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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. RIP. people killing disabled people. Rome is falling.
  2. I'm thinking it won't stop till there is a legit whistleblower case... I contended about 6 weeks ago in a thread that someone's gotta step up and initiate a FIFA-like investigation. The NFL is far too large of an organization for everyone to keep their mouths shut. It may not happen today, it may not happen next year, or even next decade, but there's a canary out there somewhere.
  3. So, I've read thread after thread after thread about the Pats cheating, collusion with the league and Kraft, bad officiating, not showing replays of obvious made up penalty calls, possible gambling connections, poor on field play due to Thursday night football, etc., etc., etc. What's your tipping point though? I'm pretty close but I'm not there yet. Personally, I found it completely comical that Gruden literally said "just give it to em" on the Shady TD. That's an obvious reference to that infamous game and possibly a subtle admission by Gruden that this whole thing is fixed... I'm close, but not there yet. I don't know what my tipping point will be where I just stop being a fan. What's yours?
  4. Good throw with a broken collarbone
  5. Anyone think that ref doesn't make it out of the stadium alive?
  6. Brady's been knocked down on almost every throw at least.
  7. The injury itself is not relatively that bad from the onset. It causes knee instability and will eventually lead to cartilage damage, joint alignment difficulties, and difficulties using your leg for more than getting off the couch for another cup of coffee. The repair takes a long time though because they regrow tissue around a cadavor ligament. That take the time. Not on the same arm!
  8. This may be in another thread, but did anyone see the still shot of Forsett's broken arm? It looks like he has two elbows.
  9. I was at that game and remember that play. Ricky Williams was an absolute beast that day. The game itself was so awesome due to the snow. I recall they played "Let it Snow" when it got really REALLY bad and the entire crowd was singing perfectly in sync. It was just a fun game to be at. The next week's SI had a 2 page photo of that game. One of the best games I've been to. Shootout in the snow. I think we had about 12-18" of snow DURING the game.
  10. BS that should have been called.
  11. White pants? We will find out soon enough how sick he is
  12. +1 I really, REALLY hate to admit it, but the pictures did not make me any more angry at Jerry Jones, the Cowboys, or their sponsors for signing the guy or even refusing to cut the guy. We all knew what happened. The guy was suspended 10 games by Goodell. He was cut by the Panthers. I'm quite upset that he was signed in the first place, but I'm no more upset at the situation now than I was when he signed. If these pictures are the reason that you all are angry, you're delusional. You should have been angry when this POS did that to the girl. You should also be angry at the media. All these pictures are is click bate. I'm just glad that the Bills didn't sign him. So, I freely admit, DC Tom is 100% correct in this post.
  13. I'll never understand being a functional alcoholic. How in the world can you damage your body so much and be consistently good at your long-hours job over a period of time.
  14. Totally plausible. Not proof, but very much plausible.
  15. I can't wait to see it when it comes out. I'm a huge Bond fan and this movie has me way more fired up than Star Wars next month.
  16. MLB... NHL... NBA... There's an awful blown call once every couple of seasons, total. NFL, it's every game. I think NFL corporate is purposely doing some shady stuff... I contended yesterday that it will take a whistleblower and a FIFA-like crackdown before anything will remotely change. It may happen tomorrow; it may happen 100 years from now.
  17. Should have been 1st and goal at the 1 after the helmet-to-helmet hit on McCoy unnecessary roughness call.
  18. Nothing happens till a whistleblower steps up and calls out corruption.
  19. I'm not so sure. #onebuffalo has sold a lot of t shirts but zero playoff tickets for the Sabres and bills.
  20. I'll take much more enjoyment watching Hell in a Cell tonight for $9.99/month. Shockingly WWE is a far better product than the NFL right now. Till they clean up their game and folks go FIFA Investigation all over them, it will continue to suck.
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