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Everything posted by disco

  1. woah, don't get ProFootballkTalk.com confused with ProFootballCentral.com. Despite many inaccurate reports and an insistence of inserting personal opinion in his 'news'...Mike Florio of PFT isn't just randomly making things up. Trust me - he does have legitimate inside league sources. From first glance it appers ProFootballCentral is just randomly making up headlines.
  2. these are some good stats from the game aside from the score: Total yards: Bills 305, Packers 65. The Bills also led in first downs, 17-9, and held the Packers to just 23 yards rushing on 16 attempts for a 1.4 yard average.
  3. ro 'scoe parrish nice breakdown, thanks. some other reports say the official score was packers 33, bills 30. any idea what the discrepancy is?
  4. I really couldn't believe how ready our defense seemed to be tonight. Perhaps GB really needs some work...but it really seems like it will be a special year for the D.
  5. Yeah, I liked his lightning fast juke of the free rushing DT. They ruled it a sack but there was no way he'd have been caught. Whereas Bledsoe was too slow to make a decision, Losman's still a bit trigger happy. Hopefully he'll be able to get comfortable and relax a bit more in the next few weeks.
  6. "Think again". Really. You really want to take the opinion that everyone in the NFL thinks JP will be a bust? I'm ready to take you on in that. You sure you want to take that side?
  7. haha. I'm not settling for just OK, Losman can definitely be more than just ok.
  8. Does that mean everyone in the NFL is expecting him to come out and be a complete bust? I don't think that's the case at all. He played solid for an inexperienced rookie during a scrimmage, sure, but I'm not ready to say he played solid for a starting nfl quarterback. and that's what we need. I'm just trying to say he's on track, but not necessarily ready to go tomorrow.
  9. It might have made sense if he was just comparing the teams as a whole and referring to last year's records. But he was specifically talking about the defense which he'd earlier mentioned as "possibly the best defense in the league". That's ok, he also said JP deciding to run instead of throw was a "physical mistake" not a "mental mistake". I'm pretty sure that'd be classified as a mental error.
  10. At the very least we need to see this guy get some extended preseason action.
  11. Honestly I wasn't as enthralled with JP's performance. He was just OK. The one thing I wanted to see him do well was throw the ball. We already know he can run and evade a pass rush...but he's going to have to be able to sit in the pocket, make good reads, and throw accurately. He was a bit off in the scrimmage and wasn't able to score a single touchdown...even in the red zone. Before I get flamed for this, I'm not at all saying I was disappointed with his performance...he did as well as anyone could have expected. Not specifically in response to this post...but some of the others that say he did "great" or was "amazing" is a little bit of an overstatement. Those kind of statements would lead me to think he'd be ready to start if the season began next week. He certainly is not and definitely needs to take full advantage of each preseason game. I think Losman showed us tonight that he's made some good progress, needs some more work, but could be ready by Sept 11. Oh and the defense? There's no overstatement there...they looked fantastic.
  12. this is probably stating the obvious, but hopefully this is why TD fought so hard to get the third rounder for henry.
  13. although i know it's been answered many times before, can't seem to find a thread with the answer in it. Do you need tickets for the 2:45p practices or just the 7:00pm practice? thanks!
  14. This thread is essentially the reason Stephen A. got a show. Not only is there talk regarding the show, there is a strong opinion of the host. Despite the fact that most of the responses indicate they hate Stephen A. and will never watch...some will, if not just to feed the hatred. Obviously it's better to have a show that people talk about hating than not talk about at all. As people have already mentioned, Jim Rome has had a 15+ year successfully career with a similar persona. (some years more successful than others, of course) I can tell you he's very much the character you see him play on television. He's really not putting on much of an act. He actually does work hard (or at least A LOT) and has many personal relationships with the A list athletes. That being said, like everyone else has mentioned I do think he's too polarized and negative. Jim Rome might toe the line of annoyance, but Stephen A. takes a running sprint passed it. Viewers might not mind watching someone they don't agree with - but they're not going to take 30 minutes of being yelled at for very long. I think if he manages to temper his outbursts and arrogance with even an ounce of humility he could find some long term success. Realistically - I don't see that happening.
  15. on PTI today the henry trade only gets a mention during the close (big finish) segment. i thought it'd be a bigger blip on the radar...i guess it's not much a story in the nfl.
  16. that is outrageous. I have every tyson fight from his career on a collection of 17 DVDs. I invite you to watch them and then tell me he's a creation of the media. Hell, find me a single boxer, ex-boxer, boxing commentator, etc that believes tyson was never a real fighter. The roughly 30 fights between 1985-1990 show what is undeniably one of the most ferocious fighters ever in boxing. He might not compare to an Ali, Frazier, or Foreman in terms of an all around fighter...but his is one of the most feared fighters for his compact power and unbelievable quickness and accuracy. The type of dominance he displays in the '85-'90 fights and the overall fear that is visible in his opponents eyes will match up with any fighter you'd like to name. I was at the fight last night..and honestly much like his other recent fights I don't believe his style has changed all that much - he just doesn't have the intensity and apparent knockout power that he had early in his career. He landed numerous of his infamous uppercuts cleanly...McBride was just able to weather the storm. Tyson really hasn't ever been a 5+ round fighter. The fights early in his career that last 10, 12 rounds were always a result of the opponent holding/hiding - not from an opponent being able to trade punches. The only early instance of a 10 round fight resulting from offense from the opponent is Buster Douglas - who dominanted tyson from the opening bell and obviously won on a KO. As far as him being total scum...I'm not here to say tyson is a good person. But the guy had absolutely NO family figures to give him guidence. The closest thing to a father figure was Cus D'Amato - and he died in 1985 before Tyson really realized his success. The guy literally had NOBODY and all of a sudden he's got this huge fame and fortune...and you know who he ends up having to give him advice? DON KING. A guy that was convicted of murdering someone by stomping them to death. It's not a new story. Just count the young athletes with fame and fortune that have screwed up without the right people around him. And tyson didn't just not have the right people - he had exactly the wrong people. mix that with obvious mental issues and it's no surprise he's an unstable human being that ended up making a mess of his life. here are tyson's career stats: http://www.boxrec.com/boxer_display.php?boxer_id=000474
  17. I want to chime in after having both cable and directv. I really don't see much of a comparison. The negatives I hear about DirecTV: - Goes out in bad weather - Bad customer service - No local channels - Don't pay for equipment Responding to each: 1. Goes out in bad weather- No, more likely the weather that is bad enough to put the dish reception out is going to put the electricity out first. I've almost never had service interuption due to weather. 2. Bad Customer Service This one is the biggest joke to me. There's nothing I hate more than cable customer service. Cable customer service satisfaction rating is worse than the IRS. DirecTV customer service I've dealt with a few times when moving. They pay for all your equipment on your move and installation. When I lived in an apartment, I called to say my apartment complex was charging $100 to put a dish up (now illegal to charge). Directv paid this fee for me. 3. No local channels I get all the local channels...but if you're in an area where this isn't possible, I guess that's a significant negative. 4. Don't pay for equipment If you're a new customer, it's basically going to be free. Sure, if someting breaks you might have to pay for it...but I promise you if you call Directv and say you're not happy because the box broke...they'll pay for it. I will say the HD DVR on cable networks being given to you rather than having to pay for that on DirecTV is a major negative... 150 HD channels come January, NFL Sunday Ticket, NFL Sunday Ticket HD, true digital channels....you just can't compare that to cable. My bill is $60 a month w/ 2 tv's, tivo, HD package, sports package. no premium channels though.
  18. I don't think his logic makes any sense. We only know ONE thing for certain: Henry will NOT be a Bill past this season. You either trade him now and get some value or let him walk as a FA next year. The situation is the same if McGahee is signed for 3 years or 10.
  19. based on this performance, don't expect to see kevin thompson anywhere near the nfl.
  20. ug. nevermind, you don't want to see it.
  21. if you're interested in seeing how bills allocated QB Kevin Thompson can handle a 2 minute drill in the fourth quarter...turn on nfl network now.
  22. It's funny, Kelly never really gets into those type of conversations...I guess he was never looked at as a QB that carried the team on his back, and really I guess never did - always surrounded buy a good squad. If you recall Marino really blew up during one of the final press conferences of his career when asked about the Superbowl...I guess he'd heard the question one too many times. It seems he's still a little upset by it, but I don't think Boomer meant any disrespect.
  23. I really think it just comes down to the players hoping if they draw the process out long enough the owners might somehow consider a solution w/o a salary cap. There's really no reason for the players to jump out and offer a cap...and obviously no reasons for the owners to accept an agreement w/o one. I imagine we'll all just wait until the players finally give in, they certainly have no other cards to play.
  24. that doesn't even make any sense. I'm not saying "Coulda', woulda', shoulda'..they HAVE gotten closer each attempt to the point where that they came within a play of winning this year. If you're using history to say they shouldn't win, I'm using trends to say they should.
  25. yes, but also don't forget he's simply gotten closer and closer every attempt...and he'd have a W in foxboro this year if it wasn't for a drunken idiot kicker.
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