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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. do they have wifi at pilot field? I haven't been there in like 10 years...
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JJiIAmY398 what a d-bag.
  3. I don't dispute that claim, however, you can do a million times better than Ted Nolan too!
  4. Ah yes, the sabres equivalent to the flutie/johnson debate...
  5. Be careful folks... God forbid someone considers you racist for wondering why these loudmouths showing up in support of a black man!
  6. I got my tickets for the ceremony and game. They sent a little do's and don't pamphlet, and apparently you're not even allowed to bring in sunscreen. Thank god the ceremony isn't in the middle of the day like in years past. The sunburn I got after Jim Kelly's induction is almost legendary!
  7. Eh, I apologized in a later post for the racially insensitive comment.
  8. Well, considering that they whored themselves for michael jackson, it was a joke... You proved your point that my thought was a little racially insensitive, and i proved my point that it was a joke. touche my friend.
  9. Back to the original thought... Plug your computer into one of the LAN plugs of your router with a cat5 cable. Then, start diagnosing your router from there. Unplug everything (the power source, not the ethernet cables), let sit for 5 minutes, then plug in modem, let fully boot up (appx 45 seconds- 1 minute), then plug in router (allow 45 seconds-1 minute to reboot), then plug in the wireless device attached to the dvr, then reboot your computer. Diagnose all wireless problems from the web management page of your router, reset to factory defaults, update firmware, etc. DO NOT UNPLUG YOUR COMPUTER TILL YOU'VE FIXED THE PROBLEM. There's a chance that you'll destroy your router's firmware if you do any updating wirelessly.
  10. Hostility, hostility... It was just a thought!
  11. I wonder if Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton will whore themselves to the cameras today outside the Mays' house... I'm not implying anything here, its just a thought!
  12. Me thinks he had an internal injury from that plane incident... So if the kill bill guy was #1a, ed mcmahon was #2a, farrah fawcett was #3a, Michael jackson was #1b, Billy Mays was #2b, who's #3b going to be? In any event, RIP. At least it looks like he went peacefully, although, if i were a US airways exec, I'd have some major swamp ass right about now.
  13. I have a funny feeling that toxicology will report that he had enough medicine in his system to kill a horse. No AED can save you when you're that far gone... Maybe his heart would have started, but he'd be a vegetable. I'm just concerned whether or not they'll hide the evidence like they did with Elvis. Today's media probably won't allow it, but it could happen. If he did indeed die of a massive OD or some cumulative affect of drugs, I want the world to know to possibly save another life down the road. Also, his official death certificate will have some huge bearing on the legal proceedings over his estate and children.
  14. I have no advice on a name, however, I do have one important advice. Everyone and their mother will claim to be Caesar Milan and will all have some "guaranteed" advice. Take it all with a grain of salt, put it all together and pull what works for you and your dog. No two dogs are alike, just like no two humans or pieced of advice. With that said, I do have one good name suggestion: Ahmadinejad
  15. The doctor had a very nice BMW though, so that should count for something!
  16. RIP. I will admit to watching that special on tv last month. It was pretty remarkable that she lasted this long. A strong individual indeed.
  17. The podcast should be posted sometime after monday, possibly by Tuesday or wednesday at http://www.ciweb.org/. I'm in the institute right now... Too bad I'm leaving today. I'd have liked to have heard Reich speak live.
  18. Since you bring it up, take them to the ralph and hsbc. Since its the middle of the offseason, i'm sure you could call ahead or even ask on site for a tour.
  19. it may if you've been drunk for 25 years!
  20. This thing is either going to blow up into a full on revolution or it is going to get peculiarly silent. Nobody can contain this status quo for much longer.
  21. Just drove by that location this afternoon. Youngstown really is the armpit of america. It's truly a 3rd world town here. The only thing missing is tumbleweeds.
  22. and you better believe that if it was the neighbor that blabbed, she'll sue TO for slander and win. It sure would put a very high profile face to slanderous accusations on social network sites. Of course, if she blabbed, chances are she wouldn't already be catering to the top 5% of WNY. My bets are on a neighbor or some local media d-bag, not the realtor.
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