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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. Aussie, how much do you charge for 8 hours of service x 2 days? BTW, I'm staying in kent. Hotels in canton proper were too expensive.
  2. this whole deal sounds like it was cooked up by TO himself for his tv show.
  3. Congrats. My wife is due in September, so I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival. Nice to hear of others becoming fathers too! Nice middle name though... My wife nixed "Aud" and "Rich" as a middle names though.
  4. Let me chime in here. First of all, awesome series. The Pens were the better team, they wanted it more, and the right team won in the end. Now, to enter the Crosby debate... I had a very hard time liking the kid before this series. He always seemed a little unpolished in the "life" department, seemed to whine, and be generally immature. Great hockey player though... Best in the game, as a matter of fact. Well, after watching this series, I believe that he grew up. He barely showed up on the stats sheet but he played his ass off. After that injury, I thought he was done done done. Came back and played a shift... Whether he did that to test his injury or to simply play possum, i don't think we'll ever know, but nobody will ever question his leadership and maturity again. After getting your knee rocked, you leave the game, and then return to sit in agony on the bench only to hoist the stanley cup? That's not being selfish, that's not being whiney, that's legend right there. I'd give my third nut to have won that draft lottery back in 05 instead of pittsburgh.
  5. It's a crazy feeling; I've had it multiple times. However, near misses definitely make you a better driver.
  6. Two points: We went to 4 straight super bowls by calling about 5 different plays... That's incredible, and totally unbelievable for today's 3' thick playbook NFL. Another point, wouldn't this version of the no huddle be called the S-Gun? Imagine if it were called the RobertRoyal-Gun. That would be just silly!
  7. link... http://www.wivb.com/dpp/sports/former_brav...ses_away_090604 RIP
  8. Maybe he didn't shake hands cause his jaw was hurting...
  9. Sounds like somewhere in the USA, there's a guy with a mirror image of McKelvin's break in his cheekbone...
  10. 7-9 only gets you so far on any ranking...
  11. yet he was an outstanding and clutch kicker in the mid to late 80's
  12. What will happen: the redskins will lose a 2nd day draft pick. What should happen: Redskins lose a 1st rounder, give it to the titans, and the redskins cap # should be reduced by the size and length of haynesworth's contract value.
  13. A little foreshadowing... Watch that game, as well as the dolphins and raiders playoff games from that year. Now, count how many PATs and field goals norwood missed or barely made through. I hate to piss on the glory years parade, but you'd have to be totally blind to see that he was a major problem that year before the super bowl miss. Compare that to a guy like lindell, who has missed like 1 PAT in his entire time with the bills.
  14. ah yes... "dehydration", which is the physiological cause of a hangover.
  15. The Needle and the Damage Done, by Neil Young Here's the wiki about the song http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Needle_and_the_Damage_Done I can't argue against Hurt by Johnny Cash, but this NY song is my submission...
  16. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/618N...KKL._SS500_.jpg Boom... roasted
  17. But, in theory, shouldn't t he NBA have received a list of dates that the arena was booked?
  18. I think that McMahon is in the right too. NBA should have moved the game... If the nhl can move a hockey game for friggin Yanni, the NBA can move a game for a sellout wrestling event. One thing's for sure: I'll be watching RAW on monday.
  19. ...says the man without money If you bet yours that the bills won't go 12-4, more power to you. I'm not willing to bet my life savings on ANYTHING, but I wouldn't bet against the Bills!
  20. hire a lawyer... seriously. The school system will start to work with you when they know you mean business.
  21. As a public school teacher, I am 98% against home schooling, leaving the 1% for folks who want to isolate their children for legitimate religious reasons and 1% for the medically fragile. I'll make my advice short and sweet. Public Law 94-142 states that all children should be afforded a free and appropriate education in their least restrictive environment. If she's struggling academically and/or socially, talk to the school about getting her tested. You are her best advocate in the schools. Know that the school is required by law to screen children and determine if further testing is necessary. Get a psych consult. If she's diagnosed with anything, and I mean ANYTHING, the school, by the IDEA mandate is required to service her appropriately and up to your standards. According to your statement, I am 100% against home schooling in your situation. I am also 100% convinced that you should be worried about your daughter. However, rather than pull her entirely, have her tested, see what comes up, and then go from there. Again, the school is required to set up an meeting, devise an individualized educational plan and implement it. The burden is on you to start the process, and once its rolling, the burden is on the schools to implement it.
  22. Don't drink the Kool Aid. It's loaded with sugar and crap!
  23. RIP Jack Kemp First and foremost, a great human being A great politician and last, but certainly not least, a GREAT BUFFALO BILL! Rather than be sad about his passing or argue politics, let us all rejoice that his suffering is over, he made some great contributions to the United States, and he won us our only two championships.
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