Let me chime in here. First of all, awesome series. The Pens were the better team, they wanted it more, and the right team won in the end.
Now, to enter the Crosby debate... I had a very hard time liking the kid before this series. He always seemed a little unpolished in the "life" department, seemed to whine, and be generally immature. Great hockey player though... Best in the game, as a matter of fact. Well, after watching this series, I believe that he grew up. He barely showed up on the stats sheet but he played his ass off. After that injury, I thought he was done done done. Came back and played a shift... Whether he did that to test his injury or to simply play possum, i don't think we'll ever know, but nobody will ever question his leadership and maturity again. After getting your knee rocked, you leave the game, and then return to sit in agony on the bench only to hoist the stanley cup? That's not being selfish, that's not being whiney, that's legend right there. I'd give my third nut to have won that draft lottery back in 05 instead of pittsburgh.