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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. do both parties have the latest versions of the software?
  2. The craziest stat/thing I heard last night was that the bills were the only team last year to not score a TD within the final 2 minutes of either half, all season... Then the commentators said something to the effect that "it was a miracle they won 7 games last year". Gotta get the job done in crunch time.
  3. barnes also wears the horse collar... that increases his awesometude by at least 100 points.
  4. guess he should have stayed on the roids
  5. I just got done watching the game on tivo. There were two things that stood out... 1) the game was close and the USA won, and 2) the players were genuinely excited to win. I haven't seen a soul in the NBA show genuine happy emotions in about 10 years, not counting the paul pierce outburst after the celtics won in june. That simple celebration may have peaked my interest for a couple games of the upcoming nba season.
  6. north buffalo. I think steven went to Princeton though.
  7. Maybe he'll post here. I dont' know if he's a poster or lurker. As for the sport, it looks ridiculously difficult. The amount of sustained energy AND coordination makes it seem really really difficult.
  8. Steven Coppola, who is a friend of mine, won the bronze medal today for the United States in rowing for the eight team. In the interests of full disclosure, his dad and mom are close friends with my parents, with his parents being like second parents to me. I haven't seen Steven in a few years, but hell, its still cool to know that you know someone that won a bronze medal. Also, he and his family are GIGANTIC bills and sabres fans and he's a true ambassador of Buffalo, as we all would be in beijing.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkBPstzXeWo
  10. Anyone who puts swimming in "another category" has proven one thing: They've never swam competitively. If you're a basketball fan, and you say that swimming is not a difficult sport, go play some hoops at 100% energy level for an hour. You'll be beat, and you'll be saying that you got a great workout. Now come back the next day and swim a 200 fly at competition speed. You'll be crying to your momma when it's over. Swimming is as difficult as any sport out there. I still think that the decathalon winner is the greatest athelete, but michael phelps must be said in the same breath as muhammed ali, tiger woods, michael jordan, wayne gretzky, jim thorpe, etc. Like any "greatest ever" argument, it's nearly impossible to convince everyone that he is the greatest, but its less likely to convince them that he's not part of that group.
  11. The US team choked the big one last night, but those 10 year old chinese girls were a machine also. I think the chinese cheated by having the younger girls compete, but that doesn't really take away from their accomplishments or the fact that the us team choked.
  12. Complications from pneumonia. for some reason, I can't paste the link in firefox right now, but its on cnn.com edit: here's the link http://www.cnn.com/2008/SHOWBIZ/Movies/08/....mac/index.html
  13. you should see sabrespace. those mods let the peons get away with everything!
  14. 01010111011011110111011100100001001000000010000001000001011011100110010000100000 010010010010000001110100011010000110111101110101011001110110100001110100001000000 100100100100000011101110110000101110011001000000111010001101000011001010010000001 101111011011100110110001111001001000000110111101101110011001010010000001110111011 010000110111100100000011101010110111001100100011001010111001001110011011101000110 111101101111011001000010000001100010011010010110111001100001011100100111100100100 000011010000110010101110010011001010010000001100001011101000010000001010100010000 100100010000101110001000000010000001010111011001010010000001101101011101010111001 101110100001000000110100001100001011101100110010100100000011011000110111101110100 011100110010000001101111011001100010000001100011011010000111001001101111011010010 11100110110010100100001
  15. so, peters will report by about 4 today?
  16. So, the one worst t hing than losing all of your computer data while on vacation is corrupting your outlook pst file, which i somehow did this morning. Thanks to mozy backup, i'm restoring to yesterday's version, which works. best $4.99/month i've ever spent!
  17. Read the whole thing. Her new life is a challenge none of us can comprehend, but it is also a positive, loving life. With an IQ of 77, she would have been a robot at Publix, barely able to comprehend store policy and work as a robot to the instructions, let alone have independent thoughts. The story of the mother and child isn't half as sad as the story of the Florida DSS dismissing the case two times previous to her eventual removal from the house. With that said, for as crappy as that mother was, there's people out there who are saints like her new family. I'd like to think that her new family were just regular six pack joes, like us, and they rose to the occasion like I think we all would.
  18. On a side note from that episode, he tested whether baking soda in the fridge works. The conclusion was that it does work but that activated charcoal is much better due to its extremely large surface area. I've got a jug of it sitting upstairs from my old canister filter. I'm going to get me a container for it for my fridge.
  19. For as bad as the Bush white house has fallen, i'm still grateful he's our president rather than that ma$$hole.
  20. I second that nomination. It was a great game, a defensive battle, and it ended in OT. Then we tore down the goalposts, delivered them to Ralph Wilson's suite, and then were immortalized in an iconic photograph that now resides in Canton, OH. On top of that, we won the division at home and that game marked the beginning of the great Bills dynasty that we all remember fondly. Other than that, it was just a game...
  21. Two points: 1) People get sick from two aspects of the ground meat process. First of all, the meat that comes in is tainted. It all is. The USDA does not have in place regulations stringent enough to catch all of the tainted meat coming into the plants. Meat is processed according to specs at the plants, and the plants themselves are clean. It's not the process, it's not the meat companies, its the supply. The other reason why people get sick is because meat is not cooked long enough. If you want a medium rare burger, do so at your own house. Don't expect any restaurant to honor a medium rare request. They are cooking the burgers to medium/medium well to protect themselves. Ground beef must reach an internal temperature of 160F. Use the logic of the airlines... You don't get upset when they require you to wear a seatbelt, so don't get upset when you go to someone else's kitchen and request food that they are uncomfortable serving. The moral of the story: blame the cows or your drunk BBQing uncle for your e coli infection, don't blame the frozen beef pattie companies. 2) Say a prayer tonight for Leopold "Butters" Stotch. He must be in utter sorrow that his favorite restaurant is closing shop.
  22. I'm not totally in love with that picture.
  23. Kordell Stewart is obviously honored in the other category for his lifetime achievement award.
  24. At least you haven't been running your car for 2 years with a P0411 code... That's the secondary air flow system, which has been replaced, yet the code remains. Check engine lights are killers cause they just don't go away, ever!
  25. I see. I got a blackberry curve about 2 weeks ago and I absolutely love it.
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