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Everything posted by Campy

  1. He has his own unpublished phone number at OBD. If you have that and call before his admin gets in, he answers the phone himself. If his admin is in, she just answers and asks for your name. If he's in his office, he always picks up - even if it's to say that you caught him at a bad time. Despite many fans without a clue and chuckleheads like Florio throwing around the arrogant and power-crazy label, the reality couldn't be farther from the truth.
  2. IF Nate leaves, and IF some of the younger guys aren't either ready or capable, we'll have an entire offseason to address it. I'm just not too worried about Clement's possible departure.
  3. Without looking anything up on him, I think he was with NYJ for several years and has been good for a few INTs a year. That kind of production would work, but I wouldn't hold my breath. He's gotta' be close to what, 32 or 33 years old? We have a decent stable of young guys who will need the experience, and I'd rather have them in their learning. Just my two cents...
  4. I'm pretty sure I'll get flamed, but I don't see him being a big enough upgrade to justify taking a cap hit by releasing Lindell.
  5. I don't disagree that the Dems should start going after some of the sleazier GOPs, but the tactics Dean seems to be using could very well backfire on them. Rush can get away with his shtick because while he does represent the GOP to a degree, it's not in an official capacity. Dean, as an official representative of the Dems on the other hand, could cause an implosion of sorts, couldn't he?
  6. I know why it's in the playbook, and I'm pleased when we pull it off, but I'm not a big fan of WR screens. It seems Clements and MM are, so I just hope they (the guys on the field) can pull them off with a fair amount of success.
  7. There were a couple of occassions in my small-town school that the cops would be called in. The theory was to put the fear of God into the misbehaving kid. Personally, I don't have much of a problem with it provided the community has the resources to do that without short-changing the cops on the street drastically. FWIW: Everytime a cop (generally the Chief who knew EVERYBODY'S parents) came in to "arrest" a kid, it was the last time that kid got in any real trouble. It may not be PC, but it sure worked.
  8. He could be in for a long year. Hell, the people around him are in for a longer year!
  9. Our Backers club gets together to watch it, and frankly, between the beers, the food, the people, and the length of time between day 1 picks, it would have been appreciated if they would have been more to the point. If they were too busy showing film on a guy from the 2001 draft (for some ungodly reason), you had to wait five minutes to see who the team that was just on the clock had drafted. Like I said, I watched at a place where there were plenty of distractions -and perhaps that's why - but I thought their coverage sucked.
  10. Any chucklehead who volunteers can write for Yahoo Sports (case in point: Weiler). I, for one, will be pretty quick to dismiss this "expert's" opinions...
  11. The article I read this AM didn't say exactly what Dean did, but if he implied a coke habit, I stand corrected. But you're right about the two of them going after each other. It'd actually be pretty fun to sit back and watch - in that car-wreck sort-of-way.
  12. The problem IMHO with using penalties as deterrents, be it the death penalty or mandatory minimums for potheads busted with possesion is that the deterrents simply don't work. I disagree with AD in that it's because the process is too long or drawn out. I think it's more a case of people who break laws don't anticipate getting caught, ie, "I'm not going to get caught, so who cares what the penalty is for those suckers who do?" The day criminals start believing they'll be caught will be the day that using penalties as a deterrent will be effective - But it ain't happenin' anytime soon.
  13. It's not slanderous to mock Limbaugh's drug problems. In poor taste perhaps, but certainly not slanderous.
  14. It was posted before the Parrish pick. I didn't like Calico then, and I like that trade even less now.
  15. Moulds, Evans, Parrish, Aiken and Reed. I think that Smith doesn't bring anything to the table that Parrish can't handle, and I think they give Reed one more year to prove he belongs. If he doesn't do it early though, he'll get a quick hook and Aiken will replace him.
  16. I don't know him, but I do know that he said he was cool with it. That's good enough for me.
  17. Straight up between the two, I'd take JP in a heartbeat. The picks we gave up to get him in for a year before turning over the offense to him is well worth it as well. I don't know if he'll be great, but I am excited to watch our offense this year.
  18. IMHO he's far more embarassing than humurous, but to each his own I guess.
  19. Two thoughts while reading your post. First, as of right now, it seems that Phila wouldn't be willing to give that up for Travis, and second, while there are some gems to come out of the later rounds, you know as well as I do that the odds of doing so are mighty slim. So we still have Travis. We didn't trade an inexpensive pro bowl back-up to get a later round pick in what most agree was the weakest draft in quite some time. I'm cool with that.
  20. Strengths: Extremely productive...A playmaker in the secondary with a nose for the ball...Smart and has great instincts...Good character and hard worker...Fast and quick...Good overall athletic ability...Also a good return man. Weaknesses: Undersized and very short...Only an average tackler but gives top effort...Might have a limited upside in the pros because of his size. Notes: Overachiever who was a walk-on that developed into one of the top players at his position in college football...Doesn't have the physical tools you look for but the kind of guy you hate to doubt.
  21. Well, it took until 10PM on Day 2, but the ego-card has now been played.
  22. Ooops on channel 7. In the interview he said he has Pre-Med prereq's, but his degree was in something else - I don't remember what exactly he said it was. He started toward his Masters last semester in Business Admin.
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