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Everything posted by disco

  1. The play with Stevie actually reminded me of the Lee Evans play that cost the Ravens a chance in the Super Bowl. In both cases, it actually was a great defensive play - but the blame will always be on Stevie and Evans. I think as Stevie goes, the Pittsburgh play was much worse...but this one feels worse. I don't have any type of excuse for Chandler. I don't know how you watch your teammate make a critical fumble and you don't do everything in your power to protect the ball.
  2. Yeah, I think it's silly as well. He's not been perfect, but as a rookie coach he's faired pretty well given the difficulties we've had. Losing Kolb, losing EJ, losing Thad, missing Byrd, losing Gilmore, etc etc. I'm happy to see this coaching staff next year. Not sure about the roster though.
  3. On the bright side, we don't have to be strung along another week by some silly playoff spot. We knew this was going to happen eventually.
  4. This season wasn't a total loss. We learned Robert Woods is a legit stud WR. I wonder what team he'll end up becoming a star for.
  5. I've watched hockey players go into 4 overtimes in the playoffs only to play 2 days later...and you're telling me an extra 15 minute period, which in reality is about 3 minutes of actual game play, is too much because there's a possibility of a Thursday night game. Edit: Sorry misread the endless extra quarters part. I'd just leave it at one extra period; if nobody wins that it's a tie. I really prefer continuing to play with the same rules you used for 60 minutes. FIFA used to have the 'golden goal' where the next goal won after 90 minutes, but they smartly said that's ridiculous and just said just add 2 more 15 minute halves and play it out. I'd much prefer a shorter OT played in full than all sorts of rules about what kind of score ends the game.
  6. I'd even go a step further - there should be no hatred for Byrd for wanting to be paid like the top NFL safety when there's probably multiple teams that would pay him as one. I certainly hope the Bills can work out a deal, I'm just afraid it's not realistic if he wants to get the biggest check. To your other question, here's a good recent ranking of NFL safeties: http://www.footballnation.com/content/nfl-safety-rankings-for-the-2013-campaign/25091/
  7. That's not really the question. The question is whether it's worth breaking the bank for him vs a safety we could plug in for ~$7/m a season. This year, the Bills have basically played lights out at home, and pretty poorly on the road (some exceptions.) That's with and without Byrd. I wouldn't say it's the first good game he's played this season, but I would say this is the first of his six games this year that's he played like a top NFL safety.
  8. wtf. they could have at least posted a vine video of the contract tender being shredded.
  9. It's not a question of wanting Byrd on the team, it's a question of the wide spread reports that he 'demands to be the top paid safety in the NFL.' (http://nfl.si.com/20...-buffalo-bills/) I think it's just unrealistic to think the Bills can offer him the most money he can make in the NFL. They just don't have the luxury of say the Redskins that use every bit of accounting magic to spend as much as they possibly can. Reports were the Bills were willing to pay him Top 4 money. That's probably as close as we're going to get. If his primary focus remains paycheck over team (which I can't really hold against him) his greatest value to the Bills might still be in trade value unfortunately.
  10. During the preseason, White completed 28 of 50 passes for 330 yards with two interceptions and ran 19 times for 103 yards and three touchdowns. He took every snap for the Redskins in their final preseason game - a 30-7 victory over Buffalo. http://www.al.com/sports/index.ssf/2013/10/pat_white_drawing_interest_fro.html
  11. I'm glad he didn't just admit the mistake, but sincerely did so.
  12. Incorrect. Vegaswiseguy357 reported this hours ago.
  13. It doesn't seem like the raiders are going to decide their future on the game tonight. Freeman is coming to buffalo, just a question of how much money we have to spend.
  14. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/23991412/nfl-grades-week-5-brownsbills-a-josh-freeman-showcase
  15. You win a starting role by playing. There's just not many teams that have an opening. Oakland is the assumed favorite because of Greg Olson, but if EJ has an injury that's going to keep him out awhile I'd be pretty shocked if he doesn't end up a Bill tomorrow. Remember when EJ and Sanchez went down in pre-season and we were both scrambling trying to get on the phone with Lienert and Beck? That was the best available. Freeman is basically Peyton Manning comparatively.
  16. Depends on the severity of EJ's injury. If it's anything significant, I'd say the Bills are a clear favorite. It's possible he wants a multi-year deal, but my guess is he just wants to start. If the case, comes down to probably Oakland, Jacksonville and possibly Minnesota as the best chances of getting a chance to start. That's if any of those teams are even interested. If EJ had a serious injury, he would be the obvious starter here. If that ends up being the case, Tampa basically cut him one day too early and missed out on the draft pick we'd have sent.
  17. We just posted audio of Marrone on The Blitz today: https://soundcloud.com/siriusxmsports/doug-marrone-bills-head-coach He talks EJ, Patriots, and Jarius Byrd.
  18. Well, it's Kelly, Reed and Tasker who will obviously talk a lot about the Bills, but it's not *really* a show about just the Bills. Still, not really anything else like it on the channel. It's Wednesday nights 7-8pm; be sure to check it out then because it doesn't get carried on On Demand and we have no scheduled replays. Here's a link to the schedule page: http://www.siriusxm.com/siriusxmnflradio/weeklyschedule I would encourage the OP to listen to a few more shows on the channel. As others have pointed out, there's a slew of hosts with deep knowledge of the team.
  19. Something went wrong with the recording unfortunately; the video is always a smooth 30fps @ 720p. I have literally hours of perfect video...of course the one time I get Stevie to test them out the frame rate drops.
  20. Tuel has looked pretty great in camp. I have noticed him taking a few too many sacks in practice. Last week he also threw an interception immediately after music was turned up on the field - not sure if it was a coincidence. Here's some video I shot of that: Also got him in a few photos - has a bit of an Eli Manning look to him: http://www.flickr.com/photos/13141302@N06/with/9490859434/
  21. We're doing Bills training camp today at 4. If you don't have SiriusXM, you can get a free trial to listen on PC/phone here: http://www.siriusxm.com/freetrial Unfortunately there's no scheduled replays for this airing, so make sure to tune in at 4 if you're interested!
  22. Unless I missed it, I don't think anybody posted a link to the 2010 leaked draftboard. It's on the bottom of the page here. The number in parenthisis is the round, pick they were actually made. http://www.bloggingtheboys.com/2010/4/27/1446595/consolidated-cowboys-draft-board
  23. Sadly no current plans to replay the show, but will let you guys know if that changes.
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