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Everything posted by disco

  1. Jets now at 9 consecutive quarters without a touchdown. The only TD they scored was when they got the ball inside the 10 against the Giants. 1TD for the Jets, 54 rating for Snatches last week, 34 so far this week. They were overrated last year and somehow Rex Ryan's mouth make people believe they're Super Bowl contenders this year. They're not.
  2. He's rocking a 34 rating tonight! Woo!
  3. No way. The jets won in spite of the guy last year. Guy is the horribly overrated.
  4. The memories from that first game probably made his signing worth it. I'm not sure we've had as good a game since.
  5. It's amazing we have one thread with fans worrying about Brown getting picked up if we try and pass him through waivers to get to the practice squad...and another with fans interested in cutting Maybin. Talk about a guy that would be picked up in a second. First round picks generally get more slack by virtue of that selection. But otherwise guys on the roster are here because of their immediate impact or future potential. Once it's decided they have neither, they get cut. Maybin as a late round selection would still be getting slack on future potential. He's not even dipped into first round bonus slack. I dont understand the desire to get rid of a guy so quickly? He's barely played and he's extremely young. What because he can be cocky? If you read his blog at aaronmaybin.com he doesn't seem to be a terrible guy, cocky or not. We're not exactly loaded with talent. Maybin is the type of guy in camp you see promise in and hope he can make it. He's certainly not a guy you want to hope we're going to cut. Not even close.
  6. Ummm...you sir are a jackass. Please look up Jerramy Stevens on wikipedia. He's not even in the same league as Ray or Jamal Lewis. He's one of the biggest disgraces in the nfl and no I don't want to cheer for a team with guys like him on it. Maybe you should consider becoming a steelers fan.
  7. Salary cap hit would usually be an issue...not sure if it really factors in this year. Seems too dangerous to start a season w just TE and Brohm. (not that starting a season WITH te/bb/fitz seems particularly safe) I think Levi Brown just goes to the PS. It's early, but you see a lot of late round QB picks go to the PS that have shown a lot more in preseason than Brown has. Thing is...7th round QB draft picks don't have much of a success record in the NFL. If another team thought that highly of Brown they had 6 rounds to take him in the draft. I'm not knocking Brown here, just saying it's pretty rare a team is salivating at the potential release of a 7th round QB. Or any 7th round pick for that matter.
  8. Didn't he force a fumble that was called back because of a penalty?
  9. All great points. A few counterpoints of my own: - 50% of the GREAT QBs on your list were NOT first round picks. True, but consider how rare it is to have a Tom Brady and Kurt Warner. Sure, the number of first round busts is high, but imagine the number of busts it takes in every other round to find a Tom Brady or Kurt Warner. And really, 50% is somewhat of a misleading. Of the past 20 years list I made, Rypien and Hostetler are 19 and 20 years ago. They're about to disappear. Drew Brees is practically a first rounder being the first pick of round 2. Brett Favre has turned out to be an all time great. In other words, there's only 2 QBs left that were just so/so and won a Super Bowl: Brad Johnson, Trent Dilfer. There other 3 (Brady, Warner, Favre) are more or less legends. As high as the first round bust rate is, you can number 100 QBs from every other round before you find a Brady or Favre or Warner. Consider "today's NFL era" to date back to 2004 after the NFL changed the illegal contact on receivers following the Colts/Patriots AFC championship game issues in 2003. Since that time, the QBs simply to appear IN the Super Bowl: 2009: Drew Brees / Peyton Manning (Rnd 2 Pick 1, Rnd 1 Pick 1) 2008: Kurt Warner / Ben R (Undrafted / Rnd 1 Pick 11) 2007: Eli Manning / T Brady ( Rnd 1 Pick 1 / Rnd 6) 2006: Peyton Manning / Rex Grossman (Rnd 1 Pick 1, Rnd 1 Pick 22) 2005: Matt Hasselbeck / Ben R (Rnd 6 / Rnd 1 Pick 11) 2004: Donovan Mcnabb / Tom Brady (Rnd 1 Pick 2 / Rnd 6) Of the 12 QBs to just MAKE the Super Bowl: - 33% Drafted first or second OVERALL - 67% Drafted 1st Round (I'm cheating w/ Brees - call it top 33 picks) - 16% Named Tom Brady In the modern NFL passing era: 83% of QBs to make it the Super Bowl are first round picks or named Tom Brady. 100% of the Super Bowl QB winners were a first rounder or named Tom Brady. My real point being it's extremely rare to find a non-first round QB that wins the Super Bowl, especially today. To do it, you've gotta be not just good, but you've gotta be one of the best ever. I equate this to a bit Chris Rock had in his 2008 "Kill the Messenger" HBO Special: CR: "I will give you an example of how race affects my life. I live in a place called Alpine, New Jersey. Live in Alpine, New Jersey, right? My house costs millions of dollars. [some whistles and cheers from the audience] Don't hate the player, hate the game. In my neighborhood, there are four black people. Hundreds of houses, four black people. Who are these black people? Well, there's me, Mary J. Blige, Jay-Z and Eddie Murphy. Only black people in the whole neighborhood. So let's break it down, let's break it down: me, I'm a decent comedian. I'm a'ight. [applause] Mary J. Blige, one of the greatest R&B singers to ever walk the Earth. Jay-Z, one of the greatest rappers to ever live. Eddie Murphy, one of the funniest actors to ever, ever do it. Do you know what the white man who lives next door to me does for a living? He's a !@#$ing dentist! He ain't the best dentist in the world...he ain't going to the dental hall of fame...he don't get plaques for getting rid of plaque. He's just a yank-your-tooth-out dentist. See, the black man gotta fly to get to somethin' the white man can walk to."
  10. Right, the question might be in the event of perfect storm are the Bills gone? (I'm taking worst case scenario as: Owner dies, lockout, bad small market CBA terms, and...I don't know, George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg buy the franchise) I still think the odds still favor the Bills being in Buffalo. The NFL will forever be in need of a passionate fan base. As markets go, Buffalo is still near the top of the list. It's funny, when I worked with espn people would laugh about how X story is going to drive the Bills nation crazy. Which was always remarkable because you didn't hear that even about most of the high profile teams. For a team that rarely had stories in the rundown, their passion was still apparent. The same is true at my current job - for the small market Bills, there are so many calls coming from and about Buffalo. The NFL knows this. Sure, they're a business and care about dollars. But to create a fan base like they have in Buffalo...that takes years and years. And, today, it's as harder than ever. Look at Jacksonville. Look at Carolina. They'll never have the kind of fans like you have in Buffalo. The NFL does know how valuable that is.
  11. In all honesty, no, I don't blame Norwood, but if he makes the kick, another HOF QB goes on the list. Adding Rypien into your list doesn't help prove your point at all. 14-2 was mentioned because, yes, he was a key reason for that. Great Oline or not, he still threw for 28TDs that year, and was a two time pro bowler. I live in DC, I watched ever game he played. No, he's not a great, but he also doesn't belong in your list. His play was far above mediocre. I see him as middle of the road. Either way, I didn't include him in the end result - 80% of the QBs to win the Super Bowl in the last 20 years are in or will be in the HOF. My argument isn't that you shouldn't have a great O line or a great D. My argument is there's plenty of teams that have had either or both, but it's not a coincidence that the SB winners also had GREAT QBs. 80% HOFs in the last 20 years is how I back that up. You've gotta give me more than "duh" and "he was a stiff" or "Aikman relied on Emmitt!" If you don't accept HOF as an appropriate measure of greatness, I've got nothing else to point to.
  12. Uhhh no. This is beyond a bit of a stretch. Winning a SB with mediocre QB play is NOT easy and is EXTREMELY rare. Particularly in today's era when rules favor passing. Let's take your examples: 1. Trent Dilfer - Yes, though the Ravens also had one of, if not THE best defenses of all time. 2. Brad Johnson - Tampa had one of, if not the best defense that year. And, Johnson benefited from playing Rich Gannon who managed to throw FIVE picks, THREE of which were returned for TDs. (Tampa did have a great D) 3. Jeff Hostetler - What can I say, Scott Norwood gave the man a Super Bowl. In other words, yes, if you can compile either one of the best defenses in the history of the game OR hope a kicker makes the most memorable missed field goal of all time...you might be able to win a Super Bowl. Guess what? Having a great QB is a much easier path. And really, the mere fact that you were only able to come up with 3 names proves the point. Let's fill in the rest of the SB winning teams QBs from the last 20 years: 2009 - Drew Brees (117 QB Rating) 2008 - Ben R (93 QB Rating, 1st Round Pick) 2007 - Eli Manning (87 Rating, 1st Round) 2006 - P manning (81 Rating, 1st Rd, ~Top 3 QB of All time) 2005 - Ben R (22 Rating, 1st Round Pick - should have lost. See Bill Leavy) 2004 - T Brady (110 Rating, ~Top 5 QB All Time) 2003 - T Brady (102 Rating, ~Top 5 QB All Time) * 2002 - B Johnson (See Above) 2001 - T Brady (86 Rating, ~Top 5 QB All Time) * 2000 - T Dilfer (See Above) 1999 - K Warner (97 Rating, Top 3 SB QB All Time) 1998 - J Elway (99 Rating, 1st Round, ~Top 10 QB All Time) 1997 - J Elway (1st Round, ~Top 10 QB All Time) 1996 - B Favre (91 Rating, ~Top 5 QB All Time) 1995 - T Aikman (108 Rating, 1st Round, ~Top 10 QB All Time) 1994 - S Young (134 Rating, ~Top 10 QB All Time) 1993 - T Aikman (77 Rating, 1st Round, ~Top 10 QB All Time) 1992 - T Aikman (140 Rating, 1st Round, ~Top 10 QB All Time) 1991 - M Rypien (92 Rating, 14-2 QB that year w/ 98 Rating) *1990 - J Hostetler (93 Rating, See Above. This name should say Jim Kelly, HOF QB) Do you really want to stick to mediocre QB play wins championships? Of that list of 20 SB winners, 16 were by not only good QBs - but GREAT QBs. Current of future HOF QBs. 50% were by 1st round picks, 25% by 1st overall picks. The chances of success in today's NFL without a great QB are extremely slim. Sure, it's been done, but it's a rare exception to the rule. It's not realistic to pretend otherwise.
  13. I think this thread is absurd. Schobel is one of a very small group of Bills that has worked his ass off for the Bills for 9 years. The guy has done only good things and is at the end of a career. He wants at least a year on a team that's got a shot. I'm sure he didn't spend his life playing football to not sniff the playoffs for a decade. Let him go have a chance at some success before he hangs it up. He's a great player that never had a chance to enjoy success. His contract makes him virtually unreadable...and what, the Bills are going to grasp at a 6th rounder or something? Good for the Bills for letting him go. He's a rare bright spot in the last 10 years when the team really needed one. They make a lot of stupid decisions, but letting a solid trouble free player pursue some level of success after years of hard work is ok in my book. I'd expect my employer to do the same.
  14. I can attest that this is absolutely the case. I worked with espn for years (they were a client) on a few of their most popular shows. It was pretty common for folks to ask talent 'hey what do you think of X team?' and the response was generally 'there's no way I know as much about that team as you do' There really is no way for the national guys to cover 32 teams. Or anyone really. There's no way anyone on this board does. I also think there's an element of gaming the rankings to create debate...there is a goal of driving clicks and conversation.
  15. I don't understand how they got to 26-27-60. They MUST have needed to use 27 instead of 26 (26-26-60) rule to eliminate some schlub right? But based on their charts i don't see it. Does it just sound more interesting to say 26-27-60?
  16. If the bills are interested they throw on an escalator to a 3rd pick w reasonable performance and it's done. It's starting to sound like they really are not interested.
  17. I love that Clausen was picked 48. It validated what we should already know - Nix knows what the hell he's doing. If we would have traded back into the first round to grab him, we'd have been praised for grabbing a value late first round pick in Clausen. If we had drafted Brian Bulaga at #9 as many suggested, we'd have been praised for picking the right guy in the right spot. Turns out he was overrated too going at #26. The fact that this year teams had the ability to think about round 2 over night with Clausen still on the board...and the Rams, Vikings, Bucs, Chiefs, Browns, Bills, Raiders, and Cardinals STILL passed on him pretty much tells you all you need to know.
  18. First, I think I could rewrite your novel of a post in one paragraph. Good lord. And even more impressively I can dissolve your entire thesis in two words: LaDainian Tomlinson. In your post year 2000 "100% passing league" the Chargers did exactly what you claim can't be done: rebuilt the team around a first round RB pick. They started with Tomlinson in 2001. Yes, they also drafted Brees that year in the second - and if Nix believed in Clausen he could have mirrored that 2001 Chargers draft. They added Jammer in 2002, Rivers in 2004, Merriman 2005, Cromartie 2006... Have they won a Super Bowl? No, not yet. Are they in the position every Bills fan would like to be in? YES. I am, of course, giving you the history of Buddy Nix. His first draft in San Diego was in 2001....and he started at RB. He NEVER, not once, drafted an OL in the first round. In fact, the San Diego Chagers starting OL from last year: LT Marcus McNeill (2x Pro Bowler, 2nd round 2006) LG Kris Dielman (3x PB, undrafted) C Scott Mruczkowski (7th round 2005) RG Louis Vasquez (3rd round 2009) RT Jeromey Clary (6th round 2006) Historically, their OL is riddled with late round selections. Nix has a very clear formula of how he wants to build this franchise - and if you'd like the preview, please reference SD's draft history from 01-09: http://www.databasefootball.com/draft/draf...=SDG&lg=nfl We didn't bring Nix here to draft according to draft experts or forum posters. We didn't bring him here handicapped by our prior draft failures. Ignore everything that happened before. For Nix, it's a clean slate. We brought him here to duplicate the successful blueprint he had in SD. And what you called a "terrible, terrible waste of a pick" is the start of it. I will close with the Buddy Nix San Diego Career Summary via Wikipedia: "Nix left Buffalo with John Butler and A. J. Smith after the 2000 season. He was initially the Director of Pro Player Personnel (2000–2001), but after Butler died, Smith was promoted to General Manager, and Nix to Assistant General Manager. Nix's job with the Chargers was to oversee both pro and college scouting and to be one of the main decision makers in each NFL Draft. Nix was a major reason the Chargers turned around from a losing football team to a rebuilt, winning team. In 2004, three players Nix drafted were selected to the 2005 Pro Bowl. In 2005, six players Nix drafted were selected to the 2006 Pro Bowl. In 2006, eleven players Nix drafted were selected to the 2007 Pro Bowl. In 2007, eight players Nix drafted were selected to the 2008 Pro Bowl. The Chargers won four out of the last five AFC West titles with Nix as Assistant GM and Director of Player Personnel, in charge of college scouting and instrumental to the decision making process of their NFL drafts."
  19. what's this shorthand you made up for redskins? r'skins? i mean, seriously, you're only saving one character there...what's the point?
  20. I tend to think one of Gailey's primary benefits is to maximize the potential of a quarterback. I also believe Nix and Gailey are active and willing to look at any option out there. If they're willing to bring him in I can't say I'd particularly mind - but their apparent total non-interest is a red enough flag for me.
  21. I bet this was posted last year - but this is a pretty brilliant youtube clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxxLjRXiLeQ
  22. Yeah, it doesn't seem likely they cut Edwards to retain Fitzpatrick. Given the general lack of production both have shown, it seems like they'd want to give the guy they drafted, put 3 years into, and on the last year of his contract another shot. Also, Edwards has traditionally impressed in camp and preseason.
  23. This seems like an easy answer...if it was Brandon running the show we'd have taken Tebow at #9 - Gotta sell those tickets!
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