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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. My neighbors here are all great neighbors. We all help each other out, and the southern grass gets cut to one level "even". There';s no tall or short, so sometimes we do cut over into each other's yards, but its no biggie... Now, my old neighbors at RIT... Those were some major @ssholes. I don't know if they qualify as neighbors or just college kids, but they played whiffle ball every single night till 4am, using our entire apartment as a backstop... My roommate called campus police on them which started a 2 year vendetta. Those guys were jerks.
  2. Joe Pa... Responsible for the most famous diarrhea of the week
  3. only down by 10 at halftime is pretty good, considering the spread is denoted in scientific notation! (4.5x10^1)
  4. congrats... my wife almost threw up on me when i asked her to marry me...
  5. funny, but staged.
  6. bills fans and beef grizzle... a combination made in heaven!
  7. Cox... my hatred for him goes without explanation i never really disliked domi. He was just another team's version of rob ray, and never really amounted to anything against the sabres. He was always our punching bag. I have little respect for the guy though, due to his neiydermayer incident, but i have no real hatred for domi.
  8. Blase? Jesus H. Christ man! Blase? That's the stage name for underwear models and American Gladiators!
  9. coy wire has his issues at safety, but he's a damn good special teamer...
  10. imagine if the bills are in the playoffs and it's thursday... That's one hell of a wait.
  11. And if you ever make it to warsaw, don't forget to stop at memories or smitty's... Two fine fine bars...
  12. the arms of the NFL have a very long reach... zoom in really close and you can see the yellow dashed lines around the sideline on the old bright green turf... but you are correct, when i searched for the ralph last year, you could see things in color and zoom in very close to the old helmet at the 50. I distinctly remember this because i searched for the ralph and the hsbc before i even searched for my house. Someone should look up other stadiums to see if this is the same phenominon. I nominate ieatcrayonz to look up the RCA dome, and everyone else to look up the other 30 stadiums.
  13. it looks like the bills logo as well as the rest of the green field were brushed away after the fact.
  14. The media's job is to make $. Stories, antecdotes, advertisement $, and predictions trump hard news. This is why nobody gave a rat's a$$ about the bills, and why everyone will be making up "feel good" stories about ralph, marv, jp, et. al when we're good later in the season. advertisement $ drove the michael vick herpes story off of the nfln and espn... "marv is old" sells more than "marv had a great draft" at this point, so that's what they're going with. moral of the story: learn who to listen to, watch or read and learn to read between the lines, or else get bent out of shape over untrue crap.
  15. Your Solution
  16. "oh Snap, daunte culpepper sucks." "the bills will suprise people this year. [shows tivo replay of game to unsuspecting friend] oh snap! nobody circles the wagons like the buffalo bills!"
  17. the same reason why we won 9 in 04... almost impossible to explain
  18. ok, how come none of us witnessed this?
  19. isn't this the 3000th year in a row that the bills have played the pats after the pats bye week?
  20. I agree with all that assessement... Hopefully spikes was having a bad day on tuesday or wednesday... If his statements honestly reflect his attitude, then he needs to be injury settlemented too. Don't mix my words... I'm not saying i want spikes to get cut too, however, nobody is bigger than the team, especially a guy who didn't participate in a near shutout. Get well takeo and bring it to the field with BETTER talent around you
  21. um, let me propose this theory: We're better than the dolphins.
  22. I don't know... i was rather happy around 5pm on january 3, 1993...
  23. hopefully the rest of the team is out to prove "them" wrong too... It's one game... you don't get too low after a bad defeat, and you don't get too high after a big win, but i can't help it. The attitude that this team has is unbelievable. Last week, donte refused his INT ball because they lost the game... Hell, last week they lost because jauron chose not to challenge an obvious call, on the road, in a place they've never won before. This team should be 2-0 and atop the AFC East. I'll take 1-1 and my VERY high hopes with me this week! If this team actually plays with this attitude, character, and willingness to improve on their previous mistakes, "they'll" all be proven wrong.
  24. Berman gets a bad rap here, especially since he's been a bills fan in hiding for the past 5 years or so, but it may be time to dust off the old apex jacket and show the love, leather! NOBODY CIRCLES THE WAGONS LIKE THE BUFFALO BILLS!
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