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Everything posted by BillsFan130

  1. McDermott and Frazier completely messed that up. I really hate how conservative they are calling defence
  2. Because Frazier is content on letting him take 5-8 yard easy passes all Game apparently. Making it way to easy on him
  3. Frazier really frustrates me.. How are you going to just sit back and let Zack Wilson dink and dunk you all the way down the field while killing the clock
  4. Ya. You’re right but I think Jets are doing a lot of short throws. I would press the receivers a bit more so the pass rush has more of a chance to get there.
  5. Give that TD an assist to singletary. Obviously completely different play call if it’s 3rd and 10. He just keeps making big plays
  6. Have you watched the NFL this year? Lol. I have seen a lot less called than that.
  7. Could have easily called a flag for Roughing the passer on Jones. (By NFL standards)
  8. There’s no chance they cut Milano next year while they are in a SB window. The bills can literally clear over 60 mil next year with restructures If they really wanted to
  9. You’ve never heard of Hines? He has been around for a while. Actually had a pretty good game against the bills in the playoff matchup back in 2021
  10. I’m honestly not too sure where you’re getting at buddy. Anyways, we will agree to disagree as I’m sure we can go on all day. Appreciate the discussion with you and I hope You have a good day sir
  11. You mean the cap that can easily be manipulated? Bills can clear 60 mil for next year if they want. It comes down if they prioritize him or not, and so far they clearly aren’t sure or else he would be locked up as his price will only Be going up .
  12. Will do. Would be interesting to hear Brandon Beanes comments to why he hasn’t extended him yet
  13. I acknowledged it and I disagree with the poster on some of his responsibilities . It’s also not a crusade. I mentioned about 3 times in this thread he’s had a pretty good year up to this point. (With the exception of last game) When did I ever say Devin white and smith were good? White is on the verge of being benched, and Roquan smith is one of the most overrated players in football. Ask bear fans/management how they feel about Roquan smith
  14. It’s not purely a measurement of success, but it’s an obvious issue for Edmunds in terms of not making enough impact plays. Leslie Frazier LITERALLY said he needs more splash plays from Edmunds, so I have no idea how you guys can possibly defend him on that And also. before his injury, tre white since 2017 had the most INTs in the 4th quarter Just a FYI there
  15. I am not even talking about just the run game. I am talking about the pass game as well. When was the last time he had an interception? Serious question. I think he got one last September against the Texans? That’s the last I remember . Forced fumble? Recovered fumble ? Why does Milano seem to make big play after big play game after game if it’s just based on “system “? Leslie Frazier said it himself he wants to see more “splash plays” from Edmunds, so I’m not really sure what you are getting at here.
  16. I remember the almost INT, I don’t remember Edmunds tipping it. I will stand corrected on that one play then if you’re telling me he tipped it
  17. Don’t you want to see more plays from him though? Sure we can break down the Xs and Os and his responsibilities and all of that . But was there one play that was like , “wow nice play by Edmunds “.? I get he does a lot of underrated things. But I think his success as a run defender heavily depends on the guys up front, (like most LBs of course) and he just doesn’t seem to make many things happen on his own.
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