The team appears to be on one of the biggest slides in recent memory. Worst of all, each game they remind us more and more of the '07, '06, '05... Bills. No heart in the defense, giving up run after run in critical moments. No aggression on the offensive line. Our running backs hit walls of defenders while our opponent's backs find huge gaps in our defense. Not a single deep ball thrown all day to try to stretch the defense. Bad coaching decisions on crucial plays.
I haven't forgotten the first 4 games of the season, but all through them I had this feeling, mostly because we weren't able to ever establish any kind of dominant, consistent running game, that it was smoke and mirrors, and reality would hit home during this AFC stretch. It's one thing to lose, it's another thing to see your team lose in a way that, week after week, makes you think there's no improvement, no learning from past mistakes, no building and growing. Just the same stupid mistakes and lack of passion that's become the trademark of the team for the past decade. We've become synonymous with the Detroit Lions and the Oakland Raiders, laughing stock franchises that, even when they begin to flash promise, show their true colors under any significant kind of pressure.
And I imagine I'm much like others here. I didn't think we would win this week, given the past 2 weekends' performances, but I hoped they might prove me wrong.