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Everything posted by BillsFan130

  1. I live near Toronto and that's the toronto raptors slogan when opponents come in. "welcome to Jurassic park" it works here I'm sure it will work in buffalo
  2. Even if he is found innocent of this murder he's going to have to serve atleast another couple years on weapon charges plus he has another murder case too worry about
  3. La Canfora is an idiot, I don't believe anything this guy reports
  4. Bill belichick choose to kick off last year against peyton manning because he took the wind. It is a very slight advantage too get the ball first but it is pretty fair overall
  5. Defence is part of the game. If green bay can't stop an 80 yard TD drive in the most important drive of the game then they don't deserve too win
  6. I see your points but i disagree that if you win the coin toss with these new overtime rules that you are given a massive competitive advantage. With the old rules fair enough but with the new rules I have actually seen teams who have won the coin toss kick off first. Bill belichick did that too peyton manning last year. If you have a good defense it can actually be an advantage too get the ball 2nd because if you stop them, you will have better field position plus only needed a field goal too win. Just my personal opinion. I just hate when people think all the rules should revolve around offence (including the nfl for the most part) Agreed, i would hate if they NFL adapted college like overtime rules
  7. Am I the only one who thinks that this overtime rule is fair? I had no problem with the old overtime rule as well. Defense is part of your team, shouldn't be that hard to hold another team too a punt or field goal at the worst. If you want the ball back, stop them. Defensive players get paid too
  8. Gilmore is going to have to play huge this year. If he plays well then this defence is going to be ridiculous
  9. its not cheating, its smart. as much as I hate to say it but brady is right they did nothing wrong. they exploited a loophole In the rules
  10. cam is faster, has a stronger arm and is slightly more accurate than EJ. EJ in my opinion doesn't possess the talent that cam newton has
  11. unfortunately ill remember kyle orton by that one play where he could have ran for the 1st against Denver but slid too take a sack. I liked him but I don't think he really cared too much about winning. He fattened his bank account and cared about his health. (can't hate too much on that I guess)
  12. Hackett will be back next year. Marrone is not going to throw his buddy under the bus. He should be fired because he is terrible but unfortunately I think we got one more year with this clown
  13. I just don't see EJ. I think marrone would have started EJ against new England if he believed he "has it"
  14. Now that Orton has retired it is very uncertain who the bills starting qb will be. My prediction is a veteran qb. If I had to guess I would say Matt Moore. I Think the bills are done with EJ as a starter and I can't see them getting like a Bradford or a cutler or anyone like that. What do you guys think?
  15. nope, 1st bills game I am volunteering missing ever
  16. ya but my point is if we trade Sammy Watkins, we have no player selected in 2014 and will only have 1 first round pick in 2015 now. so resulting in one less first round pick
  17. watt is the most dominant player but the most valuable player in my opinion is aaron rodgers
  18. you understand the bills traded 2 first round picks to get him right.. so trading him for a 1st round pick would mean giving a first round pick for absolutely nothing.. your theory makes 0 sense
  19. why would the rams let Bradford go? you really think the rams want to go into next season with a 36 year old in shaun hill?
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