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Everything posted by KGun12TD

  1. The Colts are becoming a complete "Shhh!t Show" of an organization. If I'm Frank, I would wait one more year for a better gig.
  2. Who? I’m 48 and been following this team forever! Who? Oh wait, dang I forgot my meds.
  3. Yes! He was clearly not ready. Also, that arm...ugh! It’s not gonna ever be ready for November -January in Buffalo!
  4. You like that? God, NO! I don't...go somewhere else with your 27Mil a year ask.
  5. "Look, I really need a QB in here...I can't keep doing this by myself."
  6. Nice! one more to go...Murph! UGH!!! That show is awful!
  7. I'm here for the free food and the comedy that is this post.
  8. Its a bad sign when a QB has to acknowledge his "accuracy" problems. UGh! Please let the Browns take him 1st overall.
  9. I'm starting to dislike this guy a lot...more and more he's looking like the A$$ I think he is.
  10. Until we get a real QB we will never know how good our WRs can be!
  11. Anyone but Bradford please...when was he not hurt? What makes you think it won’t happen here? Ugh! Dear God, No!!! i honestly would be happy with Alex Smith or Case Keenum!
  12. We will need some of the "smaller" players to step up. I can see guys like: Murphy, Zay J, Riely...etc. The Jags are going to focus on our big guys...I just want a win...Go Bills!
  13. Give TT and the two 1st to Browns for the 1st pick?
  14. YOU GO AND GET THE QB. Every year we keep having this convo "If we only had a QB." Look at all the teams that win and win big - THEY ALL HAVE A TOP FLIGHT QB. ALL OF THEM. We need a top flight QB to be a superbowl contender. Period.
  15. I think it is because of the College Football Bowl game the night before. They needed the time to prep the field properly.
  16. I honestly can't blame anyone for NOT wanting to play for that horribly ran organization. They are pure crap.
  17. The great comments on a "silly" (Insert your own word here) post is why I keep coming back.
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