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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. never had george dickel before. I guess i'll have to give it a shot. in all reality, i'm not much of a drinker anymore, so i don't really go out on a limb looking for new stuff to drink.
  2. Double Jack Daniels, and keep em coming. Hey, I'm a Tennessee Squire... Gotta represent!
  3. Well, now that he's actually a convicted felon, Ralph has his reason. Bob Kalsu is on the wall for being an unremarkable football player but a great human being. Conversely, OJ should be off the wall because he was a great player but a horrible human being.
  4. I'll ride on this train.
  5. http://www.buffalonews.com/494/story/513463.html
  6. well, it's 4:30. any info?
  7. except, in this case, the ball was "near" but not touching the player for new england, so they called the penalty. the ball was "near" the line of scrimmage for the team playing against the bills, so they didn't call the penalty. big difference here!
  8. hell of a hit, even if it was illegal. And yes, it was illegal. the tipped ball was nowhere near wes welker. If he'd have gotten his hands on it, that flag wouldn't have been thrown. Besides that, it was a textbook shoulder to body running tackle.
  9. A real statement would be to sell out the last game of the year, then plan a mass exodus after the first quarter. Statement made: everyone leaves the stadium in a show of solidarity. Ralph gets his game $$, the fans embarrass the bills on tv and make a stand. Fans get to tailgate in the parking lot till the game ends. Sounds like a win-win situation for everyone involved. Now take this brilliant idea and convince 74000 people to go along with it.
  10. It's ok, you probably didn't notice cause nobody has EVER missed a field goal that close before!
  11. I had part of a cat stuck on my tire once... does that make us even?
  12. I saw one at lowes, which was about a 2 foot high stamped steel stand. I didn't want to raise it that high, so I went with the brick method. From what I saw, gas heaters come with their own stand. Electric can sit on the ground, but then you're risking drawing moisture up from the concrete and causing the bottom to possibly rust. As for the CA codes, they are specific about them in the install manual in regards to strapping it to a wall and raising it a certain amount.
  13. Exiled, I used two sharkbites. I had a compression fitting for the plastic line to solder to copper, but the tubing was just a hair loose, so i went tot he hardware store and they pointed me to the sharkbite things. They worked beautifully from the plastic to copper on the hot and cold ends. I soldered the rest of the copper. All it took was a 90 degree bend, a length of copper, and a female end for the hot and cold lines, and the new ball valve. From start to finish, it took an hour... hell, installing my dishwasher took longer than that due to the tight work area. I'm supremely confident in my soldering abilities now. I'm just a little concerned about the placement. I put it up on a ring of about 6 bricks to get the tank off of the floor. I'm assuming that just using bricks to raise the tank violates a code, but oh well... If we ever move, i'll just take the bricks out and solder in more length of copper. As for the tank itself, I'm very pleased. It has the double length heating elements in it (instead of looping out once, it loops out twice the length and it's bent back over) , the controls are on top of the unit, and it has a vacation setting. Just from looking quickly, the insulation is much more substantial than my old tank. Again though, I won't be pleased till I see a dry garage floor! Now that I'm way more confident, I want to replace all the spigots outside as well as the gate valve on the water main. If the exact valve failed on my water heater, who's to say it won't fail on the main at some time in the near future?
  14. I was able to get it done. Whole thing took about an hour. the plastic lines in the wall were cut at the copper connection and I put new connectors on as well as the valve and the copper. Hooked up the electrical, then filled it, turned the power on, and waited 30 minutes. hot hot water. Now the garage floor will be dry for the first time in 2 weeks.
  15. I've got two issues here. first, the water heater is leaking, second, the cold water shutoff for the water heater has failed. the valve is still watertight but its a gate valve and the gate won't go up or down. luckily it was stuck open. one end is copper, the other is flex tubing, going into the wall. I've bought all the copper tubing, couplers, bends, and the compression fixture for the flex tubing, as well as the water heater itself. The problem is, i've never soldered anything before. I'll obviously follow the instructions to a T. Basically, how long does it take to solder one joint together? are we talking seconds? does it have to cool for a while before water starts to flow? I just need to get that cold water shutoff valve attached as quickly as possible because I had to cut the water main, so that means no toilets, and my inlaws are here. Needless to say, I need the toilets and sinks running as quickly as possible. Hopefully this will be a 10 minute job to get that new valve on. I'm also going to assume that the complete water heater install will be hours upon hours of fun as well as gallons upon gallons of beer consumed. I had a 12-15 year old ruud 50 gallon tank, replacing it with a whirlpool 50 gallon tank, both are electric.
  16. I saw it a few years ago when he came to shea's. The actual show was great, and the behind the scenes stuff was great too. To be honest, I don't listen that often, but when I do, i love the show. You'll be in for a treat.
  17. have a great one!
  18. I also live in Fayetteville. I have a Bills flag hanging at my house. Coincidence? Well, answer me this question: is a frog's butthole watertight?
  19. Don't forget Matt Barnaby. Now that he's on ESPN, I've heard him mention his home in buffalo 3 or 4 times. There's always one or two bad apples. I have no hard feelings against Nate for these comments... Do I think he's an ignorant fool? yes... but do i hold a grudge cause he's a window licker? no.
  21. Good teams run up the score. Bad teams that are winning by a lot are playing the whole 60 minutes to win the game. I have absolutely ZERO issue with the 3rd and 4th quarter scoring. If brady to moss happened in the 4th quarter, i'd be super pissed off at them. If Shaun hill completes a 60 yard bomb to bryant johnson next week in the 4th quater, with the 49ers up by 30, i'd be pissed at the bills defense for blowing yet another game.
  22. Now there's two examples of outstanding QB play in NE. Is it the system or the QB? Part of me really wishes it is the system, cause obviously cassel is a scrub, it would tarnish brady's legacy, and it would give credence as to why bledsoe was traded within the division... He just couldn't work in the system. I think it's the system. Now, how come it's taken 8 years and nobody really knows how to defend it yet?
  23. That's way way way too much Canada in that outfit. I do like the pocket square though.
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