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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Both ours and their road unis do have that Division III/CFL cheesy look to them.
  2. As long as I can still walk (stagger) to it from Hammer's lot, I'd be cool with it.
  3. I dunno. There's something to be said for the classic "just play football" look that the Cards have that's cool. Lord knows I wish we never changed from the white helmets and grazing bison. That said, I found the move to the charging bison much easier to accept than the move to the red helmets. I still hate those - but not as much as I despise our current road unis.
  4. Yup. And I'll take my chances with our top 3 corners IF we can get some pressure.
  5. I agree with the overall gist of your post, but this guy was a laid off defense contractor and he contacted a consumer credit counselor for help so he wouldn't lose his house. He wanted a cell phone so he could take calls from prospective employers while he was beating the street looking for work. I don't know about all of you, but I damn sure don't know too many people who can buy a (decent) house without going into debt...
  6. Damn, I suddenly feel like George trying to get some chicken-vegetable from the Soup Nazi!
  7. Better yet, we'll blame either Nate for wanting out or TD for letting him out
  8. That's the tricky part, no? There are so many contradictions in the Bible that all we can do is the best we can do, and let God sort the rest out.
  9. I'm not one for the chest-thumping and lookit-me antics that Nate's prone to do, but where did the notion that he's trade-bait come from? I've seen it all over TSW but nowhere else...
  10. I saw them down here at the Verizon Amphitheater a couple of years ago. They're very good at what they do, it's just that what they do doesn't enthrall me much. They do put on a decent show though, so you and the mini-poojers have fun!
  11. http://www.linuxkungfu.org/images/fun/godscreatures.jpg
  12. Interesting. There was plenty of criticism leveled at Kerry for doing just that.
  13. Throw some of that my way, bro - I won't tell anyone, promise. I'm now a full time college student preparing for a career in teaching history - at age 36!!
  14. You found someone to provide you with a product/service that American labor was unable or unwilling to do at that cost - Nothing wrong there. Good luck on your project.
  15. While it's the system to which they subscribe, it's not solely the credi card companies' fault - But I have seen that firsthand. I don't know what the scores are now, but back in the old days of cellular, my company required a beacon score of 625, which is pretty decent credit. I had a customer who wanted to buy a phone, but he kicked back a $1000 security deposit. I looked at his report for an old charged-off account from us or the other carrier (only two in each market in those days) and/or a recent bankruptcy as those were the only two circumstances we had run across that required a deposit that of that size. I didn't see either of those two situations, but I did see where he worked with a credit counseling service to avoid bankruptcy, satisfy his obligations, and protect his credit. Well, as it turns out, he would've been better off declaring bankruptcy and starting anew (6 months after bankruptcy is finalized he could've qualified for a phone with no deposit). He got caught in the middle and got screwed for doing the right thing, and that's simply unfair. IMO, the credit industry is one of the largest rackets around and is in need of serious reform.
  16. But what about the death that stems from the production of frozen soy burgers? Plants are people too you know...
  17. That's an unfortunate situation that needs to be rectified!
  18. No argument on the sex offender part. My only point was categorizing all people who are forced to declare bankruptcy as being lazy is an unfair generalization. I've never done it but I do know a couple of people who did. In both cases they owned a business and took second mortgages, used personal credit cards, etc to meet payroll for their employees in one case, and in the other, bought a inventory only to have the Navy cancel the contract. They both used bankruptcy to re-start their businesses, avoid letting employees go, and are now going strong, albeit a little more cautiously. They may be guilty of overextending or poor judgment, but trust me, neither one is lazy.
  19. I'm under the impression that the cardinals were just getting ready to start their enclave. I wonder how the Times 'knows' who the next pope would be before the cardinals have voted?
  20. IMO, that's not a fair statement. If someone has a family, buys a house, car(s) and maintains a lifestyle representative of his 135K/yr salary, you'd say he's a success story. But what happens after his employer outsources his job? Or maybe his employer shuts down altogether and the best he can find is a 50k/yr job? Chances are very good that he'd lose everything - including his 400K house. He'd just be caught in something in which he has little to no control. Not everyone who declares bankruptcy is a deadbeat, nor are they all lazy.
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