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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. I don't want doug flutie because his name is doug flutie. He burned bridges while he was here, plus to be frank, he sucked. Then there's the fact that he made women, aged 35 and higher overtly horny. I cannot have that in my town again. NEVER EVER AGAIN!
  2. He is attempting the slick combover. When he's not on tv, (like for the jimmy v golf thing last weekend), his hair is a giant balding nate clements like puff. So, while his hair is bad looking, at least he's not sporting a mullet.
  3. and holy crap!! $80 to become a full member!
  4. now that is one content loaded website... in more ways than one
  5. This school holdoff thing is crazy right now. I'm watching cnn and there are naked kids running around and people getting shot. Something interesting to wake up to, to say the least. The good news i guess is that there aren't any reports of dead kids yet. just dead terrorists and a couple reporters.
  6. This is a really stevestojany thread. it deserves to be stevestojaned on. By the way, what is the past tense of stevestojan? would it be stavastojen? anyways, good luck cyber buddy. Hope you have everything of relevance in your car somewhere in georgia right now.
  7. I enjoy tasker and crique (i think), on cbs together. They covered a couple games last season and impressed me. I've caught tasker and levy on the nfl network and they are pretty bad together.
  8. Any mention of a female, even if it is your 14 year old daugher requires a link to some partial nudity. PM the full frontals to people who request it, as the thread will be deleted... Now, back to your 14 year old daugher...
  9. its a southern thing... native Floridians are especially dumb though. Although one time i was in virginia at a restaurant and i asked the lady what the tax % was for the bill and she said "I don't know. the cash register does it for me". I was like, um, ok!
  10. Steve, also get: 1) fireproof/waterproof box for important documents. 2) tape up windows. a simple "X" across each will do the trick. masking tape of course 3) lawn furniture in pool or inside somewhere, also clean up debris around your place. A small stick can do a load of damage. 4) if you have the area, park the car against your building "in the shadow" of the wind. If not, just park it far enough away from power lines, poles, etc. 5) make sure gutters, shingles, tiles, etc. are secure 6) When storm hits, turn off all unncessary electonic equipment and unplug it. You will end up frying something. 7) The old school corded phone is a great idea, although phones won't last more than an hour after the power goes out (phones work on batteries, then they're dead) 8) by all means, if it looks like its going to be bad in your neighborhood, don't hesitate... take your computer, dog, and that waterproof/fireproof box and get the f out. 9) hate to say it, but take your dish down. directv makes one hell of a projectile if the wind catches it right. 10) as much as i hate to say it, stay clear of booze... you'll need a clear head if you have to get away from immediate danger... of course if you're like me, and in an area that's going to get messed up, but not destroyed, and your life isn't in clear and present danger, then by all means... cowboy up 11) dev is correct about a mag lite.. durable and most importantly, waterproof. 12) All electonics off of the floor, including wires. 13) if a window does break, open a window on the other side of your house to equalize the pressure, or else you risk every window in your house breaking. 14) first aid kit. Get a substantial one. its hard to avoid glass with 100 mph winds. the gause will come in handy. 15) if you're in your car, get one of those little emergency hammer and seat belt cutter. If your car goes under, the best bet is to break or roll down the window and climb out. Unlike the movies, your car will go down in a split second, and you won't be able to actually open the door because of the pressure difference. 16) thank the football gods for not having nfl this weekend. it would suck to miss the jax game if it were played on the 5th instead of the 12th. good luck man... come back here and post as soon as possible if it affects you so we know you're ok. oh, one more thing, make sure your APC on your computer has a fresh battery. sorta costly, but if there's a bunch of power flashes and surges, your computer could get f-ed.
  11. IF we all want to die, we could put the pucillo and mike williams on wrightsville beach to block the storm surge. In all seriousness, good luck and god speed for those in the way of wherever this thing is actually going to hit. I'm just far enough away where my life isn't in danger if i don't hang out under a tree, but close enough to thank myself for having nice renters insurance coverage. We'll see what happens, but i expect every hotel in fayetteville to be booked with evacuees. Maybe there won't even be school next tuesday (i'm a teacher...)
  12. Just to help dev complete the list, here's some more for you to answer What is your interpretation of a garbage plate? Why is ed a terrible human being? Kerry Walsh or Misty May? After your 5000 word response to who has the best ass, we would like to see links to back up your argument. Also, you'll either have to post between 11pm on a friday and 5am on a saturday, using terrible spelling and grammar, and mention how drunk you are. Fake it if you're not.
  13. I've seen a few of them from last year. Haven't watched it in about 4 months though. I like the show though. Monster garage and american chopper on discovery rule too.
  14. I use a NAT router, norton internet security 2004 pro, and spybot search and destroy. Spybot is rated as #1 by pcmagazine, or at least it was. Norton has a pop up blocker and spam blocker along with the firewall. I like the firewall because i installed kazaa for a few mp3s and then uninstalled it. However, kazaa leaves spyware behind, which is easy to disable using norton. The moral here is you'll have to spend a few extra bucks (<$50) to get a perfectly clean machine. Free spyware removal programs only go so far.
  15. The bills should make this thing into a pdf file or something. Sure, it costs about $10 or so in print, but it should be available to download. Now that my rant is up, i'm going to search to see if this actually does exist. if it does, the first person to make a crow from scratch from photoshop will be serving me dinner.
  16. The francis/frances debate reminds me of the debate about what key "the trapper song" was sung, in the movie cannibal! the musical. In all seriousness to this: i hope it doesn't hit. I live in fayetteville, which is northwest of wilmington by about an hour. While not taking the brunt of any storm since isabel last year, my town has been hit with the aftermaths of every single storm since. Garcon was definitely the worst this past sunday. It blew the lawn chairs into windows and stuff. Thankfully nothing broke. This weekend, i'll be moving all that stuff inside with a case of beer, cause its going to be bad.
  17. nelly... that was a great song One thing i noticed was that big boi pushed the bible during his speech, then during outkast's songs, he yelled "play the goddamn song andre". I thought that was funny. Those monk looking people and that song was just plain odd.
  18. I'm in season 2 of my franchise. I made things interesting and traded virtually every starter, except for evans and reed to try to make a new team from the draft. I'm still undefeated, but the games are all really close.
  19. I think it will probably turn northward and slam georgia or SC. That seems to be the trend of this year's hurricanes. In any event steve, good luck. Come to fayetteville... you can shift the party to my place.
  20. I don't get it about the juice. Nobody gives him props for running for 2000 yards in 14 games. Let's see jamal lewis run for 2000 yards by mid december.. then we'll talk.
  21. my dad just e-mailed me and said it was sick looking. I just hope this hurricane doesn't scramble my directv at 9 tonight.
  22. if the bills bring back johnson, they might as well sign bryan cox to be the jills coach. don't listen to salsbury ever. never ever ever!
  23. Could you imagine griese with a ready supply of blue and canadian? Much better than coors (denver), or fuzzy navel wine coolers (miami).
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