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Everything posted by Campy

  1. Hey, don't let the facts fool you, he's slow, fat, and weak. Afterall, I read that somewhere...
  2. Brown seems unable to control his weight. He's already had ankle and knee injuries, and gaining more weight will hurt his mobility from the things I've read about him. Preston on the other hand, is very smart and doesn't miss line calls, knows what every linemen's assignment is, and has allowed only 3 sacks in 3 years as a starter (none last year, 1 the year before, and 2 the year before. I'm much happier with Preston than I would be with Brown.
  3. Go to this page and click on the camera icon next to his name.
  4. TH won't be on the roster come opening day. A team or two will have injuries at RB during camp and preseason, and they will be very desperate to find someone, and TH will be far and away the best back available. By all accounts, this year's prospects are somewhat underwhelming, but TH may garner us a couple of decent picks in the following year's draft from a desperate team.
  5. ANALYSIS Positives … Has a big frame with good overall muscle development, long, thick arms, with broad shoulders, thick chest, good bubble and thick calves … Shows enough lateral range to avoid the jam and get upfield, possessing the quickness to easily get off the line of scrimmage … Can either power through the jam or use his swim move to escape … Can sink his hips and separate coming out of his breaks, doing a decent job of finding the soft spot to settle when working in the zone … Creates a nice underneath target, especially with his ability to separate and adjust through his routes … Has the arm length and ability to extend for the ball away from the body's frame … Has the speed to run under passes downfield, showing the body control to adjust and position in order to make the catch … Better when blocking on the move than from a stationary position, as he shows alertness picking up linebackers in the open field. Negatives … Plays with adequate alertness, but needs time to digest plays … Plays with good effort, but you'd like to see more aggression in his play, especially as a blocker … He is a good open field blocker, but I question his in-line blocking technique … He leaves his feet too often and really needs to develop lower body strength, as he reaches with his hands, loses position and gets over-extended … Better on underneath routes, as he does not have the speed of a Jeremy Shockey for a vertical attack and does not get into position well in order to quickly turn upfield after the catch … Runs only adequate pass routes, as he tends to round his cuts and take soft angles to the ball … He is a big target in the middle and will compete for the ball, but can also lose concentration when he hears an oncoming defender, resulting in several drops … Not as active with his hands as he needs to be in order to sustain blocks and does not move his feet well, keeping his base too narrow when blocking on the edge … His weight loss during the 2004 season (251 before the year began, 240 after) is a concern, as he needs the additional bulk and strength in order to be effective as a blocker … He struggles to get a good push off the line in running situations due to marginal leg strength … Must do a better job of reading coverages and maintaining a relationship with the quarterback, as he fails to work his way back when the passer is in trouble. INJURY REPORT 2004: Missed the Peach Bowl vs. Florida, the Senior Bowl and could not participate in the agility tests at the Combines after he separated his left shoulder in the third quarter of the regular season finale vs. Virginia Tech (12/04). AGILITY CAMPUS: 4.79 in the 40-yard dash … 32 7/8-inch arm length … 9 ½-inch hands … 12 Wonderlic score.
  6. I'll be more apt to grade the draft in 2 or 3 years after we see how these guys work out.
  7. It seemed like they used to do that on day 2, but with the picks coming so quickly it was understandable. But on day 1? ESPN screwed the pooch on that IMHO.
  8. Since the GM doesn't play in games, it could be a little difficult for him to "win" games. As far as things he can control, read this article.
  9. I was surprised that so many of the big names OL went so relatively late in the draft. Perhaps TD & TM feel that there will still be plenty of guys on their board still around into the later rounds?
  10. I'd tend to agree if Chrebet was anywhere close to the 4.36 that Parrish runs.
  11. Hmmm.... TD: Widely regarded as one of the best front office men in the NFL. SoCal-Surf: Internet message board critic. Forgive me if I side with Donahoe on this one.
  12. Perhaps the brass felt that a player who could help would be available with their next pick and/or they disagree with your opinion of what the "need" areas are. I'd tend to agree with what your perceptions of their need areas are, but I feel pretty comfortable in believing that they know more about draft prospects and current players than you and I put together. Let's face it, none of the OL are gauranteed to be the next Munoz. But they do know that a guy who can run a 4.36 forty is pretty damn fast.
  13. So someone who doesn't test well in a test primarily consisting of abstract puzzle solving is not smart enough to run the right route? That's quite a leap. I don't care what any other team has done, but I'd rather have a guy that can make plays over one who can solve insignificant riddles in an insignificant test. When guys get yardage based on points in tests I'll change my opinion, but as long as the game is a game of emotion and physical ability, I'll tend to discount mental acuity - especially in a player who's not asked to QB the offense.
  14. I'd be surprised if TH is a Bill come opening day. I expect that TD didn't receive what he thought TH was worth in trade, but during camp and preseason somebody (or a couple of somebodies) will have injuried RBs, and TD will get a decent pick in next year's draft - maybe a 2nd and/or a bonus 3rd.
  15. What kind of wonderlic would you like in a player whose job it is to stretch the field on O and return punts?
  16. I'd love to see how many WM fans were pissing and moaning about that pick! TD and TM (Modrak) have proven their ability to evaluate talent and pick up pretty decent players (see TD's Pitt picks and TM's Philly picks). I dare say that they're better at their jobs than any two-bit internet messag board hack. Some of the second-guessing is absolutlely hillarious to read.
  17. I think it all depends on a team's needs this year and less where they think they'll finish next year. I also imagine that they compare and contrast what they anticipate will be the depth of that particular position 'this' year as opposed to 'next' year. If there's a guy you want or need, I have no problem trading next year's pick to get him this year.
  18. If Kelly would have called more running plays against the 2 down linemen look the NYG were giving us, we would have won that game. If the defense would have been able to get off the field in the 2nd half we would've won that game. All of that said, I'm really hoping we're able to land Hawthorne, Travis Johnson (Fl St 6-4 305), or Lorenzo ALexander (Cal 6-2 300) at DT if they draft that position in the 2nd. Although with crazy TD, I've given up trying to figure out what he's going to do on draft day!
  19. I prefer 'JP' to 'Big Cat.' It's easier to type and not nearly as corny.
  20. Just my opinion, but IF we are able to move up - or even if we aren't - and if we don't take a DL, OL, or TE before drafting a kicker, that will haunt US.
  21. I'd be thinking "automatic." The power of positive thinking is powerful - think Comeback Game - who'da thunk it?
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