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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. I don't make this stuff up folks...
  2. I agree. that was one dominant redskins team. However, i still think the bills would have beaten them if (unfortunately) Marv understood how to coach this team in the super bowl. Plus, wasn't this the famous game where dickerson called the redskins fat lazy pigs or something? The bills were totally unprepared for that game. It's unfortunate that this the dirty side to marv's legacy.
  3. 28 times in one week?
  4. my first college was Mount Union College. Their QB in the early 1990's through about 95 or 96 was Jim Ballard. He set all kinds of D-III records and whatnot... Then he made the Buffalo Bills... In Alliance, OH it was huge news, but the reality was that he was camp fodder for a few years. I believe the extent of his playing time was mop up duty in a couple pre season games. Anyhow, one night, late late at night, we were at the taco bell across the street from the dorm. I had my old bills sweatshirt on and some dude walks up to me, shakes my hand and says he's Jim Ballard and he was in training camp for the bills. We did small talk for a bit and that was that. My brush with "greatness".
  5. congrats to boise st. the best team (record) in division 1
  6. i do feel bad for my wife's family and all the co workers who are from ohio... Then again... they did give me lots of crap with the canes/sabres last spring.
  7. she was pretty hot. i doubt he had much problem with that
  8. i just want florida to win so that boise st. will be the only undefeated team in the country
  9. it just got a little more exciting... 21-14
  10. so, when does OSU officially begin to panic? 21-7 florida...
  11. Dante, if you want the normal pro athlete persona you can look no further than Jeremy Roenick. A genuine Grade A **** in the chad johnson/terell owens mold. The only difference is that he's sucked for the past 6 or so years...
  12. they must really love her to do the female equivalent of chopping her balls off. Real ethical too, seattle... What would Rick Hoyt say? http://www.wanttoknow.info/050917dadtrulycares http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Team_Hoyt For that matter, what would Jim and Hunter Kelly say? I just hope that none of us are put in that type of situation where something like this would be a possibility, but if we are, to make the most of it instead of taking the easy way out, as these parents have done.
  13. that's a story for the ages right there...
  14. his power was based on fear and a visible show of strength... for saddam to go into hiding, as elvis, hitler, and lee harvey oswald did, would be counterproductive. he's dead, dead, dead.
  15. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=863ce7d4a3 very graphic, but the sound is GREAT if you're into that sort of thing!
  16. someone passed out directly behind the microphone, moments after the honor guard took their places around the Ford coffin under the capital rotunda. Interesting stuff
  17. i was talking about your DE comments and the containment packages. except for that one single play, there hasn't been much shredding. Young is hot right now, so hopefully the bills can just contain him or keep him in the pocket.
  18. i wish a moderator would take control of this thread... *hint*hint*
  19. halftime adjustments... over the past couple of weeks, we can count on appropriate halftime adjustments
  20. wow... that's an important update to the cbssportsline page
  21. he was on SI... he can do whatever he wants
  22. my fantasy kicker is pulling through in this game!
  23. i hate ridiculous nicknames...
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