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Everything posted by BillsFan130

  1. Hahah I hear you, he definitely has a lot of easier throws than Josh and I agree with that. But wouldn’t you say he’s doing a good job running the system?
  2. I get we want to hate Tua and say he sucks. But why can’t we just say he’s a good QB that is running the system well? I am the first one to say I was wrong about him as I thought he sucked. But unfortunately he’s a pretty good QB
  3. 0 blame? Only 14 percent play action that game when Josh is an elite play action QB? Barely anything under centre. Not enough runs. I don’t know how you can say he has zero blame as those things I listed are pretty objective
  4. I disagree. Majority was on Josh for sure. But… minimal play action. Went away from the run game. Shot gun essentially all game long. Sure he had check downs and underneath stuff that Josh didn’t take, but that’s just one part of a game plan/play calling.
  5. Sorry, I meant injury wise. I believe he left and didn’t return
  6. Any update On Leonard Floyd? I know he left with the ankle but never heard anything else
  7. Will say something like 24-20 Miami. BB will keep it close, but Miami has too much firepower IMO
  8. They helped brown a lot, but yes regardless he still played a solid game
  9. Dorsey and Josh were awful last week. They were brilliant today
  10. Haha just go back to the threads. We have Josh Allen is mediocre. To “Cam Newton started regressing in year 6”. It was full on panic mode from ONE bad game from an elite QB
  11. The over reactions on this board calling for Josh Allen’s head after one bad game..
  12. Their d line is playing great against the run. But I still don’t see enough pressure consistently from their front 4 on passing downs
  13. Cause the coaches probably told him all week “don’t throw interceptions “
  14. He pushed the Blocker into the punter which is a legal play unfortunately
  15. Can’t run against 2 deep safeties. This team is in for a long season
  16. Literally just throw screens and misdirections against the bills defence. They have 0 clue how to stop it
  17. I think he did last week.. haha. I like Gabe , but he’s not a good WR2 IMO
  18. That’s fair. But I mean that just shows how much fan bases are overreacting. I think most people would say Josh and burrow are 2 and 3 in no particular order for QB rankings. And the fact that both fan bases are pissed off at them after one game says a lot lol
  19. Yes there are some concerns dating back to the end of last year, but The man had one bad game.... It is a long season.. Joe Burrow also had a horrible game, but I don't see Bengal fans calling for his head after he just signed that huge contract and him entering the stadium with Floyd Mayweather gear on.
  20. Fair points but I’m just saying it’s probably going to be a wash regardless. Bills aren’t going to Blitz there as they probably are anticipating screen. They would play it a bit conservative and give up some yards. So what’s really the point? All It takes is one hands to the face penalty on a D lineman and it’s an automatic first down. I don’t think it’s worth it for the sake of saving realistically maybe a few yards? Anyways I do understand your point. We will just have to agree to disagree I think
  21. I know but there’s no way the jets would allow him to go deep. They would have done a safe call like a screen or a draw to get some/if not all of the yardage back. And again you’re risking penalty, breece hall breaking one etc. Even if they somehow got 0 yards, 52-53 yards is a chip shot for Zeurlein
  22. I think he was better the week before that against the patriots as well haha. But ya I do agree
  23. I know everyone was saying accept the penalty. But ok let’s say you do and bring the jets back to the 33. Chances are they run a safe screen that gets 6-10 yards. But… you risk a penalty, miss a tackle that goes for more etc. I personally didn’t have a problem with him declining it and I don’t think it would have made much difference, if any.
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