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Everything posted by BillsFan130

  1. Personally I didn't see many positives. McCoy looked good. Maybe Darby? but besides that I think this game was a dissapointment
  2. You are right that people are overreacting but I think today was a sad reality. As long as the pats have brady and belichick the bills can't compete against this team. 1-1 is a ok start but still gotta beat new England if you are going to do anything in this league
  3. What really annoyed me is that the bills would refuse to play tight on the receivers. They knew that new England would try and get rid of the ball quick but yet made no adjustments all game
  4. exactly. I've been saying this all week. Why is Rex talking like his record is 9-4 against belichick instead of 4-9. Now 4-10 I think. He just looks like a complete idiot now
  5. defence looked very vanilla today. disappointed to say the least
  6. bills have to push the ball downfield. new England is stacking the box daring the bills to throw long and the bills continue to run with 8 in the box
  7. This is the same guy from last years Denver game? This can't be good
  8. You make good points, can't argue with much of that but my main point is I wish the bills didn't provide New England with any more motivation than there already is, whether it is a player or an employee part of the bills organization
  9. "bulletin board" was a figure of speech, and I understand they brought it upon themselves and I definitely see the comedy of it, but I for one don't think it's a good idea to poke the bear especially when we have got our arses handed to us the last 12 years by the patriots. Just my opinion
  10. This is funny and all but I don't know how I feel about the bills giving New England big bulletin board material
  11. nice jerseys but I still love that bills blue
  12. That was week 1 2013 I believe you are referring to. Marrone and Hackett are idiots though. There is a difference between going no huddle and snapping the ball with 20 seconds on the play clock opposed to staying with your game plan while taking all the time off the play clock. I for one do think they were a bit conservative on Sunday. Against great qbs like tom, Luck, Manning, Rodgers you are playing with fire if you go 3 and out 3 consecutive times. It worked yes, but as we have seen with the dick jauron days, conservative can be your worst enemy
  13. Tyrod taylor slant pass to Sammy Watkins on the left side for 6 yards bills first downs: 18
  14. Thank the lord welker isn't on the team anymore, could swear the guy would rack up 10 plus catches with over 100 yards every time he played the bills
  15. Ohh Ok, thanks for the information Gottcha, thank you sir
  16. I would really like to see an all 22 on Sammy Watkins to see if he was open or not. Just more wondering if they tried to avoid throwing his way because he was matched up against vontae davis, or that he just couldn't beat davis
  17. I think bills found gold with Schmidt, this guy looks like the real deal
  18. I understand that, but they were moving the ball so well before with a great mix of play action, screens and runs, if its working why change it up with a full quarter to go. If there is 5 or 6 minutes left then ya I would agree with you about grinding the clock down
  19. I thought he did a descent job until the 4th quarter, I think he got way too conservative. I think 3 straight 3 and outs in the 4th and I believe he started every drive with 2 runs. When its 24-8 against Andrew luck, the game is not close to being over
  20. I agree but I would be a little cautious cause I think indy is overrated. besides luck Hilton and vontae davis they really don't have much talent on that roster. gore and andre Johnson are descent but getting close to father time
  21. Saw it briefly, he did have his hands in the helmet area but couldn't tell if he grabbed it or not
  22. I think worse because of the secondary. I really hope rex takes a lot of things Schwartz did because I can't see our secondary holding up with all his exotic blitzes
  23. hopefully just a tough stretch for carpenter,I still have faith in him
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