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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. the worst thing is the water situation... just like in new orleans. hopefully they can get that processing plant running tonight. on a LAMP note, my mom is in PA and my dad's in the house alone... a tree went trhough the back window, no roof damage, he's ok, but our neighbor had a medical incident that he doesn't know details yet. we're on a mile long driveway, our house is at the end, theirs is in the middle... he said a plow cleared the way for an ambulance and took one of them away on a stretcher... so, its definitely hitting home! and yes dante, its very very bad
  2. called the clarence vfd on main st, and they said that the clarence high school is open as a shelter, if anyone needs it...
  3. thanks... there's nothing more substantial that i can find at this moment... i've checked the nys emergency management page and they have nothing up yet... i'll keep on looking
  4. I'm trying to locate storm shelter info for the town of clarence so my parents have somewhere to go... if i find the info, i'll post it here, if not, someone else can find it and post it here so i know where to tell them to go! thanks!
  5. buffalo/southern ontario is a HUGE hockey market though... i don't think the ratings would be bad at all
  6. and then all our hopes will be dashed... yes, its conceivable that we could be in 1st or close to it, but at this very moment, we're just not ready. not saying we won't be ready after our bye, but right now, we're kidding ourselves. Now, if the bills put together a good gameplan and can win in detroit, and somehow squeak out a win against the pats, then they'll be able to regroup during the bye, look towards squashing the packers, and then we'll talk... till then, don't hold your breath. The one positive that i'll give this team is that there's some actual growing pains and some development. the bears game was a big step back, but it was WAY less maddening than last year's chargers game or dolphins game from last year...
  7. how's that new soldier field? it looks like a very very different style of other new stadiums
  8. we got beat badly today, but at least we don't have that internal turmoil that we used to have... glad to see it goes to another "class" organization like the cowboys
  9. no, but i laid out some tasty bait, didn't i?
  10. Bledsoe sucks, and i can take great pride in that... owens got owened in philly. good for him the sabres are the best team in the NHL. bill parcells still sucks... every jauron loss is one game closer to the return of coach levy
  11. no, he was talking about the bills... if he were mentioning the sabres, "winner's" would be in place of "clown" in his sentence.
  12. well, if grossman gets hurt, it could get interesting...
  13. what would directv customer support say to me if i told them i was cancelling sunday ticket because the announcers are unprofessional and biased?
  14. c works... it shut her down for the day!
  15. why is ashton youboty inactive again?? I had heard that his mother died during the preseason, but i don't recall an actual injury,,,
  16. wd40 sounds good to me... i need to get some today to fix a doorknob... GO BILLS
  17. ok, fezmid... let me go and find a hammer... seriously though, i was able to remove the scuff marks off the aluminum door with paint thinner. The marks on the vinyl flashing piece are still there. I tried soap, water, paint thinner and elbow grease. Oh well... that's only a plastic piece.
  18. 3 problems here: 1) So, i'm the only guy in my neighborhood who parks his car in the garage, leaving my driveway as the only open driveway on the block. Children have been riding their bikes and big wheels and stuff in my driveway without a problem till last week when one ran into my garage door, leaving black scuff marks. What will get them off? paint thinner? soap and water? a powerwasher? 2) i'm conflicted because i'd never allow my children to be so irresponsible in someone else's driveway. why are some parents so stupid? 3) I didn't grow up in a neighborhood, but my wife did... her excuse as to why i get so angry at these children is that i don't know what its like to be a kid in a neighborhood... my answer is always no, i don't, however i do know that its not right to run over flowers and hit houses more than once (i.e. not accidentally) and i also know its not right as a parent to encourage that behavior (i.e. drinking scotch all day and allowing your child to run the neighborhood freely). She gets very angry at me. Should i a) ignore her b) argue back and clean the garage in spite of her, like right before she forces me to go grocery shopping? c) use my stud finder to locate empty space behind my kitchen drywall that she painted and take a hammer to it, then wonder in amazement why she's so pissed?
  19. that guy looks like a giant version of mark messier
  20. didn't andre reed miss like 12 weeks with a "hamstring pull"?
  21. I hate to say it, because this guy is bottom line, and "cheap", however, the Buffalo Bill that should be elected first is Ralph Wilson. Bruce, Tasker, Thurman, Andre, Hull, are all first ballots in my eyes, although, they should all take a back seat to the man.... Ralph... Unfortunately, he'll be inagurated first ballot after his death... I just hope one of these guys (most likely bruce, since he's a shoe in first ballot) will step up to the canton mic and give a raph wilson nomination speech rather than a "thank you" speech... Bruce Smith, if you do this, you'll have finally gained hall of fame nomination from me.
  22. Bears vs. God? I'd go with God, but it would be in overtime
  23. there was also a "norwood" comment made too... but i believe it was in reference to an out of town score update.
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