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Everything posted by BillsFan130

  1. I’ve asked twice , I’ll ask again haha. Quantifiably, how do you think Edmunds played on Sunday night?
  2. Ok and he’s not allowed to shed a block and make a tackle? Again, what is your opinion on how he played out of curiosity?
  3. When he is blocked and he goes inside and the RB goes outside for an example.. My biggest issue was him not being able to shed off any blocks and make any impact plays What was your opinions on Edmunds game out of curiosity?
  4. It wasn’t a blanket statement. It was my opinion on what I saw. I don’t have the Xs and Os and I can very well be wrong. But to “Me”, he just looked lost out there on Sunday night and seemingly seemed to be in the wrong spot a lot of the times.
  5. I never once said “this is what happened because he didn’t fit the “A gap well” or whatever spin you want to put on it. I said “I saw a guy” and listed the things I thought he didn’t do well. Its called an opinion. It’s a message board. Believe it or not , this is usually the place that people share their opinion on the bills and football and not everything is “black and white” Which is why people agree/disagree with different “opinions”.
  6. Nope I can’t, neither can any fan as we don’t have the play calls/responsibilities for each player on each play …lol So does mean none of us should have an opinion on players? Based on your logic there…
  7. Sounds good buddy, I’ll send you the invoice for my breakdown on him!
  8. I think the reason why a lot of people at cover 1 and the film loves Edmunds is because he “does what he’s supposed to do” for the most part. However, it seems like he can never just go off script and “make a play “. Thats what makes good/great players in the nfl. See Milano for one. I’m sure he doesn’t hit every gap perfect, but the dude just makes impact plays game after game
  9. Nope they didn’t. I’m not saying it was just his fault. But I don’t think he had a good game at all
  10. oh Agreed. And like I said, I think Edmunds has had a pretty good year to date. But I just don’t see how he had a good game at all yesterday It’s definitely not only his fault no. I wasn’t saying that. But he is allowed to shed a block the odd time and actually make a play lol
  11. Sometimes I wonder if I watch the same games as Tremaine Edmunds fans.. I saw a guy who was getting eat up by blocks, picking the wrong gaps all Game, and getting run over by Aj Dillon . Sure he made 16 tackles, but how many were those 6-10’yards downfield? Now I will say Edmunds has had a pretty good year to date. But I don’t see how he had a good game yesterday as I thought he was borderline horrible.
  12. Tre and Milano as our starting safeties starting next week… I officially have heard it all
  13. I was clearly linking that into “what they want to do”, In terms of controlling the clock. It literally says that in my post. I have absolutely no idea what green bays time of possession is relative to the other league lol so I have no idea if they are good or bad at TOP
  14. Relatively speaking that’s what they do best to clarify as their two best players are their RBs. I never said they hang on the ball well. I said that needs to be their game script to win this game
  15. I think there’s a big difference between starting games and sitting on the bench for 15 minutes during games waiting for your turn to go back on
  16. Green bays offence does nothing well buddy lol. Have you seen Aaron Rodgers stats this year and their pass protection/weapons? Running the ball was their only chance to win this game. Which goes back to my original point… make their practice squad WRs beat you consistently and see if their piss poor o line holds up…
  17. Not really though as that was their only chance. If Tonyuns TD stands which it should have, it’s a 27-17 game with basically a full quarter to go. And we know how the bills offence looked in the 4th. Which again I’ll say, part of the reason they sucked is cause Josh is a rhythm passer and he was on the sidelines all half
  18. So you’re saying green bays game script for winning this game wouldn’t go through giving it to their two best players (Jones and Dillon) while controlling the clock? I am strictly talking about defence, nothing to do with the offensive side.
  19. You challenge them a shootout.. what does Green Bay want to do and what do they do best? Run the ball and control the clock right? Make them beat you with their 4th 5th and practice squad WRs… If they get a big play? Who cares… you have Josh freaking Allen and can answer in a heart beat….. I also think part of the reason Josh sucked in the 2nd half was because he was on the bench for the whole half. He is a rhythm passer and him sitting down for 7-9 minute drives is a killer for the offensive momentum.
  20. It wasn’t a penalty. It was soft. I am not saying GB “almost won”. But they needed a game script to win. Control the clock, limit Josh, and be efficient. The bills seemingly let them do that script fairly well . The difference? Bills made a few clutch plays on 4th down and In the red zone My overall point is when I have Josh Allen and I’m playing against a mediocre offence, make them get in a shoot out with you.. GB wanted to run the ball/control clock, and the bills let them do it and it gave them “half a chance”. If bills played more aggressive in defence, i think they win by 4-5 touchdowns
  21. I’m talking about two very realistic scenarios that could have severely impacted the game. One was a ticky tack call that wiped a TD off the board. And the other is GB just converting just one 4th and shorts. 400 yards to 370 and 34 minutes to 26 minutes for GB. If someone told GB that script before the game, they would sign up for that in a heart beat. Now the difference? Bills made a couple clutch plays and got a little lucky on the OPI But not exactly what you want when you’re the heavy favourite
  22. My argument would be if you play aggressive and give up a 60 yard TD, who cares? As we have the best offence in the NFL and can answer in a heart beat. The only way GB wins yesterday is clock control/being efficient, and we almost let that happen. A 4th down conversion here and a pretty lame OPI call on Tonyun there, and it’s a completely different ball game.
  23. The bills after half time have been one of the best teams in the nfl. But to your point, I didn’t like the defensive game plan yesterday. Bills were in nickel against 12 and 21 personnel a lot of the game which doesn’t make a ton of sense to me, especially considering GB has no weapons at WR
  24. I’m being facetious but do we even want the 1st round bye.. lol. I know bills are 6-0 under MCD after a bye but they have looked crap all 6 games
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