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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. no need to get that bent out of shape... Walker plays for the panthers now
  2. I know at autozone they'll sell you the little ketchup pack of anti corrosive treatment for the terminals. its about 99 cents and looks like vasoline. get it and slather it all over the terminals.
  3. its sitting on my tivo right now... I plan to watch it later on.
  4. if peters actually stated his demands, i'm sure the bills would take that as a starting point. The person getting paid always starts the negotiations, football or otherwise. The bills aren't going to offer a silent brick wall a contract. They'd counteroffer though. Point is: peters either needs to show up to camp or come to the table...
  5. are you able to bring a laptop to practice or are you using a blackberry or something?
  6. I'm going to be in buffalo from the 2nd-9th... actually chautauqua... I haven't made a final decision about driving to SJF for practice, but if i go, i'll let everyone know so that maybe i can put some mugs to some screen names.
  7. The good news is that if it is isolated in the battery, it's a 5 minute, ~$50 fix.
  8. Autozone will test your battery for free. Take it out of the car and bring it in.
  9. I'm by no means an expert, but it sounds like they shorted the alternator or some other electrical component when they did the battery cleaning thing. You'll obviously have to have the mechanic prove that the alternator shorted due to the battery, which they cleaned... Then you'll have a good case. Get everything in writing!
  10. If I hear RJ in my car, i might crash.
  11. I have a cell phone camera and it rocks.
  12. Only if he doesn't cook kosher! bada bing folks... I'll be here all week.
  13. I just got a monogrammed humidor with a few cigars in it. That was cool. For my brother in law's wedding, he gave us a 12 pack of our favorite beer, and a unique gift of somewhat equal value. I got a sabres hat, and the rest got a gift in the $20-$30 range. Inexpensive and unique.
  14. Yo momma so fat it takes her two trips to haul ass http://home.comcast.net/~mykel1/yomomma.htm
  15. oops. i guess he did need that extra $12 million to sit on the bench so he can afford his very own family plan.
  16. well, can we now cross toronto off the list of potential doomsday scenarios when ralph dies?
  17. That's a good rule. To the original poster, if you truly want to be a good neighbor, go and ask your neighbors when it would be ok to fire up equipment.
  18. Check the spark plug. If it won't start after a spark plug replacement, your carburetor is probably flooded or clogged. Take it apart and try to clean it out.
  19. What is this? the bi-annual faces of meth thread?
  20. for my neighborhood, 9am on saturday is a good time. we live next to a church, so i don't mow on sunday mornings. 7am on weekdays. literally everyone in the neighborhood is out and about by 6:30am, so i'm not violating anyone's sleep time if i cut early.
  21. I ordered my blackberry today and got my wife a replacement phone. I got an employee discount on the BB service too. Unfortunately, they were out of stock, so mine will be fed ex'd to the store on tuesday. I did get a $20 discount since it wasn't available for me today as well as the fact that I'm friends with the manager. Sucks I don't have aphone today, but it will be really awesome on tuesday!
  22. he got the first one. he and a friend got there around midnight last night and were the only two till about 6am. no reviews yet. his number isn't even ported over from his old phone yet.
  23. Damn it, I'll have to get a season pass to catch up on the episodes. I do agree that When we left earth sorta sucked. I was a much bigger fan of the tom hanks series that ran last summer.
  24. steve, I really have myself set on a blackberry. I don't have it set up with my work account, so it will cost me an extra $30/month. However, I want the phone for the internet capability, as well as its ability to sync with outlook. The only place where I am organized in my entire life is in outlook. However, I can't put outlook in my pocket. Now that my budget can handle an extra $30/month, I can have that capability. On a side note, what do I have to say/threaten when I go into the store on saturday to possibly get a free text message package? At $0.20/text or $10/month/phone, they're really raping their customers. Is this something that I just have to ask for, should I nudge that I may switch carriers, or should I not even bother to haggle? Keep in mind, i have verizon service, and one of my co-worker's husband is the store manager. We're not friends, but we're buddies, so that my be in my favor. Back to the original thread topic though, my brother is currently waiting in line in Jametown for the 8:00am release tomorrow. If all goes well, he'll be e-mailing me with the phone by 9am. Unfortunately, he's not a TBDer, so he won't be posting a quick review here.
  25. You must be running the hPhone 2f... you know what they say... a day late and a dollar short.
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