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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. Yes, the cheerleaders ALMOST made me like the titans for a second. They put on a good show, especially as the game wore on and they got sweaty.
  2. I thought he said "applaud"
  3. Anyone else catch the "sleep apnea" thing with Darryl Talley? Any night of drinking from now on, I'll be suffering from "sleep apnea" in honor of Bruce!
  4. I saw that awesome auger commercial yesterday... BTW, his discovery show, "Pitchmen" did a tribute to him last month. It was literally 1000x more real and touching than the michael jackson one. I had never seen the show before that one, but it was very well made.
  5. Boom... That's the key You gain a lot of weight from the actual alcohol and the drunk food (mighty, jims, tahous, etc.), but most of it is water. Cut out the alcohol, you lose 5 lbs of alcohol fat and 25 lbs of water weight. It happened to me! I never really worked out or anything but i drank beer all the time, excessively. I decided to make one single lifestyle adjustment: Switch beer for tap water. I went from 199 to 175 without even finding the gym in my town. It's all water weight! Now, lets see what LenDale can do on the field stone cold sober.
  6. I'll be there. Staying in Kent though
  7. Jenna or Barbara (or Barbara senior)?
  8. yeah, but there would be no Picard without Kirk, therefore, Kirk > Picard.
  9. First guy shot down in the 1991 Gulf War on the first night of fighting. He was MIA since then. Today, the DoD announced that they recovered his remains. RIP http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/08/02/us.gulf.w...ains/index.html
  10. I'd have to go with casino royale as my favorite bond movie. I'd rate Craig's character portrayal over Connery's, but the best Bond ever has to go to Sean Connery... Like I said, Craig did a better job with the character, but you can't really put someone else over the original. This is why I went with Connery. I actually liked the campy bond movies. Moore's bond was hilarious and I did enjoy every one of his movies too. Favorite movie by character: Connery--From Russia with Love Lazenby--OHMSS Moore--Live and Let Die Dalton--Living Daylights Brosnan--Golden Eye Craig--Casino Royale (not to spoil the ending, but the last scene of that movie, especially the last line delivered literally sent shivers down my spine. Truly awesome) I ranked from russia... as my favorite, because I really haven't seen any of the connery movies in a long time. I got the box set when it came out about 10 years ago, so its been about that long since i watched them all. Might have to do it again soon!
  11. Tony Romo: Out of the league in 3 years, "Where Are They Now" SI segment in 15...
  12. Thanks. She doesn't have any of those "OMG you're pregnant, BFF" type friends, so i think we're good to go!
  13. Scary... Really scary to me if you take into account that my wife is 8 months pregnant.
  14. Something to consider before your next baker's dozen of krispy kreme!
  15. And fat people B word about "discrimination" when asked to buy 2 seats? get real! On a side note, I bet that lady is enjoying a heart healthy wendy's snack.
  16. Hilton Head is great. I haven't been there since the mid 90's though. My grandparents lived there for about 20 years before moving to florida. Great place.
  17. We got a ford escape a few months ago for my wife. It's a little boxy for my tastes but it drives very well. We both love it.
  18. In other news: Scientists confirm that frogs do indeed have waterproof buttholes.
  19. Well PETA is a terrorist organization... tax exempt too, but that's for PPP... If some pro life guy is stupid enough to snipe someone... well, you know the rest...
  20. That was cool to see. The show is completely staged though. That airport scene is what it's all about. If you've dealt with a lot of non buffalo people, as I have in NC for the past 6 years, all that you have to do is show them that scene and they'd "get it". Pretty awesome to think that he's with us, and opposite Lee Evans. The thought of "it" all coming together this year is enough to make me,
  21. As much as I despise Vick, he did pay his debt to society for what he did. He's out of jail, a free man. As much as I hate it, I say let him play. Just not for my team. The other factor here is public opinion. What team in their right mind would sign the guy? Can you even begin to imagine the backlash? As for Lynch, I'd be pleased if it was appealed down to a 1 game suspension.
  22. After some wikipedia research, it turns out the Drayton Florence actually played in the NFL before. He was the moron with the chargers a few years ago that got a personal foul on a punt after they had stopped new england. Got fined for blowing up a QB too. He's not going to be playing on Jeopardy any time soon, from how that article was read! Someone should bring a rape stand to practice today and give it to Drayton during the autograph session! I'm really heated on the Vick thing lately. Something funny happened between the time that all of the Vick stuff went down a few years ago and now. I got a dog. My beagle, Bailey, is truly my best friend, and right now, besides bringing OJ back as official team ambassador, signing Vick would make me turn away from football all together till he was gone. He should go to the dolphins so we can beat him down 2 games this season.
  23. In hindsight, we all would have done the same thing... I was over it about 10 seconds after it was done, and had completely forgotten about it till you brought it up. That game was crazy though. One of the few non-bills games that I actually got emotionally involved in. I can't believe it, but I was the biggest Jets fan that night.
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