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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. rob johnson would have blamed himself
  2. losman looked pissed at him too. very kellyesque
  3. dare i say, but there's one quarterback who looks great, and one that looks TERRIBLE in this game...
  4. no holding on that?? we're really going to get the conspiracy theory wagon rolling this year...
  5. so, predictions on when maroney will come back down to earth??
  6. i don';t have a big enough antenna. injury update: vincent out, whitner in takeo out with a hammy, may return
  7. 18 yard TD run, longest in 2 or 3 years? wow, we WERE bad!!
  8. where do you get your information?? all i hear about is how bruschi may be back next week, and 2 and a half men advertisements...
  9. not to complain on a TD drive, but why wasn't mcgahee in there??? 17-7 bills
  10. TD!!!! thomas!!!
  11. a-train looks good on this drive so far.
  12. 1 quarter in, and i can confirm that our offensive coaches this year are miles upon miles ahead of our coaches last year. losman actually has a safety valve... mcgahee looks FAST~
  13. to ESPN's Terrell Owens and other stuff
  14. On my directv guide for NFL Network, i see "nfl scoreboard" from 4:30pm-11:30pm, then "NFL Gameday" from 11:30pm-1am. Both apparently are post game hilights, press conferences, analysis, and interviews. Then there's the aformentioned NBC show, sportscenter on espn at 11, "the blitz" on espnnews all day, and of course, george michael sports machine!!!
  15. is wease still alive? If he is, he's the poster boy for the marlboro "cigarettes don't kill you" campaign...
  16. nothing specacular for me today... chips, spinach dip, and canada dry ginger ale.
  17. As i've been telling all of my non-bills fan friends this week: "you can laugh at me now for my prediction, but trust me, all bets are off if they play well and pull an upset on sunday". If losman plays well today, all bets are off... Remember last year against the texans... he didn't play all that remarkable... If losman plays well today, and the defense supports him with their play, all bets are off...
  18. hense the reason why evans and born on sunday are on my fantasy team... Am i looking to win my league? no... Am i looking to make a point that our receivers will be decent this year? yes!
  19. 181, 3TDs (2 rushing, 1 receiving)
  20. We're gonna knock their asses off! LETS GO BUFFALO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. or a Taurus ride...
  22. well, first of all, the drive from niagara falls, ontario to foxboro, ma is one hell of a trip to make in a day... now, if you mean the home opener, that's a different story. if we happen to pull off a couple of wins or at least go 1-1, expect to be blown away by noise. my advice is to drink heavily saturday through monday. never stop to sleep... sleep is for fags and bledsoe appologists (hey, they've gotta have time to formulate their theories)
  23. live on cnn now. PC with the head of the troopers coming "shortly"
  24. Awesome!
  25. I love grass fields. Seeing the steelers play on it makes me yearn for the stuff at the ralph. Wouldn't that be sweeter than our plastic/rubber hybrid field?
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