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mary owen

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Everything posted by mary owen

  1. why would anyone visit profootballtalkdotcom anyway????? I don't understand. I avoid that place like the plague.
  2. JHJ, what the hell are you doing playing softball??? The Bills could use "a few good men" along the Offensive line. Congrats.
  3. this show is on my TiVo permanently. I already watched it 3 times. I watched with my Bronco loving neighbor. He was impressed with the Bills and Losman in particular. I love when they call the draw play, it's like JP knew it was coming, because no sooner did they tell him, he was already shaking his head and laughing as he ran to the huddle. a couple of his passes had young John Elway written all over them. Especially the out. And that one pass to Euhus in the middle. His passes produce vapor trails. Great show. I watched "Game of the Week" all last year, and loved every one of them. Just a great football show. This one with the Bills/Broncos has opened up a new avenue for the show. They would be wise to do that weekly during the season. The show would be critically acclaimed and an ward winning venture. God Bless NFL Films.
  4. Here's the deal with MTV-type music industry today: It's how you LOOK and how marketable you are as an "entertainer". Look no further than: -Jessica Simpson -her sister (who the eff would watch a show about someone's famous sister who is not known for her music, but the fact that she's got a famous sister who is not popular because of her music????????) this is the kind of stuff that drives my loony
  5. why don't you write to Murry? if you do, post it and any reply you might get. i'd like to see that.
  6. I think he was being fair.
  7. Grade: A Green at QB, very nice. Not only do you have Duece and Alexander, but you managed to pick up Chris Brown as well? This is a great team for a #7 pick.
  8. wanna join my league next year? I'd love to pick right after you
  9. no one is as concerned as you..........ABOUT ANYTHING
  10. for the Jags to release him, i'd have to say his skilled have probably declined too much. That's a young D with need for veteren leadership. They just got rid of Brackens too. Hugh was pretty tight with the LB coach there as well. I guess he coached him elsewhere. just points to too many negatives, and I think we have the same situation here now with McKenzie (very slow Saturday) and Gildon (so far not standing out).
  11. watching the game now on NFL network. the 1st half is the Indy broadcast. The play by play guy here called Schobel Campbell (94-84) and called Josh Reed Ryan Neufeld (82-88). He probably thought he was sounding pretty cool calling the players so quickly after glancing at his Bills Roster. Now try looking up the right number on your list, you moron.
  12. Watching a few others games yesterday and today (NFL Network), I saw it happen multiple times in every game and NO CALLS. This is preseason, and I was yelling at the TV. How can these officials not place a very high importance on this???? Well, at least they are getting good practice looking for the contact by the DB's on WR's a-holes!
  13. thanks IndyJ. I will watch tomorrow on NFL Network. I read somewhere tonight that Doss said we didn't have enough players in when he made the block. is this true?
  14. fine cut him. who do you propose we bring in? good Kickers in today's NFL are scarce! I remember watching in the 70's and 80's and it seemed like teams had real good competitions during training camps with good strong legged youngsters coming out of college. how many kickers in the league today can kick the ball into the endzone? not many.
  15. I was at the game. I remember the return, the dance, the fact that we won, and some of the ride home.
  16. my 2.5 year old meowing like a kitty, with Jane's Addiction's "Everybody's Friend" in the background.
  17. did they fix something before I got to see it? it just looks like a Real estate ad.
  18. even if he perfected the art of sliding, he wouldn't have done it there.
  19. "Does Kordella have a team yet?" yeah. he plays on the other side.
  20. It's a win-win situation for Henry. He will get compensated either way. IF and that's a big IF, he loses his spot to Willis (or even a major chunk of carries) he will seek a trade next season and teams will pay big money for him. No worries.
  21. look for more details on the net
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