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mary owen

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Everything posted by mary owen

  1. You have the same point I was going to make....no one knows anything about us....sure they know about some of the players, but the scheme may be the difference between a good football player and a great one. That's one of the beautiful things about the NFL.....you just never know.
  2. This post is great. It really is a valid comparison not only for Trent, but with many "sucky" QB's in the league and in NFL history. I do remember when the consensus was "Drew Brees sucks". If no one remembers that, they are in denial. He was Tim Couch West in many peoples eyes, trust me. Also, even if a QB is not the prototypical franchise QB, with a solid team around him, he could be good enough to still not hamper a team's ability to win a Super Bowl. I doubt anyone in Baltimore, Washington, or NJ are bitching about the time Dilfer, Rypien, or Hostettler played for them.
  3. Opening kickoff of Game 1
  4. Look at Marsy breaking down game film! seriously, thanks for sharing. Much better report than "He sucks, he was not a not on anyone's radar"
  5. sorry if this was already posted... http://msn.foxsports.com/video?vid=c743682...us_videocentral
  6. Love tha avatar. Most memorable Donald Sutherland moment ever. I thought this post was going to be about Chan refusing to say who the #1 QB is SO FAR. To me, why hide who the coaching staff feels is the guy TO THIS POINT? Nothing wrong with saying "There is a pecking order right now, based on the camp activities to date and this pecking order can change between July and game 1." Seriously, they have to have an idea of who they like to this point. I think it would drive up the competitive nature of the QB race. The number one would know that he has to keep improving to stay at the top of the depth chart, the number 2 guy would realise he can move up into that slot, but he would be driven and weary of the #3, and the #3 guy would have his eye on out-performing the current #2. I don't understand the secrecy. Does anyone think that this would be a distraction to the team?
  7. OJ was perfect for that part. Wish he would have stuck with acting in goofy movies. So sad that our most famous Buffalo Bill is the most notorious celebrity murderer in the world.
  8. i hate the f*cking song....how about NO SONGS?
  9. in all fairness, how many times do you hear people say they "love" their football team? so, in this instance, yes, it is perfectly reasonable to hate a football team. lemme see...hmmmm.....great topic, by the way.........how much? Ok, so..... If the Cowboys were coached again by Jimmy Johnson, hired Bryan Cox as thier LB coach, Osama Bin Laden as their Special Teams coach, Louis Oliver as their DB coach, Kevin Gilbride as OC, Dan Marino as QB coach, Tom Donohoe as GM, Frank Wycheck and Kevin Dyson as assistent coaches, Chris Mortensen's son as QB, and replaced their Cheerleaders with a bunch of mimes and they were playing against New England in the Super Bowl, I'd still be pulling for Dallas.
  10. I always respected RG because he gives solid reasoning for his rankings, albeit limited here as someone mentioned. The thing I can't understand is why everyone ALWAYS ranks the Cowboys so high. Is there a more overly hyped team than Dallas the last 10 years or what? How many times over the last few years have you heard Dallas mentioned as a SB favorite before the season starts? I hear it every year. Keep hyping them up....i love watching them self destruct and seeing the Jerry Jones face on the sidelines....it's become an annual favorite of mine
  11. After reading the transcripts i think the real assault here was on the English language. The detective was just as guilty as the girl. Ben's unit seems guilty too. Like, lock 'em all up. They was all in a position that they, um like, all don't remember. They is all guilty, ya'll. It's not OK.
  12. YES, as Charlie Papazian says "Your own brew will be the best beer you'll ever drink" I brew as well, just haven't done it in a while. I am currently workin/living in Beer Heaven, USA....aka Oregon....so no need to brew when some of the best beers in the country are on tap or on sale just a bike ride away.
  13. Great topic....i'm having a Rogue Dead Guy....when I get off of work in a few hours..... my other choices..... Rogue Hazelnut Brown Ale Stone IPA Ninkasi Total Domination IPA 4 Peaks Hop-Knot Panty Dropper Ale (brewed by a female brewer here in Hillsboro, OR...an excellent, well balanced IPA) Stone Arrogant Bastard Yeungling Porter the list goes on, really.... The Rise of the not-so-Micro Brews!!!
  14. Lou....i'd be totally down for beers!!! I think you misunderstood what I said. True about not all parents loving their children unconditionally.....but I am not going to praise the one's that do, b/c I expect them to do that. Like Chris rock said about "brothers" saying "I take care of my kids"........"YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO!!!"
  15. the coaching staff feels the guy can play. they are giving him a chance with a new system. you think they are gonna cut the guy without giving him a chance? that's what I am doing is giving him a chance. when we went undeafeted to start the season, before the cardinals game, no one was saying "Trent Edwards can't play". There is something there. Why would they give him a chance if they didn't feel he could play? the new regime wants to lose? that doesn't make any sense. No one is "pretending" anything.
  16. WOW! This is by far the craziest reeason I have ever heard for giving anyone a pass......1st off, ANYONE is entitled to their own opinion, ignorant or educated. But to look for a reason because someone loved their child "unconditionally" because they have a horrible disease?????......any father loves their child regardless of how their child's health is.....UNCONDITIONALLY????....as a parent and a human being, I am dumbfounded by this comment....really!!!
  17. on the contrary....i am not comparing the two....you simply can't........different teams, different era (FA), different circumstances.....that is exactly why I brougt these things up. You can't compare the two. I feel Jim was way better, heck he's a 1st rounder too....and Jim had more than 4 years continuity with players and coaches alike to build his HOF career. How can anyone compare the two? I am a huge Jim Kelly fan too. I'm a Bills fan first though. The comments Jim and others have that call out TE when you can call out soooo many others before him (coaching staff, front office, other players....) are a bit reckless. Yes, everyone is entitled to an opinion, but to put it squarely on the QB and think that a Jimmy Clausen or Tim Tebow will come in here and rescue this team, is ridiculous.
  18. Word. I blame our revolving door of O coaches and HC more than the QB's we've had. Jimbo had Marv Levy & Ted Marchibroda. TE had Firemarshall Bill and Turk Schonert/AVP As for teammates, Kelly played on offense with 2 HOF'ers, Metzelarz, McKeller and Andre Reed. TE has had Marshawn Lynch parttime, and Lee Evans...and TO for a few games. That's it! JK was protected by guys named Ritcher, Hull, Ballard. TE? By an allstar cast of rookies and journeymen and one legged gypsy whores
  19. I will say this....if Lynch comes through and provides an effort to win the starting job, or if he contributes in a big way this year AND stays out of trouble, a lot of people on this board will forget about his off-field actions. Let's face it.....what he has done is not the worst we've ever seen from young, 20-something year old millionaires....seriously. I am giving him a chance. We all loved him his first year when he showed some old-school power football, the likes that this team had been missing for years since Kenny and Thurman. I will support him. He needs another chance. If he let's us down again, then so be it. He's still a very young man....and I know many a great person who has eff'd up in life early on.
  20. Agreed that cracked me up too....I think he was with Philly when he did that. I remember when the MNF crew, after the Dennis Miller years, was unknown. I was always a fan of MNF personalities from the late 70's and early 80's and how i wished ABC would look to take a clean slate and put something really special together. Jim McMahon was my choice for color comentator, followed by Fred Willard (Best in Show). Come on, who wouldn't get a kick out of Jim in the booth wearing loud outfits, drinking beer, goofing on the commish, and embarrassing the Play by Play guy.
  21. I was living in PA when Shane Conlon played for LBU. I remember watching Nittany Lion games occasionally. When I did tune in, his name was being called all the time by the announcers. The dude was in on so many plays. Him and Pete Giftopolous were my favorite players on that team. I remember thinking "I hope Conlon plays for the Bills someday" When Penn State defeated the U (NCAA Evil Empire led by lucifer himself, aka helmet head), it was one of my best sports memories of that time in my life. Never met SC, but i have heard only the goods.
  22. they just don't get you, do they? They don't. But you know what, Ieat? I do. I really get you and i'm kind of glad no one else does.
  23. those are by far the best looking uni's Buffalo ever had. I like the white helmet....symbolic of the snow
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