotion across their brands. It may be that Disney, who owns ESPN, doesn't want the luster taken off of Vick because ABC (another Disney brand) stands to benefit from his appearance on 3 MNF games. Just my opinion...
  3. By a lighter? What could a lighter do that 4 books of matches couldn't?
  4. Keep your eyes on the TBD Tailgate threads. We send our money in to a season ticket holder who buys them as a group for all of us, and we always seem to sit between the 20s. And yes, it's for the Texans game.
  5. At least he was following the rules
  6. No they shouldn't. But they should be allowed to light up after the flight without having to go into one of those rip-off airport stores and pay $7 for a lighter.
  7. Just heard on the radio that you CAN take 4 books of matches with you. ??? ???
  8. ...Just in case anybody asks you why baseball's gone in the crapper.
  9. My wife and I went to a night game in Carolina with another couple. He was a Raiders fan, she was from Chicago originally - a Bears fan. We did some shots out of the bowling ball in the lot which was full of Bills fans, and had a blast tailgating with all of the Bills fans. By kickoff the other couple were full blown Bills fans. It really was a great time down there. And Flutie and Moulds singlehandedly killing Carolina didn't hurt either.
  10. At this rate, by 2010 we'll need to show papers to move from state to state.
  11. And strangely enough, it has become just that. We know how you feel (anti-war=anti-troops). You know how many of us feel (anti-war=anti-war). Maybe it'd be best if we all agree to disagree?
  12. I don't think anybody claimed there were reparations made after WWII. The reparations forced upon Germany after WWI (combined with out of control Japanese, and to a lesser degree Italian, nationalism) are what caused WWII. Wilson's "Peace without Victory" was considered to be too soft by Great Britian and France (and the Netherlands, but they weren't nearly as passionate in their beliefs), and led directly to WWII. After WWII, the Allies took a look back at history and realized that reparations continued the war in the eyes of the vanquished and decided they would take a more pro-active role in helping them rebuild as a nation. This not only provided fiduciary benefits to the Allies, but allowed them to foster trust and forge alliances with their former enemies, both in Japan and Germany. When Japan was pushing for a seat on the UN Security Council a few years back, they did own up to torturing and abusing US POWs, but that's as close as they've ever come to acknowledging being anything but "honorable" defenders of their empire as far as I'm aware of.
  13. The status of the Cup was the subject of an article in The Hockey News some weeks ago. It'd be a shame to not have it awarded because of the NHL putzes.
  14. Pretty bizarre, isn't it? I'm expecting Rod Serling any minute.
  15. How do you feel about it? (BTW: I'm still awaiting a response explaining the nature of the PM you sent me.)
  16. I haven't derided the country. Her leaders yes, but the country, no. And regardless of your belief that 2 weeks is an eternity in public opinion polls, those are the most recent polls relevant to your assertion that Americans' opinions have changed on the Iraq war. The simple reality is that, according to the available data, your assertion is false.
  17. I'm responding to your assertion that Americans have undergone an attitude shift regarding the war in Iraq. And while it may contradict your assertion, the only trend is more and more Americans disaprove of Bush's handling of the war and more and more Americans agree that it wasn't worth it. You linked to overall approval rating, economic confidence, and "state of the country" polls. You think that's relevant to Bush's handling of Iraq? Those are for the most part domestic issues, and certainly not indicative of Americans' opinion of Iraq. The polls I linked to were also by Gallup - and are the most recent available (less than 2 weeks old) that address Americans' attitudes toward Iraq. The poll results I cited come from respondents asked the following questions: -"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the situation in Iraq?" -"All in all do you think it was worth going to war in Iraq or not?"
  18. Without having a clue how much the conversion of turning derelict oil platforms into productive fish farms would cost or how it would be paid for (private funds plus subsidies I'd imagine), that idea isn't half bad. Provided it can be done at a reasonable ROI, that's actually a pretty good idea.
  19. I agree with that JSP, but one of the traits of their society is a profound sense of nationalism. By all acounts, it's on the rise. Nationalism led them to invade (and defeat) Russia, Manchuria, China, etc. While it may not be realistic that they will do something as overt as invade Korea anytime soon, they do have a track record that the rest of the world would probably be best-served to remember.
  20. On the first part of the journey I was looking at all the life There were plants and birds and rocks and things There was sand and hills and rings The first thing I met was a fly with a buzz And the sky with no clouds The heat was hot and the ground was dry But the air was full of sound
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