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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. There's gotta be a market for it. Upon further reflection, it takes approximately one web guy to manage the website programming and one IT guy to manage the logistics software capable of multiple queues within the same account. If they were going to cost cut, they'd do so at a higher level, like throttling (which they already to do an extent), or cutting back on some of the titles.
  2. I don't use the profiles, so as long as they don't jack the price way up, i'm going to be just as happy with the product tomorrow as I was yesterday.
  3. netflix is not going down. they're just streamlining their product. how the hell can a movie delivery service go out of service before the theaters, based on the current state of gas prices? And on a personal note, netflix BETTER not go down. i've got about 100 movies in my queue, and i'd be rather pissed off if they went away.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJDLRCXR2ZM
  5. I'd like for the legal process to conclude before i comment on any team or league punishment.
  6. I just love the caption for that picture: those guys are real "savvy" with their overtly metro cowboy hats and their keystone light.
  7. At least you don't qualify as a Frat Douche. Those are the douchiest douches of all.
  8. I have this funny feeling that the passing of Russert, as well as the upgrades that the bills have made this offseason, will make the Buffalo Bills the darling of the NFL this season. Hopefully we can do some damage, win the division, and tear down the goalposts.
  9. come to NC. take it from a former NYS teacher, you won't get a job unless you know someone. You'll have a job here after a 5 minute phone interview.
  10. that's great.
  11. great rap packed away in a blatantly racist thread.
  12. Glad to hear from you. We miss your leaf optimism at SS. I hope all will be well for you soon enough.
  13. http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/372749.html good grief.
  14. Prayers... Also, would someone give the dude a wireless router and a laptop. Nobody should be without TBD access during the beginning of pre season.
  15. i did it in college once for some stupid general science class to teach us about triangulation. I will admit to having lots of fun though.
  16. Well, first and foremost, i have my voice. Anyone who comes into contact with me knows a few things about me. #1 is that i'm from buffalo and i'm a bills and sabres fan. At work, I have a Bills hat and Buffalo, NY mug on display. Since i work in an elementary school, i have come to the Halloween party as a hockey player in my hasek jersey. I also have a motorola razr. It's from verizon, so i had to hack it, but i was able to get a startup and shutdown gif, a picture for the outside window, and a background, all buffalo sabres themed. At home, i've got myself a pretty decent mancave, a bills flag that i hang on sundays during football season, and sabres car flags. I've got a bills back license plate frame, and a full sabres plate in the front and sabres frame. I'm always getting notes left on my car for GO BILLS or sabres or whatever. Fayetteville is a huge military town and there's quite a few WNY soldiers stationed at ft bragg. I even had a bunch of people from work calling on friday when TR died, cause everyone knows he's a good guy, everyone knows he loves his family, everyone knows he's a political giant, and everyone knows he loves the buffalo bills. I've explained countless times to people this weekend "see what i was talking about? All that buffalo this and buffalo that. It wasn't just me. It's a mentality." I think most understand now what i've been talking about since we moved here in 2003.
  17. Not to minimize a RIP thread, but someone mentioned it before. TBD may have very well lost a poster and probably a regular. Does anyone know the name that Russ posted under, so we may memorialize that loss too? It sucks when board members pass on, as they're part of our extended family too.
  18. "Hey, he's heard of him!"
  19. "Do me a favor. Say a prayer for Timmy. Tip a cold one. And GO BILLS!"
  20. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/news.jsp?news_id=6157
  21. RIP. MSNBC just reported that Mayor Brown has ordered all flags to fly at half staff in the city.
  22. RIP. He was a cool dude. I remember stories about how he aspired to be a professional wrestler. He will be missed.
  23. get her the cheapest verizon phone without a camera. If she wants an upgrade, she'll have to pay for it, or buy on credit in return for getting a job/doing the yard for the summer/etc. In this day and age, i wouldn't let me 15 year old daughter not have a phone, and i won't want it with a camera. I'd hate to find her on facebook somewhere other than on her own account. http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/store/c...tedPhoneId=3137 that's a freebee without a camera. If you do get a camera, make sure you disable outgoing picture messaging. That way you can do devious things like set up some logging of removable media (the mini sd card that goes into the phone) and see what she's actually taking pictures of. And privacy folks, don't badger me with silly arguments of violation of privacy. if we're age 25+ and we asked our parents to pay for photo developing, they sure as sh-- looked at hte pictures we were taking.
  24. i've got 5 words for you: JUST GIVE IT TO 'EM
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