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Everything posted by BillsFan130

  1. right now Wilson is better, I think its hard to argue that but I do think luck will be better one day
  2. why would harbaugh wanna go to buffalo? hes a California guy combined with the fact we have no quarterback at all for him to work with..
  3. yep I am starting to get sick of him. he's not that good anymore
  4. that was probably the most upset I've been all year. 3rd and 1 you pass, incomplete then punt with 8 minutes left on the 45 yard line.. really marrone?? as soon as he punted I had a gut feeling the game was done after that
  5. exactly!! I was saying this the whole game. why does it always seem like the opposing teams best pass rusher always destroys us? no help, no chips, nothing. Hackett is beyond terrible
  6. henne, vick, mallett. moore, orton, shaun hill, glennon, sanchez, McCoy, schaub, Derek Anderson..and those are just the top of my head.. could be more that are not shown much yet (garrolopo, mettenberger) and Whitehurst im watching him tonight, ej doesn't make some throws this guy does
  7. there are many back up qbs better than manuel..
  8. how many times have you seen a quarterback for quarterback trade? I can remember maybe 1 the last 15 years? its not happening
  9. these ridiculous trade scenarios on the threads have got to stop.. it's not going to happen so what is the point of posting it? sorry for calling you out but these are getting out of hand
  10. I agree 100 percent. I think the only way the bills win that game is too do something completely outta the ordinary and catch new England off guard. an example is when Miami introduced the wildcat in 08 and beat them. Maybe not too that extreme but they definitely need to do something creative and new until the pats stop it
  11. going to be closer than people think in my opinion. i'll say 17-13 bills
  12. in a weird way I am kinda hoping new England wins next week and Denver loses because if the game between the bills and pats is important for new England there is no way I can see the bills winning. But at the same time even if new England already clinched the 1. seed I doubt they will rest their starters because of too much time off with there bye week, and we all know belichick loves his stats (home winning streak against afc teams)
  13. is he for sure coming back? I know he's eligible to return but lets hope he's healthy to play
  14. my game balls are the whole secondary. unbelievable job today
  15. haha I agree 100 percent, I said the same thing last night that the rams are identical to the bills
  16. gailey 2nd and marrone last?? im confused.. and how is jauron ahead of marrone. I agree that marrone isn't a good coach but hes probably 2nd on the list, he got the bills a great defence. his biggest problem was hiring nate Hackett, if he hired a good offensive coordinator the bills would be a playoff team
  17. Miami outplayed us, they deserved the win a few weeks ago
  18. I've watched pretty much all the broncos games this year and they are as good as last year. Much more balanced with a better defence. I myself can't see the bills winning but you never know
  19. I would throw in Robert woods from that one play alone, completely changed the momentum of the game
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