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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. ok, not to draw the subject away from the riveting racism conversation, but where is this bonnie bernstein picture?
  2. rivers got jacked up, but ward also seemed to lead with his head.
  3. Were concession stands still open? I can see lost sales being an issue for old ralphie.
  4. Sorry to ruin your joke with the dry fact, but I'm hoping that someone will post sometime later on.
  5. cell phones
  6. is it just me or is LT looking hurt?
  7. great. murph is either getting another call or his phone is dying. On a side note, anyone in OP, hamburg, east aurora, etc. without power too, or is this just isolated to the stadium?
  8. peters back in the game
  9. hey, at least we don't have to translate from morse code to english. I'll take this craptastic cell phone play by play over nothing any day of the week!
  10. good makeup call on the SD delay of game
  11. www.97rock.com for those of you whose DNS server blocks google.
  12. Back in the days of being a camp counselor in Wyoming County, my favorite stops included the North Java Inn, the Village Pub, Varysburg Hotel, and Memories. My liver was first damaged at these fine establishments.
  13. haha. outstanding!
  14. did you at least get a pic to show us how hot she was?
  15. You guys are going to feel awful if he's diagnosed with testicular cancer!
  16. I think that wednesday's edition was decent. Not a wet your pants funny, but it definitely drove home their point on the indiana jones movie and the olympics. It almost seemed "filler" if you ask me. Usually episodes like that one, which don't really stand out, preclude legendary episodes... This makes me excited for next wednesday.
  17. I sure hope you're right. it was one thing to detroy the seahawks and their jv receivers, but it will be another to beat the cards in arizona after warner came off a huge game last week. I smell a statement game today.
  18. it was delayed, but he got his...
  19. You know who this is! This is A.C. God damn it!
  20. breaking news... more to follow
  21. The band is great too... However, it seems like you have to appreciate the entire body of work of the grateful dead. They are basically three distinct groups: studio work, live work that sucks, and live awesomeness. You can't listen to a 9/16/1991 singing of not fade away and come to a conclusion that the dead sucks. But dean, I love UJB too... god damn, well i declare..
  22. I haven't read any of it. I refuse to waste my time with page 3!
  23. this is a 5 page, 100 post thread, and I haven't read it all. Has anyone considered switching to DirecTV yet?
  24. To answer your question, it is literally impossible to pick one. Basically, you either love the dead, or hate them. if you hate them, you cringe any time you hear jerry's guitar. if you love them, you pick a song and roll with it for a few days. Then you go to the next one... It's a love affair. That's all i'm posting, so i bid you all goodnight. lay down my dear brother, lay down and take a rest... oh won't you lay your head upon jesus' breast. for i love you, oh but jesus loves you the best. And we bid you goodnight, goodnight, goodnight!
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