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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. I guess that guy didn't get the memo about the TPS report.
  2. he's on summer break. the wife is staying with the husband till son graduates, then its splitsville
  3. He came over again to apologize and to tell me that he and his son talked. I didn't even mention the dwi incident earlier in the day, i just said again that he, his wife, and his son were all in our prayers and I hope that he gets physically better and his family can become whole again. He thanked me and started to cry. He's a defeated, empty man. I just hope that he can get himself checked into rehab or something, cause the second he's able to walk at normal speed, he'll walk right to the gas station for a case of beer again, and it will start all over. I feel sorry for him, but i also want the law to come down hard on him fast, so that he is not a danger to anyone else on the road.
  4. our cul-de=sac has 11 houses on it. our local police dept received 10 calls in about a 5 minute period. we all said the same thing. son was beating the dad. It was a case of cover up the family violence. I talked to a friend of mine who works for the sherriff's dept. (not involved in the call) and he says that since it happened on their property that it was up to the dad to file charges, unless he somehow dies from his wounds. And you're right, i'm staying the hell out of the way unless someone gets hurt again, something happens to me, my wife or my property, or he comes to me for help.
  5. This is why it's so ironic that i was watching leaving las vegas yesterday when this all happened. Today, because he has no alcohol, was already shaking a bit when i was talking to him a while ago. It's a sad case, but he's literally in the later stages of alcoholism, where his brain chemistry has been altered, and now he's sick because he has no alcohol in his blood.
  6. poojer, i didn't let this gloss over. I'm trying my best to not get involved. I told the dad that he needs to get better and i told the son that we're there for him. I told all 3 that they're in our prayers. I will confront the son later today and tell him that he got his one moment of uncontrolled rage, but that my advice to him is to use everything that he has inside him to focus on rational thought if he confronts his dad again. The son is as cool as the other side of the pillow. He snapped yesterday, and he seems cool again now (he just arrived home from wherever he was). I did not gloss this over for them. They're in their 50's and 21. As sad as it may sound, they'll have to deal with it on their own terms untill it crosses onto my property, my family or my business.
  7. A little background... My next door neighbor is the stereotypical great neighbor but crappy husband/father type guy. There's been crap that's gone on but it was all inside, and it was just yelli a and emotional stuff, nothing physical. He's also a functioning alcoholic. He's also inbetween jobs. He was working at wal mart at a distribution plant, but he's starting a new job as a civilian mechanic on ft. bragg like, next week or something. After work, he's always drinkin in his garage, and on the weekends, his usual MO is to drink around 10am till friday night's beer is gone, then he'll go get enough to last the rest of the weekend... So, yesterday, he was drinking in the morning in his garage, his son was inside and his wife was at work. I then went inside after my yard was finished and was watching a movie (leaving las vegas... Irony at it's ultimate finest). All the sudden my wife comes in carrying the dog saying that there's a bunch of cops outside with our neighbor. We went upstairs and watched as he failed, and faile miserably, a field sobriety test. The police get the son outside to ask him a few questions. "does your dad have a problem? in your opinion, is he drunk? etc." He answers yes and the dad, who's now seated in the police car, starts yelling at his son (who's about 21). The son walks away crying and in obvious need of a hug (not provided by me. he looks like a more ripped version of vin diesel). The cop rolls away but gets about 3 feet cause he didn't buckle my neighbor in. So when the car stops, the son explodes and trys to beat the crap out of his dad, sitting in the car. The cop restrains the son and gets the dad buckled in and pulls away. Son beats the crap out of his dad's truck, throws bottles at it and the whole nine yards. After about an hour, all of us neighbors console the son and we find out that he had gone on a beer run but pulled into the wrong road, got confused, and knocked down a basketball hoop. The owners called the cops on the truck and he was charged with leaving the scene, and dwi. That's part 1 folks. About 4 hours later, we were all gathered in the cul-de-sac for our traditional saturday afternoon "man-meeting" when a taxi cab pulls in with my neighbor in the back. We all scatter cause we all know what's going to happen next. Sure enough, 10 minutes later, we hear screaming from inside the house then the dad runs out, towards his truck to drive away. The son catches him and literally powerbombs him onto the concrete. Back of head makes first contact with the pavement, and the dad is knocked the F out, prone, and i really hate to make the analogy, but it was kevin everett. One shake and absolute stillness. The son kicks him in the head 2 or 3 times for good measure and walks back to his porch to decompress. We all ran out, all on the phone to 911 to report a domestic incident involving father and son and a massive head injury. The dad was semi-conscious, able to move his 4 limbs, had a strong pulse, but was incoherent. Obvious neurological problems, and a big gash on the back of his head, but suprisingly not totally uncontrollable bleading. My other neighbor was just using a toilet paper roll to apply pressure. When the cops got there they asked the dad what had happened and he said "i am very drunk and i slipped and fell". All the neighbors (about 10 of us) scattered, since we had all called in a domestic disturbance. They backboarded him and got him to the hospital, took a statement from the wife and son, and everyone left. The son got dressed up and went out around 9pm and hasn't returned yet. The wife went tot he hospital around 10 or so with a neighbor, and by 11:30pm, the dad had arrived back home. He was still semi-conscious and was in some serious pain, but the other neighbor helped him into the house. So, now its almost 9am and there's been no activity. I'll post updates as they become available. I'm not really writing this to spread the gospel of my neighborhood, just to decompress. Does anyone else have any incidents like this involving neighbors? Just want to make sure i'm not the only one. BTW, i won't be enjoying a beer for the next few months. Before i even had time to post this, he just came outside. he thanked us for calling 911 and for staying out of it, appologized for the scene, and said that he got 4 stitches in his head and has severely bruised ribs and possible cartilige damage in his chest. All he said about his son was that "he stomped me out" and that it is "rough". He said that the reason the cab brought him home was cause they didn't pick up when he called after bailing himself out of jail. IMO, that probably precipitated the fight inside, which lead to the scene outside.
  8. I want you to round up every vicious criminal and gunslinger in the west. Take this down. I want rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, train robbers, bank robbers, and Methodists! THAT'S HEADLY!!
  9. Donte's a good guy. And, i'm calling BS on the "film training on the newly installed home theatre" It sounds a lot like "film training on the home theatre after some madden on the ps3". Gotta give it to donte though for letting a guy he's probably met 3 times in his life into his house, just to help the team.
  10. A six pack to you, mayor! ...... RIP http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/355117.html
  11. what's with the airbrushed nipples?
  12. I concur. Also, if you want to go in the washington monument, you'll need a free first come first serve ticket, so get there around 8am. I think you can get one in advance online for a small ($1-$2) charge. You'll be able to walk around and see the lincoln memorial, see the reflecting pond and putz around till the smithsonians open. Also, up the road one block, i think behind the american history museum, is the national archives. That's the most awesome place in my opinion. You can see originals of the declaration of independence, constitution, and when i was there last month, they had the magna carta. Just don't go there if you look like stanley goodspeed.
  13. http://www.cnn.com/2008/SHOWBIZ/04/06/heston.dead/index.html Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!
  14. http://www.cnn.com/2008/SHOWBIZ/Music/04/0...s.ap/index.html i guess this is our wives' version of our bills winning the super bowl.
  15. I concur with the other posters who advise to distance yourself from her. You need to worry about you first and her second. If you're seeking a closer relationship with her as a friend, let her work out her own problems before you open yourself up. Chalk up the bourbon as a loss. Don't blame yourself either. She was the one who drank it. Go to the liquor store, get more stuff, and don't let her into your house unattended till she works out her demons.
  16. my family has a cottage in the institute. i'll definitely be there for this. the Chautauqua Institute is one awesome, completely indescribable place. The only way to describe it is that the place is bigger than anything it puts on. Roger Goodell or not, he's just a guy there with a microphone. Anyhow, closer to the event, we'll have to have a TSW Chautauqua tailgate at the refectory for some ice cream.
  17. That one's good, but the Cripple Fight had an inspiration, as do most south park ideas. John Nada ("Rowdy" Roddy Piper) vs. Frank Armitage (Keith David) is the best scene ever. The movie of course is They Live. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsZpdUUdd3I They live also has one of the best movie lines ever, and i mean ever.
  18. Clarke Macarthur yesterday and Drew Stafford today were sent to Rochester to accomodate cap space for the return of Tim Connolly today vs. the capitals. This is just awesome news and its a great time to pimp our sister website http://www.sabrespace.com SDS just got a new server and we have a new skin to match this one here... Not a better time to come over and register. here's the game thread for the caps game today
  19. i don't have the youtube of the thing yet, but its horrifying to look at.
  20. besides this one, and sabrespace.com, i'd have to go with wikipedia. It's obviously not to be used for official research purposes, but for a quick answer to a question, or to point me in a direction to get a reliable and accurate answer, there isn't a better website out there. I'm also partial to youtube.
  21. sure... vet minimum, no spot guarenteed and have an incentive based contract.
  22. You need to do a factory default reset... Hold the reset button for 30 seconds, then power cycle. You'll have to insert a cat5 cable into an available port, enter your firmware config page, and uncheck the DST box. Then encrypt yourself with WEP security, using the key "12345". All should be well in a couple days.
  23. joe windows user is not affected... ms issued a windowsupdate patch last month to correct the problem... the issue is corporate networks, online banking, airline scheduling software, etc. where the fix is more difficult to impliment. However, we're all still alive today, so everything must have gone smoothly las tnight!
  24. i waited up to see what the computers would do. all on cue, they jumped from 1:59am to 3:00am. For once, thank goodness for windowsupdate.
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