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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. Vick is pretty bad for what he did to those dogs. Every time you pet your dog, remember, this guy killed him or her for sport. I don't want him near my football team because of that. There's another bigger reason why I don't want him near my team. He's an awful quarterback. That second reason should end all other discussion. He's a bad person but a worse QB. One knee injury away from being a crappy E! True Hollywood Story... Next. And to your original point, if I were the owner, I'd fine players in accordance to the NFLPA's policy for "conduct detrimental to the team" for mentioning Vick in any way shape or form. You've gotta question a guy who would want that guy as a teammate. If I were a fan going to training camp today, I wouldn't be bringing vick signs, I'd be wondering who the fvck Drayton Florence was.
  2. pictures work now.
  3. still nothing... apparently i'm just the idiot who can't see the pictures!
  4. Looks like someone reversed the two step process for sharing photo links: 1) Upload pictures 2) share link Epic fail!
  5. Although, I'm truly sick of the MJ death investigation soap opera, a few things are abundantly clear: 1) Yes, he was acquitted of the abuse charges, but he was no saint. He was just as much an addict as a homeless meth addict that lives at the top of a subway terminal. 2) He had some deep psychological issues stemming from his youth. 3) It's an absolute miracle of miracles that he lived to be 50. All the drug abuse, surgeries, and general unhealthy living would have killed most men at a younger age. Based on all these allegations, it is a bloody miracle he wasn't a member of the 27 Club. 4) On top of all of that, whether or not you liked his music or style, you have to admit that he was the best of the best. Like everyone that dies young (i.e. jimi hendrix, janis joplin, robert johnson, jerry garcia to an extent, etc.) you wonder how much talent he left on the table due to his shortcomings. 5) An absolute freak. The whole missing nose thing is just ridiculous. Do you know how many times your nose has to be changed before it literally falls off? Guess those rumors in 2005 in the court case were true. That really was a taped on nose. 6) Assuming that the allegations of joe jackson beating him are true, joe will have a place ready in hell for when his time comes. I vent because I work in education and I know what abuse does to children. MJ is the perfect example of what happens when that helpless, abused child grows up.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OOWQxv2_M4 I hadn't seen that in 20 years.. Good lord.
  7. It better not be before Greg Bell.
  8. Bruce. Reggie was very talented, and nothing should be taken away from his career. Same goes with LT. These two guys revolutionized the defensive line/rushing linebacker position. However, Bruce was just better. He not only forced teams to gameplan around him, he scared the living crap out of coaches and offensive players. He made his teammates better... When you take on two guys, you allow for the OLB behind you to make a play. When you BEAT those two guys blocking you almost every down, and you have the help from the outside, you're just ridiculous and dominant. Everyone loves to start an argument, play the devil's advocate, etc. but Bruce Smith was the best defensive player in the history of the NFL, period. David Deacon Jones be damned... LT's crazy eyes be damned. Reggie's dominance and heart [no pun intended] be damned... Great players, changed the game, hall of famers, etc... But they can all sit down BEHIND Bruce Smith when forming the "best ever" line. It's about time that we make a real argument here... Was Bruce Smith the best PLAYER ever in the NFL? There's a real argument, as opposed to this reggie vs. bruce one.
  9. yes... here it is http://www.google.com
  10. Lots of agents died during Prohibition too. It's your choice to smoke pot, but if it were legal, it could be taxed, regulated, distributed, shipped, and traded legally. Legalizing something dries up the illegal market real quick. Legal Pot=zero crime related to illegal marijuana trade.
  11. I thought only girls had hoods...
  12. Um, Favre hasn't missed a game since like 1992. Yes, the NFL was loads of fun in 91, but he hasn't missed a game since then.
  13. I respect your argument because Favre has been pedestrian at best for about 7 or 8 years now, minus his last year in GB. Yes, he has the most INTs ever, but he also owns every other significant passing record. He's got that game streak. Hell, he played last year, the entire year, without a biceps muscle in his throwing arm. He was treading water, but to do what he did with the structural damage in his arm is just ridiculous. While I respect your opinion, I'd have to rank Favre as one of the all time greats, if not the greatest QB of all time. Yes, there's a lot of folksy hype, but he's got the hardware to back it all up. Do what I do... put the tv on mute and enjoy watching one of the best ever, so you can tell your grandkids that you saw Brett Favre play football, just like my grandpa tells me about Sammy Baugh, Johnny Unitas, and Babe Ruth.
  14. It was JP Losman. Cannon arm, sh-- accuracy. Kelly would have beaned the pilot.
  15. Give him a key to your Taurus. Seriously though, Ralph will be looked upon in a positive light forever for his contributions to the history of the game and the history of Buffalo, NY. Coming out and basically saying that the team will only move over his cold, dead body is a pretty cut and dry statement regarding his loyalty to the city. Nobody can fault him for getting old.
  16. If this were a sabrespace thread, I'd put "Boom. Roasted" and then post and close it.
  17. Well, looks like John finally got his tool.
  18. Nice glasses.
  19. Can you imagine the horror if the Tabasco factory or the Jack Daniels distillery suffered the same fate? Good lord there'd be some problems!
  20. I will say that a little bit of maintenance will go a long long way for windows xp and vista. In terms of maintenance, I do this once a month to our windows vista laptop: 1) go to the "clean hard drive" button under hard drive properties. 2) run ccleaner 3) go to the performance settings in the system properties and set the page file setting to "no page file" and restart IN SAFE MODE WITH COMMAND PROMPT. 4) when the command prompt boots up, i defrag using "defrag -c -w -f -v" It does a good job and shows me all the defrag stats 5) after defragging, I type "explorer" in the command prompt. When the explorer boots up, i close out the command prompt. 6) I go back to the page file settings and set the file for 512mb for minimum and 512 mb for max. I have 4 gigs of ram on the computer. there's no use for a gigantic page file... hell, there's no reason for one at all, but windows does seem to run a little faster. 7) restart computer in normal mode. That's my normal once-a-month weekend maintenance. Usually takes about 2-3 hours the first time i do it on a new windows install, after that, usually takes about 45 minutes. ------------ Now, if you've got a b unch of junk loading at startup, first remove the unnecessary programs using add/remove programs. Then, run msconfig (in admin mode if you're using vista). This program lets you select startup programs and deselect stuff you don't need. Also, check out the "installed windows components" in add/remove programs as well as services running in the administrator folder of the control panel. You will usually have to wipe and start over once every year and a half to two years, but regular maintenance goes a long long long way. ---------------- Avast! If you're not using Avast, chances are you're using norton or mcafee. If you're using norton or mcafee, chances are, you're also baking retatta. Get my drift? USE AVAST! AVG is also a good free av, but the newer versions are just a bit too much bloat for my tastes.. I love avast though.
  21. So, does he get to go to the induction? Good thing that Wilson is also going to be inducted, or else i'd be pissed off if Bruce missed the show!
  22. I don't argue against the fact that XP is solid as a rock, and once customized and tweaked, so is Vista. However, you cannot deny the speed and reliability of Apple OS X. It's not a matter of the apple hardware being any better or worse than pc hardware... It's the same damn thing. The advantages I see in my macbook pro vs. my wife's dell laptop are as follows (this is nothing about the os's): 1) the case... a single sheet of aluminum PWNS clunky plastic parts, no matter how you argue. 2) the keyboard... the keys are big, responsive, they are spaced appropriately for dainty fingers as well as sausage hands, and they have a cool fiber optic lighting (although this doesn't enhance the feature set at all.) 3) the monitor and minidisplay port... The monitor is LED rather than LCD, so its bright and vibrant like a plasma while using a fraction of the energy. The screen is a pane of glass. Very durable, easy to clean, and if you're not a glossy screen lover, the colors pop through any glare. As for the minidisplay port, its just a miniature dvi, about half the size of a usb plug. 4) the touchpad. This thing is a glass multi touch pad. It's the single greatest feature of the mac, IMHO. The disadvantages: 1) price. This sucker was expensive 2) minidisplay port. Yeah, its listed as an advantage, but its only an advantage if you have an apple led cinema display monitor (which i have, and its the 2nd awesomest thing about this computer). While the plug is hot swappable, small, and digital, it is not universally standard YET. If HDMI doesn't become the pc/mac standard connection, minidisplay will. You can't really argue against a 1/4" square plug that is hot swappable. 3) lack of software support, namely games and blackberry. I have a BB and the pocketmac sync program absolutely blows. I sync ical with google calendar, and i have my google mail set up as IMAP with mail.app. Address book won't sync to the cloud though, so i must use my BB as an intermediary, and i hate it. Hopefully osx 10.6 will fully support address book to google contacts sync. I also have a 256 gb SSD, but I won't really list that as an advantage, because they are available for pcs too. I have installed xp on the mac using boot camp (wikipedia that if you're not too knowledgeable on macs), and i will admit, xp ran a hell of a lot faster than it did on my old computer. In fact, it flew, and I second guessed myself a couple times on whether I should have just gone ahead and gotten a SSD for my old alienware laptop. If you can get over the price aspect, it becomes clear that mac computers don't own pcs, and pcs don't own macs... The hardware is what it is... Macs are engineered entirely as a unit and are marketed as a whole, whereas, pcs have always been customizable and have been marketed as an integration of components. The real true advantage of macs over pcs is the operating system. I have not tried win 7 yet, so this is based on vista, xp, 98, etc... mac os simply blows microsoft windows out of the water, and always has since the 1980's. The niche programs for macs is awesome while the gaming support of windows is awesome, but in the end, osx rules because the mac os kernel (unix) > MS Windows kernel. I'm also looking forward to my $29 upgrade to Snow Leopard in early september... Price can't be beat on that one!
  23. I nominate A.J. Feeley. I can't seem to find the video clip, but when he was with the dolphins, he was hit and injured his ass so much that he got up doing some weird dance move i've never seen before or since. As for RJ... He was an absolute horrible QB, he was injured A LOT, but I'd nominate him as one of the toughest QBs ever. Dude took some major hits and kept getting up. He was stupid to stay in there so long, but he got beat down and kept getting back up. His only redeeming quality.
  24. I love my macbook pro. I realize that its marked up, but this laptop is second to none.
  25. They'll debrief the ceremony tonight. Tomorrow will start the "where's he buried/going to be buried" news. That'll last a few days. There'll be a lull in which time Sanford will be forced to resign, our stock market will either jump or tank again, and some big military thing will happen right as the toxicology report comes out. All relevant national news will then be shelved for a week as "medical experts" break down how exactly he died due to the horse tranquilizers, painkillers, whale urine, etc. that was found in his blood. Then his legacy will be debated. Then, just as news is dying down, we will all go to Canton, and as we go there, radio DJs will break into their playlists and announce that Swayze has died... Thus the circle of entertainment news...
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