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Everything posted by BillsFan130

  1. lol agreed.. I love Joe Marino and I think he’s great. But… It seems a touch hypocritical of Joe Marino criticizing Josh Allen of his diet haha
  2. Yes they have in my opinion. I think bills are still a better team and will win the division. But if Tua stays healthy, they got a damn good team over there. That Ramsey injury is a big loss for them though
  3. Was that necessary to add that about James cook?
  4. I would assume this is sarcasm lol. So you don’t think the bills are going to do a hybrid role at MLB with Dobson/Bernard?
  5. Haha I’m obviously stating a general rule of thumb. There will be many times where Bernard is in coverage . It’s not like every time he’s in he is going to blitz, and not every time Dobson is in they will stack up against the run. My point is I see them using a hybrid type role at the MLB position and will be game plan specific as well. Just my prediction, could be wrong
  6. Early starter MLB prediction: Dobson in on more run plays. Bernard in on more blitz packages. And Rapp comes in on obvious passing downs as the hybrid safety. (Taking off Dobson or Bernard) D williams backs up Milano this year and plays special teams mostly
  7. 100 percent. It’s the combination of genetics and PHDs. Like even if everyone took heavy steroids, 99.99999999 percent of us wouldn’t look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime lol
  8. Yep. They don't win the SB without him. People can talk about how many rings mahomes has and how great he is all they want, but there is no way the cheifs would have beaten the bengals without CJ. He was a one man wrecking crew
  9. 100 percent he is. I’m in the fitness industry and there’s no way you can get that jacked/shredded with that diet routine lol. Its one in a million genetics combined with some sort of PHD
  10. Yes but given the deap cap number and them needing to replace tre white with that 6 mil for a veteran corner (unless they roll with Benford and Elam but I can’t see that) you’re really not looking at a ton of savings
  11. Ahh ya read that wrong. So dead would be about 10 in 2024 and just over 4 in 2025 by the looks of it. If they only save 6 mil after this year, I can’t see them cutting him though unless he’s truly awful. Hes realistically got 2 years left I think as 2025 looks like a better opportunity to move on.
  12. I’m not sure where you’re getting that? I am seeing 6.5 if they cut him after this year for 2024 and 12.5 for 2025. So about 19 mil in dead cap. Unless I’m not understanding it correctly https://overthecap.com/player/tredavious-white/5611
  13. Morse I agree. Tre, I’m pretty sure they are stuck with him for at least a couple more seasons as they did a re structure with him not too long ago
  14. Fair. But winning a Super Bowl would yield a lot more revenue. The more you win, the more money the franchise makes. (Needless to say)
  15. The missing ingredient for Andy Reid though was an elite QB Mcd has had that for 3 years now. And let’s be honest if MCD didn’t have Josh Allen, is he still coaching the bills? Probably not I am not anti McDermott for the record. (although I will be if he can’t get over the hump this year)
  16. Kind of seems like weird timing. Why not wait until 2023 plays out as I believe this was not the last year on their contracts
  17. To a certain degree I think Josh had a say in getting Bease/Brown back. I think he wanted a veteran receiver he can trust
  18. Maybe some of us just prefer Sunday football at 1? Lol. Love that the Bills are a great relevant franchise and I understand the more relevant we are, the more prime time we get. But I do prefer watching football at 1 in my personal opinion. Is that ok with you sir? Haha
  19. Hate it. Cool Matchup, just wish it was on Sunday at 1
  20. I don’t like it personally, but I definitely understand it. If you had a business and you can expand/make more money, wouldn’t you do it?
  21. Yes. I could be wrong but I think all teams with 9 home games has to host an international one? If not all, most teams have to I think
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