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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. Elvis was king but Chuck was a living God.
  2. Saving Private Ryan and Full Metal Jacket are my two favorites; however, I loved to watch Black Hawk Down... Till I started to work with the widow of one of the KIA. I've had zero urge to see it again till I show my son and then tell her about our connection.
  3. I was in 9th grade. My life is great now. Wife, child, dog, house, master's degree. I'm halfway through my career as an educator. I've buried 3 of 4 grandparents. My siblings have gotten married. I have 4 nephews and one niece. Life is really good so far... It's crazy to think that its literally been a GENERATION since the Bills were good. Hell, there's 25 year old college grads who have no idea. The Sabres haven't even been that great... My 7 year old son doesn't even know what the playoffs are. He was an infant during the last Sabres playoff victory. People really do have a bond with the teams and the city. I just can't wait for our time.
  4. The boston globe tweeted yesterday that BB was the greatest coach ever. Luke russert retweeted and stated that Barry Bonds was the greatest hitter since Ted Williams, but his obituary cannot be written without the word "cheater" in it. I'm paraphrasing the tweet since I cannot access Twitter at work... With that said, yes, Tom Brady is a great QB, but you cannot write his obituary without mentioning cheating.
  5. I believe he just quoted Marv Levy.
  6. Source? My source is my two eyes... The dude screams leadership on the field. Hell, go look at what happens whenever a player gets injured. Taylor is there with the trainers talking for a few seconds, then he backs off and prays right next to the guy. That's leadership. The dude may not be the perfect QB, but he's average to above average and may or may not be worth the contract... But to say he's not a leader on the field is simply incorrect.
  7. Apparently in that famous Piper's Pit segment, a coconut was made into a prop by shaving off part of it to explode on his head without causing much pain. The story goes that the Hot Rod (also RIP) hit him wrong and knocked him silly.
  8. I'm sure he'll have his brain donated to find out. I don't believe that they can diagnose CTE while someone is alive. He was involved in a concussion lawsuit against WWE though. It's kinda hard to say he won't eventually be diagnosed though.. After all, look at this classic:
  9. I'm surprised WWE acknowledged the death given the CTE lawsuit and the "alleged" killing of the girlfriend. Chris Benoit was erased from their history books just 10 years ago for also "allegedly" killing his family.
  10. I may be the only person to admit this, but that actually had a catchy hook... Also, I need a Bomb Pop.
  11. Awesome. our school psychologists do some working from home but not too much and only in spurts as you have described. such is the life of a public servant!
  12. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly do you do? I'm a special education case manager which requires a ton of report writing, IEP meetings, and consultation with teachers in my department. I don't consider checking email as 'bringing work home" though. I consider that bringing home case files, writing complicated reports, or doing some form of data analysis... Teachers, principals and district admin constantly email after hours. I generally respond because that's my MO, but I don't have to respond... I just don't have time the following day to write something I could have written at 9pm the night before. I also work 12 months, so I love the summer months because there's very few staff and lots of time to get ahead.
  13. I work in the central office of a public school system... I work 8-4 either from a desk, meeting with parents, or traveling between schools. Most public school teachers work at night from home grading, planning, networking for ideas, etc. I do not generally bring any of my work home with me. I will occasionally stay at work late and will occasionally type a report from my home computer, but I refuse to bring files home and bring work stress home. I will also check emails and respond to most of them too. I've never asked anyone to do anything after hours nor have I ever been mandated to do something from 5pm-8am the next day.
  14. Was the cab driver Ralph himself or was there someone else in the front office that specifically leaked info to Berman? I thought I read somewhere that Berman confirmed RCW after his death. Either way, its a sad day for Buffalo Sports as Berman was definitely in our corner.
  15. I still have my Hurricanes beer mug they gave out to 15000 Sabres fans that day. What a bunch of maroons.
  16. Great place... Food is good, decor is Buffalo, Bills Backers meet there on Sundays... Good times. Too bad I live 75 minutes away.
  17. I'm fairly confident this article was posted here last year or earlier this year: https://www.bostonglobe.com/sports/2015/01/29/mysterious-ernie-adams-patriots-man-behind-curtain/IrNCfgrysUphGpkcIjEaBL/story.html Just makes you wonder...
  18. Similar situation... My wife's MO is to say "we're ready to go" and then I'll run in, put my shoes and coat on, and open the garage door to get to the car. 5 minutes later, she arrives and complains that I left the house too early... Um, you said you were ready. When you're ready, you're ready to leave NOW, not putz around for 5 minutes doing God knows what.
  19. A day that will live in infamy. RIP
  20. Stay tuned... The show usually isn't in the can till Wednesday morning anyways, so we'll just have to wait in anticipation till tonight.
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