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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. It's 6:40am and I have a VERRRY strong urge to drive to the store and get a bulk supply of D batteries. I live in Fayetteville, NC and its raining here now. The news channels all are predicting the end of days right now. I wish all current WNY residents could see this crap. If fact, you all can!! http://www.wral.com/news/video/1082826/ http://abc11.com/live/23390/ http://wncn.com/wncn-livestream-player/
  2. But does she rock the mustache?
  3. I'm a teacher. I can't put names here, but I have a giant list of completely asinine names. that key and peele skit is perfect.
  4. Please for the love of all things living!!!
  5. Are you leaving Rome? And landing in Brussels? On a flight so bumpy that you almost died?
  6. Belichik and Shula are tied for #1. Although he's recent history, I'd have to put Marrone as #2 though by the way that he quit on the team. Sure, it was well within his rights to take the buyout, but his handling of it was the true test of his character. As for my #1 choices, they're both cheaters; although, at least Shula was THE greatest coach ever. Takeaway Brady, and what does BB have? Parcels' coattails and nothing else!
  7. Unfortunately, he'll be dead, unemployed, incarcerated, or living back in his parents basement within 5 years. I hope the guy gets himself put back together!
  8. Not the guy you'd pick for a quote machine, but I've always loved that Mike Tyson quote.
  9. Dome if it's on the taxpayer's dime. Open air if Pegula is self-financing it and wants it.
  10. This must explain the blind squirrel paradox.
  11. I'd recommend benching him. At this point, who cares about tomorrow's game. Benching him will give a depth guy more of a chance, plus it will set the message for next year's (hopefully better/more disciplined) team. If he's injured tomorrow, that would be very bad... Bench him tomorrow, cut him, and move on.
  12. +1 At the time, it was clear that the team was going in another direction. With the use of hindsight, my thoughts mirror many posted here. McCoy, Williams, Gillislee, Jackson >>> McCoy, Williams, Brown, Dixon, Gillislee. However, the leadership thing is overstated... It's not like FredEx would have prevented AW's injury, KW's injury, Hughes' penalties, stupid challenge/game management decisions... It's not like he stopped Mario Williams from installing his fridge or giving up on the team. He didn't stop Rex from making stupid proclamations. And finally, its not like FredEx's leadership and skill got him to the playoffs before. He was the leader on a crappy, mediocre, headless team when Ralph Wilson was struggling with health and was the leader on a team last year that played so well 9 games, but played equally as bad in 7 and missed the playoffs. Long story short, Whaley didn't earn any PR points, but he got the job done cutting ties with just another player from a crappy team.
  13. I wonder if he'll make a special trip up next year for deers season.
  14. I'd say the birth control was rather effective in this case. Wait, I read that wrong! You were 100% right just as shrapnel to the head is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy.
  15. 16 years out and you'd turn down a consultant? Babies born during the 1999 season are now driving cars. That's a long time. Why would you turn down help?
  16. A steep price for his dreams and career. Also, who takes their friend/family out drinking when they're on "vacation" from rehab?
  17. That link is great. With that said, the movie was awesome. I was definitely not disappointed.
  18. If I left now, I'd make it to Philly by about 9am... I hope my wife won't mind!
  19. I liked it... The pain that Scott displayed throughout the show made that a really fitting ending.
  20. Just watched it... Good resolution to the season.
  21. That replay and Caray discussion was actually good. Proves 2 things: Bills coaches stink and there was an uncalled penalty that "cannot be reviewed"
  22. Nah. I'll own it. Terrible news nonetheless. RIP to the victims.
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