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Everything posted by Campy

  1. I believe he meant watching all of the QBs, not just ours.
  2. AWESOME!!! Thanks for doing this again this year Jay - you da' man!
  3. Thanks Dozer, you did an awesome job on that. Unlike Pete (and others), I'm by no means a draftnik, but that makes this all the more appreciated. It will come in very handy - especially since I'll be spending Draft Day away from the house - I've saved it to my local drive and will be referring to my laptop frequently during the draft! Thanks again!
  4. I'm thinking the draft provided the military with enough bodies to only mandate one tour. Contrast that with today - obviously there is no draft and the military has been struggling to meet their recruiting goals. That'd be my guess.
  5. I don't think the media shouldn't be allowed to report/publish this stuff as that amounts to censorship, but I do agree, it is very irresponsible (and insensitive for that matter).
  6. 1. No, just having my patience worn thin by idiots. 2. If that's the case, then you weren't being one of those idiots.
  7. Nobody said you were required to like hockey, but why would you spam a thread about a sport you obviously don't care for?
  8. Just a couple of thoughts: -Court proceedings are public record, available to anyone who wants to go to the courthouse and view a file/case. -I don't know if it's an American trait or a human trait, but we like gory details. The more offensive the better and the press will keep selling it as long as we keep buying it. The media is just meeting the demands of their audience.
  9. As an aside, I caught Jeopardy last night and the Rigas' name and their convictions were brought up. The question of course was "What is Adelphia?"
  10. Carry on. KRC and I knew that AD was feeling a bit nostalgic
  11. "Delay is pretty much a scumbag - but it seems you don't think so?" -OR- "Can't see the difference?" That curly looking seven-shaped object at the end is generally referred to as a question mark. It signifies that the preceeding was an interrogative statement. Interrogitive statements (questions) are generally followed by an answer. I would think that "But it seems you don't think so?" or "Can't see the difference?" would be less statements of fact and more requests for clarification. But that's right, I'm the only one who sees what I want to see.
  12. Mine was 27%. I'd have thought that after 13 years in southern Virginia I'd be a little more "Reb," but I guess it stems from where you're raised, not where you live?
  13. You went into one of your stereotypical rants of "Bush/Delay bad.." and I asked for clarification. You seem comfortable picking and choosing snippets of posts and threads to argue, but GAWD FORBID someone does the same to you.
  14. Note to self: Never ask Ken to clarify one of his posts. He seems much more comfortable slinging insults.
  15. My doc has told me there are two types of steroids. He was prescribing me the type that heals an injury and when I questioned him on it, he said that annobolic steroids are the ones used by athletes and body builders to add mass. It's entirely possible that he had steroids in his body for a medical situation and was not simply juicing.
  16. Delay is pretty much a scumbag - but it seems you don't think so?
  17. If I correctly remember an article I read, the GOP is attempting a unilateral effort to relax ethics rules to ensure Delay's actions fall within acceptable bahvior. The Dems on the Ethics Committee have either filed a complaint or have been very vocal about their effort to change the rules so they can be circumvented.
  18. I've grown to like our home jerseys but the roadies are laughably bad.
  19. There's the "beauty" of the bill. It states that any Justice who rules against it is to be removed from his/her position. IMO every assclown who signed off on that piece of crap should be drawn and quartered. Or voted out of office. Either one works for me.
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