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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. Don't you mean the Rusty Jones Era?
  2. whomever coaches the lions is pretty bad, but i've never ever seen what I just saw after that royal catch.
  3. At least we now know one thing worse than last year's dallas loss... a wide right 47 yard field goal... that'll do it right there!
  4. I don't work for a dealership at all... as for the glow plug thing, they're quick heating and very efficient. I don't believe that you need to cycle them twice, but i'll soon see. I'll be driving the car back up to NY for christmas, and hopefully i'll get to test some super cold startups. I ordered the car in august and it arrived last week. they weren't taking any more orders and are sold out pretty much nationwide. Hopefully this car will be successful and the 2010 model year will be more plentiful. One last thing i failed to mention, it can run on B5 biodiesel, however, i haven't found a gas station that carries the stuff, so i guess i'll have to wait till i drive the car to nebraska or somewhere that actually has biodiesel
  5. I posted a similar thread at sabrespace last weekend, and I have promised to attach some pictures, which i'll do later today after I clean the thing. I would like to preach about this car. First of all, this diesel is nothing like the diesel engines of the past. It is quiet, fast, no blue/black smoke, no smell, more powerful in 1st and 2nd gears than my old 1.8 liter gas vw passat, and very very efficient. True: diesel costs more than gas. I was home in buffalo last weekend and I wanted to get an accurate mileage estimate for the car, so i topped it off with 2.2 gallons of diesel after driving the car 70 miles. That's about 32 mpg, city driving. All I did was drive around downtown buffalo, and I got 32 mpg. The next fillup was in beckley, west virginia, after roughly 500 miles and i only filled up 3/4 of the tank. Roughly 48mpg. Diesel does cost more th an gas. However, i put about $35 worth of diesel in the car to get it from buffalo to fayetteville, nc. It took me roughly $100 and 3 fillups to get my gas passat from fayetteville to buffalo. I've already turrned a profit after one tank. I will not speak about the jetta in general. There's plenty of good reviews on the body, accessories, and the junk inside the car. It's a $20000 car that could pass for $30000 at a quick glance. The only difference between the tdi version of the jetta and the various gas versions is the engine itself. This thing is so so so much better than any hybrid out there. It will outperform a prius or honda civic hybrid, it costs way less, and it's just plain cool. I wish that more automakers would engineer clean diesel technology. It's definitely not breaking the foreign oil dependence, but its a step in the right direction. I'm looking forward to putting a few thousand miles on the car, breaking in the engine, and seeing if my fuel economy rises, as it should. Another thing to consider, since we are mainly from buffalo here, is the cold weather issues that diesel engines are known for. In previous VW diesel engines, as well as any diesel to begin with, they have a very hard time starting int he cold. For those who don't know, unline a gas engine which uses an electric spark to ignite the compressed fuel/air mixture, a diesel engine compresses at a much higher rate, which increases the temperature of the fuel, and causes a chain reaction. In the cold though, the engines are really hard to start. This car has some nice glow plugs that heat for approximately 5-10 seconds (unlike the old cars that require a 30+ second glow plug cycle), it also has a heating element in the fuel line to pre warm the fuel entering the engine. I did a cold start in buffalo last monday when it was about 29 or 30 degrees and it started right up. A small amount of diesel clatter, but that lasted a few seconds. If you really want to go green, and not break the bank for an overall inefficient hybrid, take a look at VW/audi now or in the next couple of years. Jetta is the only car with the TDI, however, i have a feeling that there will be more engines available for more of the car and suv lineup for vw and audi.
  6. i'm going tomorrow afternoon. I don't really have any expectations for the film, positive or negative. I've avoided reading reviews or plot summaries. I just want to go see it and enjoy my 2 hours of bond.
  7. as long as there's classic vinyl and the grateful dead channel, i am content.
  8. what about the onside kick that bounced off of bruschi's head? I'm really really close to being completely done with the NFL.
  9. NBC had a really stupid green room/floor deal to show a virtual green column thing. Also, there was the virtual capitol building that randomly showed up on the cnn desk. it actually froze the first time they did it.
  10. Good lord, that's gotta be tough for the 3 legit cowboys fans and the legions of lemming bandwagoners.
  11. Cheap shot artists are just like school yard bullies. They can't stand on their own two feet when they have to. Someone else always has to back them up. Wilfork, Neil, Avery, they're all the same. P***ies.
  12. question: Why does the cameraman always seem to miss a fake handoff when favre does it? They always pan to him if he hands off and fakes the pass and they always roll with the RB when he does a PA fake. Is he honestly that much better at faking handoffs or do the cameramen do that on purpose to further enhance the favre legacy?
  13. pick 6, favre injured haha
  14. decent drive, finally
  16. And we're within a TD again. Now, its time for that elusive INT
  17. I saw the mummy on amc and i saw phantom of the opera at archive.org. I missed out on dracula and frankenstein this year. Too bad they aren't public domain films!
  18. That's the key right there. Last year at this time, he was still considered to be senile for voting against the all-wonderful CBA. Now that a year has past, a majority of the owners and media agree with ralph's decision. By voting against the CBA and its eventual mainstream souring, Ralph may have saved his chance to get in while still alive. Hopefully he'll get in with Bruce this year.
  19. a perfect 109/72 as of monday... And I just was given the news to go to the hospital for chest xrays. Cool as the other side of the pillow, baby!
  20. it made the local morning talk radio show this morning in fayetteville. Someone told me about the deer, unsuspecting that I lived about 20 minutes from the restaurant, and I said "i've eaten there before". horrified looks ensued.
  21. was that the game where derrick holmes fumbled the ball away as he was diving into the end zone and it was recovered for a 99 yard TD run for the 49ers? possibly a sunday night game?
  22. YES!!! its 2008, but i'm glad that kid got some wild wild west justice.
  23. Winslow should have used channels other than the media to get this taken care of. The fact that he publicly whined about it is the bad thing. However, his point is correct and it should be dealt with.
  24. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3658987 according to this report, Tom Brady had TWO more procedures done on his knee to clear out the infection after the first procedure was acknowledged on October 15th. It goes on to state that if the infection is not cleared out it will compromise the ACL repair, requiring a second full blown ACL replacement. So, that's 1 knee reconstruction surgery and 3 cleanup surgeries so far. While I hate to actually state here that I feel bad for the guy, I feel bad for the guy. I thought it would take a full two season for Tom Brady to look like Tom Brady again, but if this infection thing doesn't get cleaned up, 18-1 might have been his last season ever.
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